Thousands of people learn to sky dive each yea
The first major step to learn is proper touch down techniqu
That means learning how to fall properly,initially from a four-foot platfor
Next,you must learn the arch,which is the proper position for leaving the plan
To do the arch correctly,you must place your weight on your stomach rather than on your bac
After examining the airplane to be used for the jum
Beginners practice getting into the "GO" positio
This is a point at which people sometimes reconsider whether or not they really want to sky div
For,as they step out onto the wheel and hang from the wing stru
the thought of letting to must seem terrifying to the first-time jumpe
There's also a tremendous amount of imformation that must be learned about chutes.
For example,it's important to learn how to tell if a chute is good or bad,
how to steer the chute,and what to do if an emergency related to the chute occur
Finally,the sky diver must learn how to overcome the fea
that almost always accompanies a first jump.