After the Civil War, Harrison was a Colonel of the70th Volunteer Infantry. He became a pillar of Indianapolis business and society, enhancing hisreputation as a brilliant lawyer. In the 1880's he served in the United States Senate, wherehe supported the causes of Native Americans, freed slaves and Civil War veterans. Inparticular, he campaigned for aid for the education of the children of slaves.
In the Presidential election, Harrison received 100,000 fewer popular votes than incumbentPresident Grover Cleveland. However, he carried the Electoral College 233 to 168 to return theRepublicans to power. The biggest domestic problem Harrison faced was the tariff issue andthe surplus of money in the Treasury. Democrats attacked his "Billion Dollar Congress" forwasting taxpayers’ money and hurting businesses.
Long before the end of the Harrison Administration, the Treasury surplus had evaporated, andthe good times seemed about to disappear as well. Congressional elections in 1890 went againstthe Republicans, and party leaders decided to abandon President Harrison. He returned tolegal practice. He represented Venezuela in a dispute with the United Kingdom. He died in1901 aged 67.