When I was eight years old, I was at church one day...and a stranger came to me...and a man named John J. Hooker was running for governor at the time, and he had come to our church to campaign. And afterwards, outside as we were leaving the church, his wife, who was then a stranger, her name was Tish Hooker, a beautiful woman with blonde hair, classic cheekbones,flawless skin, saw me standing there. And you have to understand at the time I was a little black girl, but we didn't call ourselves black then. Actually, back then we were colored and Negro, but whatever, I was a little girl who didn't think much of herself, but Tish Hooker walked right up to me, as id she knew I needed to hear what she had to say. And she said it only as a Southern woman can. She said, "You know, you're just as pretty as a speckled pup." Now, I didn't know what a speckled pup was, but she then said, "And you have the most beautiful bee-stung lips."