That time when Bruce was on the rise,we were looking for counter cultural heroes to fight the establishment.It's 40 years. Wouldn't have people forgotten him by now?No, I think a lot of cultures have picked him up as sort of their hero.
You had Muhammad Au. You had Malcolm X.You had the Black Panthers.You had a lot of radicalism going on.Bruce Lee represented that same kind of radicalism.
Bruce Lee emerges when America is having a very bad time in Vietnam and cannot beat the Viet Cong,these little yellow guys in pyjamas,so Bruce Lee speaks to that.
Anywhere you go,everybody is about Bruce Lee and rallies behind him.He's the underdog.You don't have to start shouting political declarations to be culturally and politically significant.
That Colosseum fight was very accurate.Taking nothing away from Chuck Norris,but I think Bruce Lee would be victorious.That fight scene gave Chuck Norris pretty much a career.
If they said Bruce could have beat Chuck Norris,I'd say,"How much do you wanna bet?"I got a fistful of green backs in my pocket.
Chuck got chucked out right there in that movie.That's one of my favourites.Boom. Guillotine choke in the 70s.Hello.That's being ahead of your time.