James is a elderly tramp whose life is simple and uncomplicated. One day a wealthy gentleman foundhim asleep on his front lawn.
"Mister," the gengleman said. "This is my property."
"I'm sorry," apologized James. "I thought this was a park."
The gentleman, looked sympathetically at the ragged tramp. "Mister, are you happy living thiskind of life?"
"Sir, money and worldly goods do not make happiness," preached James. "To me happiness isthe freedom to roam without the pressures of society, culture, and the economy. The sky is myroof and world is my bed. Give me all this, a piece of bread, a can of baked beans, and myhappiness is complete."
"I admire your sincerity," said the gentleman and handed him a hundred dollar bill.
"Sir," commented James as he took the money, "you have made me very unhappy."