Parents and friends:more credit cards always help.What is the one sentence summary of howyou change the world?Always work hard on something uncomfortably exciting!As a Ph.D.student, I actually had three projects I wanted to work on.Thank goodness my advisorsaid,"why don't you work on the web for a while".He gave me some seriously goodadvicebecause the web was growing with people and activity, even in 1995!Technology andespecially the Internet can really help you be lazy.Lazy? What I mean is a group of three peoplecan write software that millions can use and enjoy. Can three people answer the phone a milliontimes?Find the leverage in the world,so you can be truly lazy!Overall, I know it seems like theworld is crumblingout there,but it is actually a great time in your life to get a little crazy, followyour curiosity, and be ambitious about it.Don't give up on your dreams. The world needs youall!