I can tell you something of the world as I see it. Three days ago, in my role as Middle East envoy, I stood in the heart of Bethlehem. On one side of me, lay the concrete barrier which now separates Israel and Palestine. On the other, the historic birthplace of Jesus and the land of Palestine beyond.
A few days before that, I was in Jericho. If you look up from the town centre, to the left is the Mount of Temptation, where Jesus stayed 40 days and nights. To the right, you can see Mount Nebo where Moses looked down on the Promised Land. And right in front of you is the Valley of Jordan.
My guide, a Muslim, turned to me and said: "Moses, Jesus, Mohammed - why in God's name did they all have to come here?"
But in God's name they came and for centuries their followers have waged war in the name of prophets whose life's work was in pursuit of peace.
Today, though the land that encompasses Israel and Palestine is small, the conflict symbolizes the wider prospects of the entire vast region of the Middle East and beyond. There, the forces of modernization and moderation battle with those of reaction and extremism. The shadow of Iran looms large.