Moe, Larry, and Curly were wandering in the Arabian desert when they were captured by a band of ferocious Bedouin.
"By the code of the desert you miserable infidels must be destroyed," declared their savage leader. "Set up the guillotine !"
Moe was the first to be ordered to the death instrument.
The blade descended but, amazingly, stopped just short of his neck.
"It's a miracle! " declared the Arab. "Release him!"
Next, Larry placed his head under the huge, razor-sharp blade. But once again it stopped short of his neck.
"By Allah, another miracle!" affirmed the sheik once more. "Release him! "
Finally, Curly was led to the ominous device. Looking closely he noticed a splinter of wood blocking the path of the blade.
"Well, no wonder it,s not working," he announced.
"Here's your problem right here."