Need to work on your half of the church, Mary, looking a bit thin.
你要對你那邊的親戚下點功夫 瑪麗 名單有點單薄
Oh, orphan's lot. Friends, that's all I have, lots of friends.
作為孤兒我只有朋友 很多朋友
Schedule the organ music to begin at precisely 11:48...
But the rehearsal's not for another two weeks, just calm down.
還有兩周才彩排呢 冷靜一點
Calm? I am calm. I'm extremely calm.
冷靜? 我很冷靜 我冷靜到極致了
Let's get back to the reception, come on.
說回接待的事 來
John's cousin, top table?
約翰的堂姐 第一桌?
Hmm, hates you. Can't even bear to think about you. - Seriously?
討厭你 都不愿意想到你 - 真的?
Second class post, cheap card.Bought at a petrol station. Look at the stamp, three attempts at licking,she's obviously unconsciously retaining saliva.
二等郵件 廉價卡片 ,在加油站買的 看那郵票 嘗試舔了3次,很顯然她是下意識地用口水粘的
Ah, let's stick her by the bogs. - Oh, yes.
那讓她滾一邊兒去好了 - 好的.
Who else hates me?Oh, great, thanks.
還有誰恨我?很好 謝啦
"Priceless painting nicked." Looks interesting.
'價值連城的油畫被盜' 看起來挺有趣
Table four... - Done.
第四桌... - 完成.
"My husband is three people."
Table five... -Major James Sholto who he?
第五桌... - 詹姆斯·肖爾托少校 他是誰?
John's old commanding officer. I don't think he's coming. - He'll be there.
約翰之前的指揮官 我想他不會來的. - 他會出席的
Well, he needs to RSVP, then. - He'll be there.
那他要回復確認才行啊 - 他會來的.
"My husband is three people." It's interesting.
'我丈夫是三個人' 好玩有意思
It says he has three distinct patterns of moles on his skin.
Identical triplets, one in half a million births. Solved it without leaving the flat.
三胞胎 五十萬分之一的出生幾率 這事不用出門就能解決
Now, serviettes... Swan or Sydney Opera House?
Where did you learn that? Many skills are required in the field of criminal investigation...
你從哪兒學來的? 偵探調查需要具備很多技能...
Fibbing, Sherlock.
別扯了 阿福
I once broke an alibi by demonstrating the exact severity of a fold...
I'm not John, I can tell when you're fibbing.
我不是約翰 我能看出來你在扯淡.
OK, I learnt it on YouTube.
好吧 我在YouTube上學的.
Opera House, please. Oh, hang on, I'm buzzing.
那就歌劇院造型吧 稍等一下 手機要響了
Hello?Oh, hi, Beth.Yeah, yeah, I don't see why not.
你好?你好啊 貝絲.好啊好啊 我覺得挺好的
Actually, if that's Beth, it's probably for me too, hang on.
如果是貝絲的話 可能也會找我的 稍等一下
He knows we don't have a friend called Beth, he's going to figure out that it's code.
他知道我們沒有叫貝絲的朋友 ,他會發(fā)現這只是一個暗號的
He's YouTubing serviettes. - He's thorough.
他在YouTube上學折餐巾 - 他做事周密 -
He's terrified. -Of course he's not.
他害怕了 - 當然不是.
When you're scared of something you start wishing it sooner, just to get it all going.
當你害怕的時候 就會想事情早點開始 然后早點結束
But why would he be scared that we're getting married?
但是我們結婚 他有什么好怕的?
It's not going to change anything, we'll still do stuff.
又不會有什么改變 我們還是會一起做事.
You need to prove it to him. I told you to find him a new case.
你得向他證明這一點 我跟你說過幫他找個新案子.
I'm trying.
But you need to run him, OK? Show him it's still the good old days.
你還得推他一把 向他證明昔日的美好時光還是會有的.
That just sort of happened.
Sherlock, um, mate...I have...I've smelled 18 different perfumes,
夏洛克 兄弟...我...我試了18種不同的香水
I've sampled nine different slices of cake, which all tasted identical.
我嘗了9種蛋糕 它們都是一個味兒
I like the bridesmaids in purple... - Lilac. - Lilac.
我希望伴娘穿紫色... - 丁香色 - 丁香色.
Um, there are no more decisions left to make.I don't even understand the decisions that we have made.
I'm faking opinions, and it's exhausting.So, please, before she comes back... pick something.
我只是假裝給出意見 這真是辛苦,所以 請在她回來之前...挑選下吧
Anything. Pick one. - Pick what?
隨便哪個 挑一個 - 挑什么?
A case. Your inbox is bursting.Just... get me out of here.
新案子 你的收件箱已經爆了..只要...讓我離開這里就好
You want to go out on a case? Now?
你想出去查案子? 現在?
Please. Sherlock, for me.
求你了夏洛克 為了我
Don't you worry about a thing, I'll get you out of this.