If they were smart enough not to be ill,they were pai
If they were smart enough not to by injured,they were pai
And if they were very smart,they would find strength to work every day until they die
When people were not this"smart",they looked for hel
Their families,private charities,and churches did what they coul
All of these groups helped when the economy was health
When the Depression hit,families,charities,and churches were weakene
And there was more need of them than ever befor
Pat Cauley,a construction worker,kept a diar
Here is an entry from 1932:"Went to church.I said the family needed something to keep goin
Got a nice sermon.Came home,pockets empty
Cauley's story was told by millions of other
Even when charities did help,people were not completely happ
People on soup lines did not starv
But their pride went hungry.