"So who was it?" he asked, setting two plates on thecounter next to me.
I sighed in defeat. "Edward Cullen."
To my surprise, he laughed. I glanced up at him. He looked a little embarrassed.
"Guess that explains it, then," he said. "I wondered why my dad was acting so strange."
"That's right." I faked an innocent expression. "He doesn't like the Cullens."
"Superstitious old man," Jacob muttered under his breath.
"You don't think he'd say anything to Charlie?" I couldn't help asking, the words coming out in alow rush.
Jacob stared at me for a moment, and I couldn't read the expression in his dark eyes. "I doubtit," he finally answered. "I think Charlie chewed him out pretty good last time. They haven'tspoken much since — tonight is sort of a reunion, I think. I don't think he'd bring it up again."
"Oh," I said, trying to sound indifferent.
I stayed in the front room after I carried the food out to Charlie, pretending to watch the gamewhile Jacob chattered at me. I was really listening to the men's conversation, watching for anysign that Billy was about to rat me out, trying to think of ways to stop him if he began.
It was a long night. I had a lot of homework that was going undone, but I was afraid to leaveBilly alone with Charlie. Finally, the game ended.
"Are you and your friends coming back to the beach soon?" Jacob asked as he pushed hisfather over the lip of the threshold.