Did you study education? Teach in a high-needs school where the kids really need you. Give a chance to kids who can't—who can't get everything they need maybe, in their neighborhood,maybe not even their home, but we can't afford to give up on them. Prepare them to compete for any job anywhere in the world.
Did you study engineering? Help us lead a green revolution, developing new sources of clean energy that will power our economy and preserve our planet.
But you can also make your mark in smaller, more individual ways. That's what so many of you have already done during your time here at ASU, tutoring children, registering voters, doing your own small part to fight hunger and homelessness, AIDS and cancer.
One student said it best when she spoke about her senior engineering project, building medical devices for people with disabilities in a village in Africa. Her professor showed a video of the folks they had been helping, and she said, "When we saw the people on the videos, we began to feel a connection to them. It made us want to be successful for them."Think about that. It made us want to be successful for them.