[00:23.35]應該是吃了太多可可豆吧 I think it’s from all those doggone cocoa beans.
[00:26.25]對了 你們知不知道 巧克力有一種成份... Hey, by the way, did you guys know that chocolate contains a property...
[00:30.33]能刺激腦內(nèi)啡的分泌 給人戀愛般的愉悅感覺? that triggers the release of endorphins? Gives one the feeling of being in love.
[00:35.50]這樣啊 You don’t say.
[00:39.87]上船啰 All aboard.
[00:52.28]前進! Onward!
[01:17.47]來吧 Here.
[01:19.21]喝一點 對你有好處 你看起來好像快餓死了 Try some of this. It’ll do you good. You look starved to death.
[01:25.25]-好好喝哦 -因為這是用瀑布攪拌的 -It’s great. -That’s because it’s mixed by waterfall.
[01:29.88]瀑布是最重要的關鍵 The waterfall is most important.
[01:31.55]混合巧克力 攪拌均勻 讓巧克力滑溜又順口 Mixes the chocolate, churns it up, makes it light and frothy.
[01:35.96]-對了 全世界沒有別的工廠... -你已經(jīng)說過了 -By the way, no other factory in the world...-You already said that.
[01:46.00]-你們都很矮哦 -對 我們是小孩啊 -You’re all quite short, aren’t you? -Well, yeah. We’re children.
[01:49.84]那不是理由 我就從沒像你那么矮 Well, that’s no excuse. I was never as short as you.
[01:52.64]-你小時候也一樣啦 -才沒有 你知道為什么嗎? -You were once. -Was not. Know why?
[01:56.11]因為我隨時都記得戴上帽子 Because I distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head.
[01:59.98]不像你手那么短 永遠夠不到頭 Look at your short, little arms. You could never reach.
[02:06.32]你記不記得小時候的事? Do you even remember what it was like being a kid?
[02:08.76]當然記得 Oh, boy, do I.
[02:14.46]是嗎? Do I?
[02:15.90]其實威利·旺卡已經(jīng)好多年 沒想起小時候的事了 In fact, Willy Wonka hadn’t thought about his childhood for years.
[02:20.97]不給糖就搗蛋! Trick or treat!
[02:23.74]不給糖就搗蛋! Trick or treat!
[02:33.38]不給糖就搗蛋! Trick or treat!
[02:37.02]來的是誰啊? Who do we have here?
[02:38.62]露西 薇洛妮卡 泰倫斯 Ruthie, Veronica, Terrance.
[02:42.49]那個披著白布的是誰? And who’s that under the sheet?
[02:46.23]原來是小威利·旺卡 Little Willy Wonka.
[02:52.10]威利·旺卡的父親是城里 最有名的牙醫(yī)... Willy Wonka was the son of the city’s most famous dentist...
[02:56.77]威爾伯·旺卡 Wilbur Wonka.
[03:05.62]來... Now...
[03:07.45]看看今年用什么來害人 let’s see what the damage is this year, shall we?
[03:24.40]牛奶糖 Caramels.
[03:26.77]吃這個會卡在牙套上 對吧? They’d get stuck in your braces, wouldn’t they?
[03:34.51]棒棒糖 Lollipops.
[03:37.05]應該叫它"插在棒子上的蛀牙" Ought to be called "cavities on a stick."
[03:41.52]然后還有這些... Then we have all this...
[03:43.59]這一大堆... All this...
[03:45.42]巧克力 chocolate.