She walked into their apartment. Her nose crinkled. She asked, "What's that smell?" He said, "They were giving these away on the street. They're promoting a new air freshener." She said, "Air freshener? It doesn't smell like fresh air in here. It smells like a huge orange." He said, "Well, that's what it's supposed to smell like—fresh oranges. The smell will last for 30 days. And you don't even need a battery. Just stick the device on the wall and Bingo, fresh oranges! Pretty cool, huh?" She peeled the device off the wall. She wrapped it inside a plastic bag. She wrapped that plastic bag inside another plastic bag. She said, "We've already got four air fresheners in this apartment—they're called windows." She walked over to a window and opened it. She said. "If I want to smell a fresh orange, I'll cut one open and eat it."