I said many times now, that we're not in the coffee business serving people...
Howard Schultz
...but we're in the people business serving coffee...
Howard Schultz
...and I mean that literally.
Howard Schultz
We also have learned that the business model of Starbucks,...
Howard Schultz
...no better than any other business but different,...
Howard Schultz
...is quite unique and that is, that we set out to build...
Howard Schultz
...a different kind of company that would create...
Howard Schultz
...and achieve the balance between profitability,...
Howard Schultz
...and creating long term value for the shareholders...
Howard Schultz
...while integrating that pursuit with a social conscience,...
Howard Schultz
...and a level of benevolence and guiding principles, and that is...
Howard Schultz
...directly linked to healthcare for all of our employees.
Howard Schultz
Everyone is an owner...
Howard Schultz
...and I think we've proven that you can build a business that is enormously profitable,...
Howard Schultz
...and at the same time, shares its success with its people and the communities at large.