Seen any Dragons Lately?第三十五章 最近見到過龍嗎?
ALI: Hello, Mr. Vegetable Man. Do you remember me? My name is Ali.您好!賣菜的先生,還記得我嗎?我叫埃利。
MR YAMAMOT Yes, Ali. I remember you.記得!埃利。
ALI: I met you when you were going to the Japanese Garden. Did you have a good time?您到日本花園去的時候我見到過您。那次玩得好嗎?
MR YAMAMOTOI: Yes, thank you, Ali. Is this your mother, Ali?很好!謝謝你,埃利。這是你母親嗎?
ALI: Yes, it is. Mommy, I told you about this man.對,是我媽媽。媽媽,他就是我跟你說過的那個人。
MRS NIKZAD: His name is Mr. Yamamoto, Ali. Be polite.他是亞瑪莫托先生,埃利。要有禮貌。
ALI: How do you know his name, Mommy?您怎么知道他的名字,媽媽?
MRS NIKZAD: Because many of my friends have told me about him and his excellent shop. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Yamamoto. Our name is Nikzad.許多朋友都和我談起過他和他極好的商店。真高興見到您,亞瑪莫托先生。我們姓尼克撒德。
MR MAMOT How do you do, Mrs. Nikzad?Your son helped me find my way around the Fair. 您好,尼克撒德太太。您的兒子在博覽會上給我?guī)н^路。
ALI: Are you famous, Mr. Yamamoto? How come?亞瑪莫托先生,您一定很有名吧?怎么出的名?
MR YAMAMOT Because I have lived in this neighborhood a long time.因為我在這附近住了很長時間了。
ALI: But that isn't enough, is it?但這并能說明問題呀,對嗎?
MR. YAMAMOT You have to answer that question for yourself.那你只好自己回答這個問題了。
ALI: No. You have to do something special to be famous. You have to kill a dragon.不,您一定做過什么特別出名的事。您一定殺了一條龍。
MR. YAMAMOT I've never done that. I have seen many and fought with a few. But to my knowledge I haven't killed any yet.我從來沒殺過龍。我見的很多,也和人爭吵過,但在我的記憶里,還沒殺過什么東西。
CUSTOMER: Excuse me, do you have any lettuce?勞駕,您這兒有萵巨嗎?
ALI: Wow, have you ever ... ?噢,您……?
Mrs. NIKZAD: Mr. Yamamoto is a busy man. Perhaps Ali, we have already taken too much of his time. 亞瑪莫托先生是個忙人。埃利,大概,我們已經打擾了好長時間了。
MR. YAMAMOT [to the customer] I'll be with you in a moment. [對顧客]我馬上就給您拿。
[to Ali and his mother] Not at all, Mrs. Nikzad. If I don't have enough time, it is because I am old, not because I am busy. [對埃利和他的母親]沒關系,尼克撒德太太。如果說我的時間不夠,那是因為我老了,可不是因為我忙呀!
ALI: I don't understand.我不明白。
MRS NIKZAD: Mr. Yamamoto is very wise. When have lived a little longer, you will understand.亞瑪莫托先生說的很對,等你再長大點兒,就會明白的。
ALI: I want to understand now.我現(xiàn)在就想知道。
MR. YAMAMOT Then you must visit me again.那你就再來找我。
ALI: Can I? I mean, may I?我能來嗎?我是說,我可以來嗎?
The Competition第三十六章 比賽
Joana and Mrs. Farias are in the kitchen talking.(喬安娜和菲里亞斯夫人在廚房談話)
MRS. FARIAS: When is Michael coming to pick up?米其爾什么時候來接你?
JOANA: He said seven. [The door bell ring.] Would you get the door please, Mama? [Mrs. Fanas goes to the door and opens it.]他說七點鐘。[門鈴響了]媽媽,您幫我開一下門好嗎?[菲里亞斯夫人走去把門打開]
MRs. FARIAS: Hello, Micheal. How are you?噢,米其爾,你好?
MICHAEL: Fine, thank you, Mrs. Farias. And you?好,謝謝您,菲里亞斯太太。您好嗎?
MRS. FARIAS: Well, as a matter of fact, I'm not feeling very well today.好!不過說實在的,今天我有些不舒服。
MICHAEL: What's the matter?怎么了?
MRS. FARIAS: Oh, I'm sure that it's nothing serious. Joana, Michael's here! [Joana enters]噢,沒什么大不了的。喬安娜,米其爾來了![喬安娜進屋來]
JOANA: Hi, Michael.你好,米其爾!
MICHAEL: Hi, you look great!你好!看起來你挺高興。
JOANA: Thank you.謝謝!
MRS. FARIAS: Will you two please excuse me? I have some things to do in the kitchen.你們倆聊吧,我要到廚房去干點活。
MICHAEL: Certainly. [to Joana ] What's up?您請便![對喬安娜]什么事那么高興。
JOANA: I have some exciting news.我有些激動人心的消息。
MICHAEL: What is it? I hope you aren't going back home.什么消息?我可不希望是你準備回老家的消息。
JOANA: No.Right now I can't think of any place I'd rather be than here. But ...不是。我不能馬上想出什么地方比這里更好。不過……
MICHAEL: What is it, then?不過什么?說下去。
JOANA: How would you like to go to Brazil for two years?去巴西呆兩年你覺得怎么樣?
MICHAEL: What? How? With whom?什么?怎么去?和誰一起去?
JOANA: The Brazilian Pavilion is holding an art competition. The person who wins gets a grant to study and paint anywhere in Brazil. 世界博覽會的巴西館正在舉辦美術大賽,獲勝者將得到獎學金,到巴西的任何地方學習和繪畫。
MICHAEL: Really? How do you apply?真的?那怎么辦呢?
JOANA: All you have to do is submit a painting to the Brazilian Pavilion by December 1. You'll love Brazil. I'll show you all the sights. We'll have a wonderful time.你所要干的就是在12月1日以前必須交巴西館一幅畫。你會愛上巴西的。我可以領你看巴西所有的風景名勝。我們將有一段美好的時光。
MICHAEL: Hold on. I can enter. That doesn't mean I'll win.說干就干,我可以參加。但這并不等于我能取勝。
JOANA: Michael, no one else has a chance!米其爾,沒人能有這個機會!
MICHAEL: Oh, come on.噢,得啦。
JOANA: No, really. Name one modern artist whose pain tings are better than yours? Name one artist whose paintings the judges could possibly like more than yours. 不,真的,盡管現(xiàn)代畫家的作品比你的要好。但裁判們也許更喜歡你的畫。
MICHAEL: It's nice to have someone who believes in you. Too bad you're not one of the judges.有人信任你這的確很好。糟糕的是你并不是這次比賽的裁判。
JOANA: Which picture are you going to send in?你打算畫哪張畫?
MICHAEL: I don't know. I'll have to do something new-something totally new--something spectacular. 我不知道。我得畫幾張新的——全新的——能夠吸引人的作品。
Reading and Refocus第三十七章 閱讀與提高
Another Letter from Miguel 米蓋爾的另一封信
Dear Mama,
I can't believe it! I'll be home in a couple of weeks.
This has been the greatest vacation I've ever had,
My English is pretty good now. I can understand almost
everything--except on the phone. I've made many new
friends and learned lots of new things. For example,
Mama, believe it or not, some Americans spend more
hours watching T. V. than working at their jobs. It's
true! I read it in an American paper.
I called the Monteros last week. They were very happy
to see me. You're right. They have a daughter my age.
She is happily married, has two children, and sends her
regards, They all send their regards. Mrs. Montero
cried when we talked about the people she hasn't seen
in years. I felt a little sorry for her. She wants to
go back to Colombia for a visit, but I don't think they have
the money.
On the brighter side, I'm sending you another photograph of
Marta. Don't worry.I'm not going to do anything 'foolish,'
but I want you to be able to recognize her.
Love, Miguel
A Note from Nora 娜拉的便條
Hi, kids.
It's Friday again, so I won't be home from work until
Dinner is in the refrigerator. Peggy, you can heat up
the stew and make the salad. Suzy, you can set the
table. Billy and Jack, I want you to clear the table,
wash the dishes, and put them away.
And you can get started on the weekly chores.
No chores, no allowance. Peggy, please scrub the
bathroom. It's filthy.
Jack, you know how to use the vacuum cleaner,
Would you please do the rugs and the floors?
And you, Billy, please clean up the mess in the
basement. I don't know what you were doing down
there, but you left'tools all over the place. And Suzy,
you can help Billy sweep up.
Dad will be home around 6:30. Why don't you have
dinner ready by then? OK. kids? Enjoy your dinner. Oh
yes,for dessert, you can have the chocolate cake. But
please leave a little piece for your hard-working
第三課 世界博覽會會刊
Volume 1 No.5
Yesterday was the opening of the Space Building here
at the World's Fair. Many famous scientists, architects,
and diplomats were present. There was something for everybody.
Messrs. Wood, Glass, and Stone, who are the architects
of the building, attended the ceremonies. The building, which
looks like a big glass cube, is as modern as its exhibitions.
A large crowd listened to the many speeches of the diplomats.
Among the listeners was a little boy. He was about seven years
old, had curly black hair and big brown eyes, and was eating
an ice cream sandwich. "Are you enjoying the speeches?" I asked.
"No." he said, "they're boring. ""Then why are you here?"
Because it's not as boring as home. "
There you have it. Another day at the Fair.
第一冊 第 五 號
You're Invited to a Party第三十八章 邀請你參加宴會
ALI: Mommy. I'm going to be seven soon, right?媽媽,我快到七歲了,對嗎?
MRS. NIKZAD: Yes, July 17.對,7月17日。
ALI: What day is that?是星期幾呀?
MRs. NIKZAD: It's a Monday.星期一。
ALI: May I have a birthday party?我可以開個生日晚會嗎?
MRS. NIKZAD: I'm sure you can. However, we'll have to talk to your father. 我想可以。不過,我們要告訴你爸爸一聲。
ALI: I'll be good. I promise. I'll do whatever he says. I'll be so good that he won't know I'm here. Can we call him?那好,我答應您。爸爸說什么我都要開。我一聲不響,爸爸不會知道我在家。我們給他打電話吧!
MRS. NmZA No. He'll be home any minute, Ali. It can wait till then, I'm sure. We've never had a big party in this apartment. I wonder ...不用,埃利。他一會兒就回來。我保證,到時候跟他說。在這所公寓里我們從來沒舉辦過大的晚會??峙?hellip;…
ALI: Oh, I don't want the party here!噢,我不是想在這兒搞晚會。
MRS NIKZAD; No? Where do you want it?不在這兒?那你想在哪兒?
ALI: At the Ice Cream Parlor. You know, the one that has 101 flavors. 在冷飲店。你知道,就是那家有101種風味的冷飲店。
MR.IKZAD: The Ice Cream Parlor?Do you mean the one which is near your father's bank at the Fair ? 冷飲店?你說的是不是你爸爸工作的那個世界博覽會銀行附近的那家?
ALI: Yes, that's the one. Jimmy's birthday party was there, and the party that he had was great.對,就是那家。吉米的生日宴會就是在那兒開的。而且那次宴會開得特別好。
[MRS.NIkzad enters.][尼克撒德先生進來]
MRS. NIKZAD: Hello, dear. How was your day?親愛的,你好,今天過的怎么樣?
MR.NIKZAD : Hello, Zahra. Hi, Son. I'm such a good mood that I feel like celebrating. Let's go out to dinner tonight. 你好,贊哈拉。嘿,兒子,我今天特別高興(情緒很好)。我想慶祝一下,我們去外邊吃晚飯吧。
ALI: whoopee !噢……
MRS. NmZA Ali has something to ask you.埃利有事要問你。
MR. NmZA What is it, Ali?什么事,埃利?
ALI: Father, may I please have a birthday party?爸爸,給我開個生日宴會好嗎?
MR. Nmzn Of course, Ali. Why not?當然可以,埃利,這有什么不行呢?
ALI: Thanks, Daddy. [Ali hugs his father. ]謝謝爸爸。[埃利摟住爸爸]
MR. NmZAD: What kind of party do you want, Ali?埃利,你想開個什么樣的宴會呢?
ALI: An ice cream party!冰激凌宴會。
MR. NmZA IS that what you want?Wouldn't you like to go to a baseball game instead?就想開個這樣的宴會?你不想去看場棒球比賽?
ALI: Daddy, this is much better/ You eat lots and lots of ice cream. They put it in a big bowl. And then, when you've eaten so much ice cream that you can't eat any more, you eat some more anyway. 爸爸,就這個宴會最好啦!你可以吃好多好多冰激凌。他們把冰激凌放在大碗里,這樣,當你吃得一點也不想再吃時,也只得強迫自己再多吃點。
MR.NIKZA It sounds terrible.聽起來真可怕。
MRS.NIKAD: I guess it sounds wonderful to kids. What do you think, dear?我看這對孩子來說倒不錯,你說呢?親愛的?
MR.NIKZAD: Okay, Ali. It's a deal. 好吧,埃利,就這樣定了。
ALI: Oh, boy!噢,真的!
UNIT 39第三十九章
Going Home回家
MRS. FARLAS: Packing is very upsetting. I wish someone would do it for me. In fact, I wish I were home now and: the plane trip were over.太亂了,真希望有人幫我整理一下。真的,要是現(xiàn)在旅結束,已經到家了該有多好。
JOANA: You don''t have to pack tonight.你沒必要今晚就收拾行李。
MRS. FARIAS: I know, but I want to see how much room I have in my suitcase. Tomorrow I have to buy presents for everyone back home.我知道,不過我想看看箱子里有沒有空地方,明天好買點禮物回家送給他們。
JOANA: Sometimes I wish I were going with you.我有時真想跟你一起走。
MRS. FARiAS: Sometimes I wish you were, too, dear.我也很愿意你和我一起走。
JOANA: I know, but you mustn''t worry about me. Mama. I''ll be all right. Paulo doesn''t let me out of his sight. 媽媽,你不用為我擔心,我能照看好自己,鮑羅隨時都會照看我的。
MRS. FARIAS: I know you''ll be all right. I''m worrying about myself. The house will seem so empty without you and Paulo. 681 And what if you de cide to stay here? 這些我都知道。我擔心的是我自己。沒有你和鮑羅,這房子就顯得太空了。你們準備住在這里嗎?
JOANA: Oh, Mama !媽媽!
JOANA: Anyway, you were about to mention the gifts you had to buy.您應該去給家里人買小禮品了。
MRS. FARIAS: Yes. What do you think I ought to get for your father?知道,你看我給你爸爸買件什么禮物好呢?
JOANA: He has just about everything, doesn''t he?他什么都不缺,對嗎?
MRS. FARIAS: That''s the trouble.這真麻煩。
PAUL Hi, Mama. Hi, Joana.你好媽媽,你好喬安娜!
MRS. FAmAS: I''m glad you''re home early. Do you know how to fix the lock on that suitcase?It''s stuck.今天你回來的這么早,我真高興。你知道這提箱的鎖怎么鎖嗎?真難弄。
PAUL It probably needs a little oil.該上點油了。
MRS. FAmAS: Paulo, I don''t know what to get for your father. Do you have any suggestions?鮑羅,給你爸爸買點什么禮物好?你有什么好主意嗎?
PAUL Why don''t you get him a pocket calculator?買個袖珍計算器好嗎?
MRS. FAmAS: That''s a wonderful ideal I hope he doesn''t already have one.太好了,但愿現(xiàn)在他還沒有這玩意兒。
PAUL I doubt it. There, the lock''s okay now.我想他還沒有。呶,鎖好了。
MRS. FAmAS: Good. Thank you, dear. Where should I look for a calculator?太好了,謝謝你,親愛的。你讓我去哪兒買計算器?
PAUL I know a place where I can get one on sale. I''U pick one up for you tomorrow.我知道一個地方賣計算器,明天我給您買回來吧。
MRS. FAmAS: Thank you, dear. You know, when I get home. I''m going to wish I were back here. I wish there were some way for all of us to be in the same city, or at least, the same country.好吧,親愛的,你知道,我一到家,就總想回到這里來,真想我們大家都在一個城市里,哪怕在一個國家里也好呀。
UNIT 40 第四十章
A Pseudonym 假名
[The door bell ring at Michael''s apartment][米其爾公寓的門鈴響了]
MICHAEL: Hi, Pedro. How are you doing?彼卓,是你啊,有事嗎?
PEOR Fine. I just wanted to stop by and say hello. 你好,我是路過這兒,順便來看看你。
MICHAEL: Come on in. [Pedro comes in]進來吧。[彼卓進到屋里]
How about some coffee?喝杯咖啡吧?
PEDR Sounds good.好的。
MICHAEL: What''s new? You look tired. 怎么啦?你好像很累。
PEOR I''m trying to find a present for Miguel. He''s leaving at the end of next week.我想送給米蓋爾一個禮物,他下個星期末就要走了。
MICHAL: That''s too bad.太糟了。
PEDR He thinks so, too.他也這么說。
MICHAEL: What about Marta?那瑪塔呢?
PEDR Who knows? I don''t ask any questions. They act like teenagers in love. They cling to each other as if there were no tomorrow. 誰知道!我什么也不問。他們簡直像十幾歲熱戀的孩子,倆人依依不舍,好像過了今天就沒有明天了。
MICHAEL: You''re cynical today.你又嘲笑她們。
PEDR Realistic. In a week, she won''t remember his name.現(xiàn)實些,一個星期之后她就會忘掉他的名字。
MICHAEL: Come on, Pedro.得啦,彼卓。
PEDR I''ll make you a bet. How much? Five dollars?我敢跟你打賭,多少錢?5美元?
MICHAEL: OK. A five-dollar bet. Shake. [They shake hands]好吧,就打5美元的賭吧,握手算數(shù)。[倆人握手。]
MICHAEL: YOU take your coffee black, right?你喝不加牛奶的咖啡對吧?
PEDR Right, thanks.對,謝謝。
MICHAEL: I have a favor to ask.我想求你幫個忙。
PEDR What is it?幫什么忙?
MICHAEL: I''m entering an art competition, and I''d like to use your name.我要參加一個繪畫比賽,我想用你的名字。
PEDR What do you mean?為什么?
MICHAEL: I don''t want my father to know I''m entering the competition.我不想讓我父親知道我參加這個比賽。
PEDR O.K., if you want it that way. You finish the painting, and I''ll be happy to sign my name. I love to see an artist working. 好吧,如果是這樣,你來畫畫,我來簽名。我倒很愛看你們這些藝術家工作。
MICHAEL: Here''s the brochure. They call the contest "Young Artists'' Competition. " [Pedro reads the brochure. ]這是小冊子,他們把這次比賽稱作“青年藝術家繪畫大賽”。[彼卓看小冊子]
PEDR Money, Brazil, and Joana ! Did they design this contest especially:for you? Good luck. Are you submitting something new?金錢,巴西和喬安娜,這是他們特別為你設計的嗎?你好福氣,你不準備送幾幅新作品嗎?
MICHAEL: yes.是新的。
PEDR May I see it?讓我看看好嗎?
MICHAEL: There''s nothing to see. I''ve finished painting my canvas white, and now I''m stuck, Maybe I need a break. Have you had dinner yet?沒什么可看的,我剛把底布涂成白色,我現(xiàn)在有點累了,是不是該休息一會了?你吃飯了嗎?
PEDR No.沒有。
MICHAEL: I haven''t, either. Do you want to go downtown?我也沒吃。你想不想進城?
PEDR I''m broke.我一分錢也沒有。
MICHAL: OK. I''ll call that place around the corner and have them deliver a pizza. How''s that?沒關系。我打電話要個*角落的位置,再要些意大利餡餅。你看怎么樣?
PEDR Fine.好吧。
UNIT 41第四十一章
Sleepless Nights 失眠
JOANA: HOW'S the painting coming?畫出來了嗎?
MICHAEL: I don't Know. Last night I was up till 3:30 or 4: 00, and even though I'm exhausted, I can't sleep. I haven't been sleeping well for a week. 不知道,昨天晚上雖然我精疲力盡,可怎么也睡不著,這一個星期我都沒睡好。
JOANA: That's probably because you're too tense.這倒有可能,因為你太緊張了。
MICHAEL: I don't know what's wrong.我也不明白到底怎么了。
JOANA: Great paintings aren't created overnight, Try to relax.一幅杰作,也不是一個晚上就能創(chuàng)作出來的。還是放松點。
MICHAEL: That's easier said than done.談何容易。
JOANA: I'm sorry.對不起!
MICHAL: NO, don't apologize.沒什么。
JOANA: What's the subject of the painting?畫的主題是什么?
MICHAL: That's the problem. I want to do a portrait. 我正在考慮。我想畫一張肖像。
JOANA: Of whom ?誰的肖像?
MICHAEL: A woman, A modern woman. But that's all I know. I've been drawing all week, but I don't like anything I've done. 一個女人的,一個現(xiàn)代女性的肖像??墒悄憧?,畫了一星期了,沒有一張讓我滿意。
JOANA: What's the problem? Do you know?那到底是什么問題?你知道嗎?
MICHAEL: Me. I'm the problem. I think I'm going stale. 我,是我的問題。我覺得我在后退。
I've been painting for ten years, I should be able to do better than this.我已畫了十年的畫了,應該畫得比這要好。
JOANA: I'm sure you will. Even if you spend a few sleepless nights, it's worth it. 我相信你能畫好,即使是幾個晚上睡不好,也值得。
MICHAEL: What do you think I should do?你認為我該做什么?
JOANA: Take a break for a few hours.休息幾個小時。
MICHAEL: No. I mean, do you think I should give up and go into business with my father?不,我是說,你看我是不是該放棄繪畫,跟我父親去經商?
JOANA: What I think doesn't matter. You've got to be happy with what you do. Besides, that decision was made years ago, wasn't it?我看這些無關緊要。你做的工作會給你帶來樂趣,而且這是你幾年前決定的,對嗎?
MICHAEL: It was. But things change. Which is better for now ?對,但是事情變了,現(xiàn)在對我們來說哪樣更好呢?
JOANA: Michael, what do you want me to say? It's got to be your decision.米其爾,你想讓我說什么?這事應由你自己決定呀。
MICHAEL: I'm not asking you to decide for me. I just want to know what you think. You must have your likes and dislikes.我不是想讓你為我做決定,我只想知道你是怎么想的,你一定有你喜歡和不喜歡的。
JOANA: Maybe I don't. Maybe I don't know what to think.也許我沒有。也許我不知道該去想什么。
MICHAEL: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. 對不起,我沒有勉強你的意思。
JOANA: All I mean, Michael, is that I agree with what you're doing. If you can be a successful artist, fine; if you can't, go into business with your father. But at least give yourself the chance to find out.米其爾,我是意思是我同意你所做的。如果你能成為一個成功的藝術家,也好。否則,跟你父親去經商也行。但至少應給自己一個發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的機會。
MICHAEL: There's something else, of course, Joana. If I go into Dad's business, I have to stay here. You know that. 喬安娜,如果我進了父親的公司,我就只能到此為止,這你是知道的。
UNIT 42第四十二章
Reading and Refocus 閱讀與提高
第一課 世界博覽會會刊
Volume I No.10
by Henry LEEDS
In case you've never stopped in at the World's Fair Ice Cream Parlor, let me introduce you to it. First, the facts:
Our World's Fair Ice Cream Parlor is one of the largest ice cream parlors you will find anywhere in the world.It is open until midnight, seven days a week, and the staff is always ready to serve you and your friends.
Our ice cream parlor hasn't really been there for a hundred years. It just looks that way. In fact, they have been selling ice cream for only two months now.
Inspired by a more elegant age, the careful manners and the old-fashioned costumes of the staff were designed to make you.the customers, feel at home.
Let me now tell you about the ice cream. They tell me that the recipe they use has been making ice cream lovers happy since .
They have flavors'that you've never heard of. And all of them are delicious. I will describe only one of their specialties. It is called the Kitchen Sink. What is a kitchen Sink? It is a huge stainless steel dish, about twelve inches wide, eighteen inches long, and about eight inches deep, which is filled with twenty different kinds of ice cream.
on top of all this are piled whipped cream, nuts, fruit, and chocolate syrup. I warn you, this dessert is only for the strongest of stomachs. Don't worry, though. They have desserts for every taste and pocketbook.
而所有這些冷飲都可口。我只介紹其中的一種,它叫Kitchen Sink。什么是Kitchen Sink?它是一個大不銹鋼盤子,大約十二英寸寬,十八英寸深,里面裝著二十種各式各樣的冰激凌。
LESSON 2 A Letter from Brazil Dear Joana and Paulo,
第二課 來自巴西的信
I just wanted to tell you that I arrived here safe and sound.
Your father was fine. He was a bit lonely while I was away, but it was nice to find out how much we missed each other.
He's really a good man. You know, he was sick while I was visiting you, but he never told us because he didn't want us to worry.
He was probably right. He knows how I worry.
Anyway, he's better now, although I wish he would take better care of himself.
How are you, Paulo? How I admire your ability to learn languages!
I must tell you how nice it was to come home to Brazil where everyone in the street speaks Portuguese.
I realize now how much energy it took to speak English !
And Joana, keep me informed of your plans. I wish your father could meet Michael.
Your father wants to add a few words at the end of the letter. Take care of yourselves, and please write when you get a minute.
Love, Mama
Your mother had a wonderful time with you both, but I'm glad to have her back home. Paulo-one of my clients, Mr. Cortisoz will be in New York next week. If it is not too much trouble, I'd like you to do whatever you can to make his stay more pleasant. If he doesn't call you, fine. I'll be in New York on business in October. I'll see you both then.
Take care, papa
LESSON 3 A Thousand Voices
第三課 沸騰的歡呼聲
[Jim Yamamoto wrote this essay to accompany his application to college. In the end, he sent in the one about his parents because he liked it better. But we liked this one, too, and thought you might like to see it]
From the earliest times, people have held sports competitions.
The athletic few compete on the field while the rest of us participate from the safety of our seats.
Today sports are certainly as popular as ever, and because of radio and television, we can now compete from a distance. In fact, for important competitions, the whole world becomes one big stadium.
It is hard to say why humans like organized games. The reasons that we enjoy sports probably differ from person to person.
Whether little kids are kicking a ball around a city playground, or million-dollar-a-year athletes are playing in a modern stadium, the excitement of competition, motion, discipline. and beauty are in the air.
Who doesn't stop to watch a ball game in the street or a swimmer in a pool? What parents are not proud to see their children carried off the field by thankful fans?
For the players, the joys of sportsmanship can include punishing self-discipline and the friendship of teammates.
Then there is that special thrill that comes only to a lucky few. It is the thrill that comes from hearing a thousand Voices shout your name. But personal victory is only one kind of victory. In every game someone must lose, but mankind wins every time an athletic record is broken. It is this sapect of sports that brings people together.
Even in defeat, no one says to an athlete, "So what?" You say, "Good try!" And when your pride gets hurt and your muscles are sore, you say to yourself, "That's part of the game. I'll win next time!"