并非所有慈善家都是富有的。每次幾個硬幣就是陳樹菊如何賺錢為生的方式。她一天工作長達十八小時,一週工作六天。但無論她賺多少,她一天不花超過三美金(約臺幣 90 元)在自己身上。拿剩下來的錢,她幫助他人。
I feel very happy after donating money. Money is only useful if you give it to people who need it.
Poverty is something Ms. Chen has struggled with almost all her life. She quit school to help support her family after her mother died during a difficult childbirth. Her brother died a few years later, also because her family couldn't afford proper medical care. But instead of getting angry, the tragedies inspired her to help the less fortunate.
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With her modest earnings and simple way of living, Ms. Chen has managed to donate more than 350,000 dollars to a local school, hospital, and children's homes like this one, which look after youngsters whose parents can't care for them.
Many children have grown up on the money and vegetables she donates, and the charity has built a second home in another city. Her generosity is frequently met with shock. And I'm surprised and then I say, "Wow, you give me one million?" I say, "I thought it's five thousand or ten thousand. That's a big money already." And I say, "Wow, what can I do?" I say, "What can I do?" I ask her. She says, "Well...what do you want, what do you plan, you do it, and just help the kids."
Her charity donations have made Ms. Chen famous around the world. She's received multiple honors and awards, including this one from the Filipino president, where she was awarded 50,000 dollars. She promptly gave the money away to this local hospital. That inspired an outpouring of donations, and a new medical wing. Despite the hard work and back and knee problems, Ms. Chen has no plans to retire.
I hope I can do this forever. Everyone can do it. It's not just me. If you want to do it, you must do it right away. After all, you can't take the money with you when you leave this world.
Cindy Sui, BBC News, Taitung City.
BBC 新聞 Cindy Sui 在臺東市為您報導。