This is the BBC World Service.
On Forum in Correspondent today, a Burma special Alex Preston reports on jade smuggling and we hear from Gerona Fischer on one of the world's first hijackings, a participant recalls his fight for an independent Koran Nation.
在記者論壇中今天要做關(guān)于緬甸的特殊報道。Alex Preston報道說發(fā)生了一起走私玉器事件,Gerona Fischer報道了世界上第一起劫持事件,一個參加伊斯蘭教獨立戰(zhàn)爭的士兵的戰(zhàn)爭回憶錄。
This is the BBC world service – The World's Radio Station.
Hello, it's one o'clock GMT, 10 in an evening in Rio where there are some very happy German football fans.
The German team made really a fantastic World Cup here and glorious day! Well, it's historical day. No Germany winning in America that could be better.
German ecstasy, Argentine agony.
This is very disappointing. We are very sad. We hope that the Argentina wins and it doesn’t happen.
I'm Nick Mars. This is the news room, we'll hear from Rio shortly. Also today, more Israeli air strikes on northern Gaza; thousands there are fleeing.
Nick Mars為您報道。這里是導(dǎo)播室,隨后我們將繼續(xù)報道來自里約的報道。同樣發(fā)生在今天,更多的以色列人民正遭受著來自加沙北部的空襲,成千的人民正在逃亡。
How can I do? Look how many kids I have. We just lived with what you see. We are forced to leave.
One of the biggest salvage operations in maritime history. To raise the wreck of the Costa Concordia cruise ship begins in a few hours time and later. one of the most prodigious conductors of recent years Lorin Maazel has died. We look back at his career.
史上規(guī)模最大的海事行動即將展開,這次打撈行動將打撈Costa Concordia游輪。
近幾年最非凡的指揮家Lorin Maazel被證實去世。讓我們來回顧一下他的音樂生涯。
You are listening to the BBC.
BBC News with Natalie Roseton.
Natalie Roseton為您報道。
Germany has become the first European team to win the World Cup in Latin America after beating Argentina by a single goal in extra time. Substitute Mario Goetze scored with a superb close range volley. The victory in the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro is Germany's fourth World Cup. Argentina's captain Lionel Messi won the Player of the Tournament award. The BBC's Massy Canyon was at the stadium.
德國是在南美洲地區(qū)第一個獲得世界杯冠軍的歐洲球隊。憑借格策一腳漂亮的近距離射門讓德國隊第四次獲得了世界杯冠軍。阿根廷隊長梅西獲得了世界杯金球獎。下面是本臺記者 Massy Canyon為您發(fā)回的報道。
A brilliant individual goal from Mario Goetze gave Germany their fourth World Cup crown as extra time ticked away in the Maracana and we faced the prospect of penalties. Taking a fine ball from Andre Schuerrle on his chest Goetze fired home first time past Sergio Romero to break the deadlock with minutes of extra time remaining. Argentina had no time to recover and the final whistle sparked huge celebrations from the German camp and tears of despair from their beaten opponent on the pitch and in the crowd.
足球天才格策帶領(lǐng)德國第四次贏得了世界杯冠軍,當(dāng)加時賽時間一點一點過去的時候,人們的心中不免更加緊張,還怕自己國家球隊會失誤。從Andre Schuerrle傳過來的球在格策胸前停頓,格策一腳掃射,球略過阿根廷選手Sergio Romero直沖進(jìn)球門,也是這一球在加時賽的最后定格了雙方比分。令阿根廷選手無力還擊,隨即勝利的煙火撒滿天空。德國球迷歡呼雀躍,阿根廷球迷傷心落淚。
The win sparked celebrations in Berlin. Here is Steve Evans.
勝利的煙花照耀整個柏林。下面是Steve Evans為您報道。
The moment of the final whistle and the celebration started. Fireworks exploded into the Berlin sky over a crowd estimated at half a million people. For 113 minutes, as they fear they'd be deprived of the first World Cup for a united Germany, then Mario Goetze broke the deadlock. In the stadium in Brazil, Chancellor Merkel literally jumped for joy.
The Palestinian Health Ministry says 172 Palestinians have been killed since Israel since this started its latest attacks on Gaza, and more than 1,200 people have been injured. No Israeli has been killed but many rockets fired from Gaza by Hamas, and two missiles were shot down over Tel Aviv. Gerome Boyne reports from Gaza.
巴勒斯坦衛(wèi)生部門稱172名巴勒斯坦人在最近這次以以色列襲擊加沙戰(zhàn)火中喪生,1,200多人受傷。沒有以色列人在此次交火中犧牲,但是哈馬斯激進(jìn)分子向加沙地帶發(fā)射了大量火箭彈,其中兩個火箭落在了特拉維夫市。Gerome Boyne在加沙為您報道。
The Israel with American support is at self-defence, but as more Palestinian civilians die, the pressure for a ceasefire is growing. Israel isn't trying to win friends in the Gaza Strip. It does want a weakened Hamas as an organization. But every time Palestinian civilians die, Hamas gets a popularity boost. The Israelis say Hamas attacks their people and it's therefore responsible for civilian deaths when Israel retaliates. But no Palestinian will listen to that.
Britain and the United States have renewed calls for Russia to de escalate the worsening situation in eastern Ukraine. In a telephone conversation the British Prime Minister David Cameron and President Barack Obama stressed the need for Moscow to take further steps towards peace or face further sanctions. Fighting has intensified as a rebel missile attack on Friday killed dozens of government soldiers. Tensions rose further over the weekend when Russia accused Ukrainian forces of shelling across the border killing one person and wounding two others.
BBC News.
This is the BBC World Service.
On Forum in Correspondent today, a Burma special Alex Preston reports on jade smuggling and we hear from Gerona Fischer on one of the world's first hijackings, a participant recalls his fight for an independent Koran Nation.
This is the BBC world service – The World's Radio Station.
Hello, it's one o'clock GMT, 10 in an evening in Rio where there are some very happy German football fans.
The German team made really a fantastic World Cup here and glorious day! Well, it's historical day. No Germany winning in America that could be better.
German ecstasy, Argentine agony.
This is very disappointing. We are very sad. We hope that the Argentina wins and it doesn’t happen.
I'm Nick Mars. This is the news room, we'll hear from Rio shortly. Also today, more Israeli air strikes on northern Gaza; thousands there are fleeing.
How can I do? Look how many kids I have. We just lived with what you see. We are forced to leave.
One of the biggest salvage operations in maritime history. To raise the wreck of the Costa Concordia cruise ship begins in a few hours time and later one of the most prodigious conductors of recent years Lorin Maazel has died. We look back at his career.
You are listening to the BBC.
BBC News with Natalie Roseton.
Germany has become the first European team to win the World Cup in Latin America after beating Argentina by a single goal in extra time. Substitute Mario Goetze scored with a superb close range volley. The victory in the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro is Germany's fourth World Cup. Argentina's captain Lionel Messi won the Player of the Tournament award. The BBC's Massy Canyon was at the stadium.
A brilliant individual goal from Mario Goetze gave Germany their fourth World Cup crown as extra time ticked away in the Maracana and we faced the prospect of penalties. Taking a fine ball from Andre Schuerrle on his chest Goetze fired home first time past Sergio Romero to break the deadlock with minutes of extra time remaining. Argentina had no time to recover and the final whistle sparked huge celebrations from the German camp and tears of despair from their beaten opponent on the pitch and in the crowd.
The win sparked celebrations in Berlin. Here is Steve Evans.
The moment of the final whistle and the celebration started. Fireworks exploded into the Berlin sky over a crowd estimated at half a million people. For 113 minutes, as they fear they'd be deprived of the first World Cup for a united Germany, then Mario Goetze broke the deadlock. In the stadium in Brazil, Chancellor Merkel literally jumped for joy.
The Palestinian Health Ministry says 172 Palestinians have been killed since Israel started its latest attacks on Gaza, and more than 12,000 people have been injured. No Israeli has been killed by the many rockets fired from Gaza by Hamas, and two missiles were shot down over Tel Aviv. Gerome Boyne reports from Gaza.
The Israel with American support is at self-defence, but as more Palestinian civilians die, the pressure for a ceasefire is growing. Israel isn't trying to win friends in the Gaza Strip. It does want a weakened Hamas as an organization. But every time Palestinian civilians die, Hamas gets a popularity boost. The Israelis say Hamas attacks their people and it's therefore responsible for civilian deaths when Israel retaliates. But no Palestinian will listen to that.
Britain and the United States have renewed calls for Russia to deescalate the worsening situation in eastern Ukraine. In a telephone conversation the British Prime Minister David Cameron and President Barack Obama stressed the need for Moscow to take further steps towards peace or face further sanctions. Fighting has intensified as a rebel missile attack on Friday killed dozens of government soldiers. Tensions rose further over the weekend when Russia accused Ukrainian forces of shelling across the border killing one person and wounding two others.
BBC News.
Koran Nation.“古蘭經(jīng)”國家
Costa Concordia cruise ship 科斯塔·康科迪亞游輪
2012年1月當(dāng)?shù)貢r間13日晚,一艘游輪在意大利海域觸礁擱淺,目前已有至少11人死亡,約40人下落不明。事發(fā)時,這艘名為“科斯塔·肯考迪婭”號的游輪正在進(jìn)行環(huán)地中海旅程,但在行駛至意大利季略島附近時觸礁擱淺。船上搭載4234人,包括52名6歲以下兒童,三分之一乘客為意大利人,乘客包括意大利人、德國人和法國人和約1000名船員等。當(dāng)時郵輪上有22名香港游客,值得慶幸的是,他們已被證實全部獲救。當(dāng)?shù)毓賳T稱,因為在營救最后部分被困乘客遭遇困難,傷亡人數(shù)可能進(jìn)一步上升。吉利奧島居民熱心提供食物和毛毯,當(dāng)?shù)芈灭^、學(xué)校和體育場館向他們開放。 據(jù)報道,死者中有一名70多歲的男性在游輪擱淺發(fā)生傾斜后因跳入冰冷的海水突發(fā)心臟病死亡。另有多人受傷,其中兩人傷勢嚴(yán)重。 截止到北京時間14日上午10點,當(dāng)局已經(jīng)救出約3200名乘客和1000船員,但仍有約200人被困船上。 意大利海岸警衛(wèi)隊發(fā)表聲明稱,“約在當(dāng)?shù)貢r間晚8點,290米長的科斯塔-肯考迪婭號游輪船體開始進(jìn)水并傾斜了約20度”。其后又表示,游輪的左側(cè)船體撞上了礁石,并被劃開一個長70至100米的裂口。
乘客們曾聽到隆隆巨響,但一開始只是被告知游輪發(fā)生了電路故障,稍后才被要求穿上救生衣。驚惶失措的乘客沖向救生艇,而多名乘客倉惶跳入海中。大約有100名乘客被救起,仍有約40名乘客下落不明。 “這像極了電影《泰坦尼克號》中的場景”“一切開始下沉,所有人都驚慌失措地奔跑”一名幸存者說,“我們不知道事態(tài)究竟有多嚴(yán)重。后來我們透過窗戶看見水越來越近。大家都想早點登上救生艇,但是人們非常驚恐,開始互相推搡,好多人從樓梯上掉了下來”。意大利的豪華油輪諧和號擱淺翻覆,整個過程當(dāng)中就像是泰坦尼克的翻版,游客們非常的驚慌無措,場面非常的恐怖,尖叫聲四起大家倉皇逃生,有的人甚至跳海逃生。即使是已經(jīng)坐上救生艇的人也非常驚慌,一名65歲的婦女回憶說救生艇上的乘客開始搶別的乘客身上的救生衣,而這名65歲的婦人只能夠搶到小孩子自穿的救生衣。
1月16日,黑匣子部分內(nèi)容公布,包括郵輪航行路線數(shù)據(jù)和駕駛艙船員對話內(nèi)容證實協(xié)和號船長弗朗切斯科·斯凱蒂諾確實棄船而逃,沒有指揮疏散。 獲救的乘客
船長弗朗切斯科·斯凱蒂諾與港口官員的通話錄音文本顯示,斯凱蒂諾棄船而逃并且“拒絕返回崗位”,沒有參與指揮乘客和船員疏散。當(dāng)時,一名港口官員命令船長:“現(xiàn)在你去船首,上應(yīng)急梯,協(xié)調(diào)疏散……你必須告訴我船上一共多少人,多少乘客,多少兒童、婦女,每一類人具體多少”。船長似乎沒有執(zhí)行港口官員的命令,遭到質(zhì)問:“你在干什么?你是想放棄救援么?船長,這是命令”。 一家意大利媒體報道,當(dāng)海岸警衛(wèi)隊隊員于14日1時30分發(fā)現(xiàn)斯凱蒂諾安全地裹在毛毯里時,提醒他船長應(yīng)與船同在的傳統(tǒng),但斯凱蒂諾拒絕返回郵輪。當(dāng)時,距離海岸警衛(wèi)隊宣布結(jié)束疏散行動還有4個多小時。報道稱,斯凱蒂諾上岸后招來一輛出租車,告訴司機(jī):“帶我盡可能地遠(yuǎn)離這里”。
【意大利觸礁游輪將在幾天內(nèi)開始打撈 耗資可能達(dá)2億英鎊】
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