第38章 出國留學熱
You:These days more and more students chooseto study abroad. What do you think of this trend?
David:Many students want to learn more aboutwestern culture and business. This has beenincreasingly important after China entered the WTO.However, some students want to study abroad inorder to move there.
You:What is the percentage of students return to China?
David:I personally don't know. It depends. If they get accustomed to the country, they stay.
You:I have seen movies about Chinese people who live abroad. They might be happy at timesbut as time goes by they might find living in a different culture very difficult. They might alsofind that they aren't treated as equals.
David:They don't have confidence?
You:Is the problem their confidence or their nationality? In order to get a green card somepeople will work hard and pour their heart and soul into this endeavor. When they get the greencard, however, they might discover that there are some problems with other people. Somepeople discriminate against them because they are Asian.
David:Two things make it difficult to live abroad. One thing is that it may be illegal to workthere and the other thing is that some people may prefer hiring people from their own countryrather than foreigners. It's different here in China. Foreigners are more welcomed here.