Now wait a second.I know:that's such a cliche.You're thinking: every graduation speaker says that - It's a great honor.But, in my case, it really is so deeply true being here is more special and more personal for me than most of you know. I'd like to tell you why.A long time ago,in this cold September of 1962,there was a Steven's co-op at this very university.That co-op had a kitchen with a ceiling that had been cleaned by student volunteers probably every decade or so。
Picture a college girl named Gloria,climbing up high on a ladder,struggling to clean that filthy ceiling.Standing on the floor, a young boarder named Carl was admiring the view.And that's how they met.They were my parents,so I suppose you could say I'm a direct result of that kitchen chemistry experiment, right here at Michigan.My Mom is here with us today,and we should probably go find the spot and put a plaqueup on the ceiling that says: "Thanks Mom and Dad!"
Everyone in my family went here to Michigan:my brother, my Mom ,my Dad -- all of us.My Dad actually got the quantity discount:He got all three and a half of his degrees here.His Ph.D. was in Communication Science because they thought Computers were just a passing fad when he earned it 44 years ago.He and Mom made a big sacrifice for that degree.They argued at times over pennies, while raising my newborn brother.Mom typed my Dad's dissertation by hand,kind of ironic of those computer science dissertation。
This velvet hood I'm wearing, this was my Dad's.This diploma, yeah,this diploma I have here that just like the one you are about to get this is my Dad's.And my underwear, oh never mind, sorry.