[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:41:31
[00:35.72](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)
[00:47.08]Every morning, miIIions of New Yorkers Ieave their crowded apartments... 每天早上 紐約人離開擁擠的公寓
[00:50.32]and head out to the even more crowded streets, on their way to work. 來到更加擁擠的街道 趕著去上班
[00:54.80]Today, I was one of them. 今天,我也是其中之一 有時候女人需要一個新開始
[00:56.40]Sometimes, a girI just needs a new start.
[00:59.88]I had a new do, a new mortgage, and, therefore, a new job. 我有了新發(fā)型、新貸款 因此也有了一份新工作
[01:05.72]I had just submitted my first freeIance articIe... 我剛交出第一篇文章 給現(xiàn)今報攤上最具重要性
[01:09.44]for one of the most reIevant and provocative magazines...
[01:12.32]on the newsstands today, at Ieast to me. 和話題性的雜志 至少我這么覺得:時尚雜志
[01:13.68]Vogue. 也就是梅嘉,我的上司
[01:16.40]AIso known as Mecca, where I beIonged.
[01:18.84]This isn't Vogue. 這不是“時尚”要的
[01:22.56]You didn't like it? 你不喜歡?
[01:24.56]No one is saying that. -沒人這么說 -對,我不喜歡
[01:25.40]l am. l didn't like it. There, l said it.
[01:29.80]What Enid is trying to say, Carrie, is that you wrote a wonderful first draft. 伊妮德的意思是 你的初稿寫得非常好
[01:31.48]That isn't Vogue. 那不是“時尚”要的
[01:32.76]There it was, the articIe I'd put my heart and souI into... 我投注心力和靈魂的文章 被改得滿江紅
[01:37.24]and it was bIeeding. 你闡述主題的方式很高明
[01:39.56]Your spin on the idea is very clever.
[01:40.44]Different types of men as the new accessories for Fall. 將形形色色的男人 比喻成秋季的新配件
[01:45.44]A Prada.... “穿著一件普拉達洋裝 應該搭配一位投資銀行家”
[01:45.28]''A Prada dress should always be worn with an investment banker.''
[01:49.08]That's wonderful. 真是妙不可言
[01:50.88]Julian, the assignment was 500 words on accessories, not men. 這篇稿子是針對配件寫五百字 而不是男人
[01:55.44]And l'm not convinced she knows anything about purses. 我不相信她懂皮包或男人
[01:58.84]-Or, for that matter, men. -Enid, for the love of God-- 伊妮德,看在老天份上…
[02:02.80]Ms. Bradshaw, what you've handed us here is essentially... 你交來的東西 和你報上的專欄沒兩樣
[02:05.80]your newspaper column with the word ''style'' jammed in...
[02:08.00]where the word ''sex'' used to be. 只不過原本“性愛”的字眼 改成了“風格”
[02:09.76]We're not looking for Vogue according to your agenda. 我們不想要你根據(jù)個人經(jīng)驗 寫出來的東西,沒有人關心
[02:11.56]-No one cares about your agenda. -That's not true.
[02:14.76]Forgive me. l don't care about your agenda. 不是真的
[02:13.12]抱歉,我不關心你的經(jīng)驗 我關心的是設計師
[02:16.84]l care about designers.
[02:17.68]Oscar de la Renta, Chanel, Dior. 奧斯卡德拉倫塔 香奈兒、迪奧
[02:22.56]l want less Carrie Bradshaw and more... 我要少一點凱莉布雷蕭 多一點…
[02:26.64]''Carry this bag with these shoes.'' Do you see what l mean? “拎這個皮包配這雙鞋” 你是個作家,應該把這寫下來
[02:28.68]You're a writer. You should be writing this down.
[02:31.76]l was trying to find a way to introduce the bags and the bracelets... 我是想以幽默的口吻 介紹皮包和手鐲
[02:34.04]with a little humor. 有點像…男人是新的黑色
[02:34.08]Kind of, ''Men are the new black.''
[02:40.36]-lt was supposed to be funny. -lt was supposed to be bags. -應該很有趣才對 -應該和皮包有關
[02:44.76]l didn't really bring a writing implement. 我沒帶寫作的工具
[02:51.40]Okay. Bags. 好的,皮包
[02:54.28]An hour Iater, Enid had to Ieave for a Iunch date... 一小時后 伊妮德得赴午餐約會
[02:58.60]presumabIy to devour another writer. 大概是去折磨另一位撰稿人了
[02:60.84]Don't let Enid get to you. She just came back from Paris... 別在意伊妮德
[03:03.44]and apparently humor and irony are out this season. 她剛從巴黎回來 顯然這季不流行幽默與反諷
[03:09.88]Billie Holiday... 比莉哈樂黛 現(xiàn)在唯一比你痛苦的女人
[03:12.92]the only woman l can think of in more pain than you right now.
[03:15.28]Come on, cookie, chin up. 別這樣,親愛的,不要氣餒
[03:19.64]ln publishing, you need two things... 在出版界你需要兩樣東西 厚臉皮和一杯馬丁尼
[03:22.96]a tough hide...
[03:25.04]and a dry martini.
[03:27.08]Martinis in the morning. ls this allowed? 早上可以喝馬丁尼嗎? 這是“時尚”的作風嗎?
[03:30.20]-ls it Vogue? -Only in absolute emergencies. 只有在緊急情況 上一次我這么做
[03:32.64]Last time l broke this out was when l heard that fun-fur was making a comeback.
[03:33.56]是當我聽到皮草 再度流行起來的時候
[03:41.28]Look at this mess. 你看這稿子被改得亂七八糟 我為什么會被雇用?
[03:46.40]Why was l even hired?
[03:46.96]l'm afraid you've got me to blame for that. 這應該怪我 我女兒介紹我看你的專欄
[03:51.44]My daughter introduced me to your column about a year ago.
[03:52.76]l thought you'd be a natural at Vogue. 我以為你在“時尚” 會得心應手
[03:55.44]-l guess you thought wrong. -Haven't been wrong yet. -我想你錯了 -我不會看錯人
[03:59.12]Vogue is all about vision. And you, cookie, have got vision. “時尚”雜志講的就是眼光 而你很有眼光
[04:01.68]We just have to find a way to hide your vision from Enid's vision. 我們得對伊妮德隱藏你的眼光
[04:06.28]A little less you, a little more purse.... 少談一點你、多談一點皮包
[04:10.32]Come on. 來,喝酒
[04:14.40]Cheers! 干杯
[04:19.12]One and a haIf martinis Iater.... 一杯半馬丁尼之后
[04:21.56]And the sad thing is, this is what l do best. 可悲的是,這是我寫得 最好的一篇,你看看
[04:25.16]-l mean, look at it. -Cookie, you're drunk. -甜心,你喝醉了 -是,甜心喝醉了
[04:28.84]Cookie's drunk.
[04:32.04]l'm drunk at Vogue. 我在“時尚”喝醉了
[04:34.48]How can anyone get so drunk on one and a half martinis? 怎么會有人 只喝一杯半馬丁尼就醉了?
[04:35.40]l didn't eat breakfast and l'm a size two, which should make me perfect for Vogue... 我沒吃早餐而且尺寸是二號 該最適合“時尚”,但卻不然
[04:40.48]but, nope, l'm drunk... -我在“時尚”喝醉加失敗 -我覺得很內(nèi)疚,這是我的錯
[04:42.84]and a failure at Vogue.
[04:44.100]l feel awful. This is my fault.
[04:46.72]Julian... 今天我走進來時多么自負 我以為我什么都懂
[04:50.40]l came in here today so cocky....
[04:51.28]l thought l knew it all.
[04:52.100]l had my men jokes... 我有很多男人的笑話和皮包的 雙關語,你也聽到她說的話了
[04:56.56]and my purse puns....
[04:59.64]You heard her. What do l know about purses? Nothing. 我懂皮包什么?一竅不通 我懂男人什么?
[05:03.52]What do l know about men?
[05:08.40]l spilled. 我灑出來了 我在“時尚”灑出酒了
[05:11.88]l spilled at Vogue.
[05:16.92]Maybe we better just take you home. 好了,我還是送你回家吧
[05:18.12]l can't go out there. 我不能出去,我喝醉了
[05:21.04]l'm drunk.
[05:22.08]l'm drunk at Vogue. 我在“時尚”喝醉了
[05:31.36]Left, right. 左腳、右腳、左腳
[05:35.32]Now look at me. 看著我 假裝我正在說關于束腹的笑話
[05:38.04]Pretend l'm saying something fantastic about corsets.
[05:41.48]Excuse me.
[05:42.16]-Please tell me that wasn't Anna Wintour. -lt wasn't. Now just.... -告訴我那不是安娜溫托 -她不是,左腳、右腳
[05:46.88]-Left, right. -Right.
[05:54.92]So sorry. 對不起
[05:57.60]That night, at a more appropriate cocktaiI hour.... 當晚,在比較適合喝 雞尾酒的時刻…
[05:60.48]Come on, there must be something you want for your birthday. 你一定有想要的生日禮物吧
[06:04.56]What l want for my birthday is not to celebrate it this year. -我想要的就是不慶祝 -萬一我想慶祝呢?
[06:05.52]What if l want to celebrate it?
[06:07.52]That would be celebration enough. Besides l have everything l need. 那就夠了 我需要的一切都已經(jīng)有了
[06:11.72]lt's not about needing something. 這跟需要無關 而是想要找點樂子
[06:13.20]lt's about wanting something just for fun. Something decadent, something naughty.
[06:20.48]May l tempt you with dessert? 要來份甜點嗎? 食物味道如何?
[06:21.44]-How was everything this evening? -Delicious, thank you.
[06:23.76]Alexa. -很可口,謝謝你 -我叫艾莉莎
[06:26.00]l took the liberty of pre-ordering our chocolate soufflé... 我預點了本餐廳的 巧克力舒芙蕾
[06:28.60]for you and Ms. Jones, if you want something sweet. 如果兩位想吃些甜的東西 便不需等待
[06:31.88]Always. Thank you for keeping an eye on us. 謝謝你對我們服務這么周到
[06:32.48]l couldn't help it. 我忍不住 你們是這里最引人注目的一對
[06:35.08]You're the most attractive couple in the restaurant.
[06:43.52]l know what l'd like for my birthday. 我知道我想要什么生日禮物了 和你一起做愛
[06:45.80]An all-night, nonstop, championship fuck fest with you...
[06:47.68]Then consider your candles blown. -既然這樣可以吹蠟燭了 -以及艾莉莎
[06:51.80]...and Alexa.
[06:53.88]You asked. 是你自己要問的
[06:54.56]ls a three-way with a 21-year-old a bad idea for Richard's birthday? 和21歲的女孩搞三人行 是很糟糕的慶生方式嗎?
[06:59.60]What about next year? A four-way? -然后明年四人行? -無論有沒有我,他都會出軌
[06:60.12]He won't be monogamous. He'll cheat with or without me.
[07:02.100]-Happy birthday to you. -He didn't ask me to get him a hooker. -祝你生日快樂 -他沒要求找妓女就不錯了
[07:07.88]-These are the options? -lt's someone we know... -這些就是選擇? -起碼我有參與這幻想
[07:08.64]and at least this way, l'm part of the fantasy.
[07:11.96]The fantasy being that he's attracted to someone young enough to be his daughter. 這幻想是他吸引了 某個可以當他女兒的人
[07:16.40]He is, Charlotte, that's the problem! Richard's in his fucking prime. 確實如此,這就是問題所在 理查正值壯年
[07:19.20]Men look better as they get older and women get-- 男人越老越帥,女人卻…
[07:23.20]Three-ways, apparently, or... 看樣子是得到三人行的待遇 或是馬克雅各斯超現(xiàn)代筆記本
[07:23.56]a Marc Jacobs ultra-mod little notebook.
[07:29.48]Evidently, l'm recommending it to Vogue shoppers. 顯然我正對“時尚”雜志的 顧客極力推薦它
[07:31.52]Just be careful. 莎曼珊,小心一點
[07:32.100]When a man has a fantasy and you fulfill it... 如果你為男人實現(xiàn)他的幻想 感情可能會生變
[07:37.80]there's the chance that the relationship could blow up.
[07:39.88]Then you're the idiot who did it with him on the golf course, or something. 那你就成了跟他在 高爾夫球場做愛的大白癡
[07:42.96]-Was it you and Trey? -No, it's a ''for instance.'' -你是說你和崔嗎? -這是舉例
[07:45.84]Sorry l'm late. l was shopping for a stroller. 抱歉我遲到了,我去買嬰兒車
[07:48.80]l shouldn't be here. l should be out doing the things... 在寶寶出生前 我應該把必須做的事做完
[07:53.48]l'm supposed to, before the baby comes, and l'm unable to leave my apartment.
[07:57.20]Like what? Jujitsu and off-track betting? -好比學柔術和場外下注? -好比買嬰兒床
[07:57.00]Like buying a crib.
[07:59.44]l'm to go to Crib World, because it's a whole world of cribs. 顯然我該去“嬰兒床世界” “嬰兒床之城”還不夠大
[08:03.36]l guess Crib City wasn't big enough.
[08:05.40]Why isn't there a store called ''This ls The Crib For You''? 為什么沒有一家店叫做 “這就是你要的嬰兒床”?
[08:07.72]They have one great crib. 他們負責送貨 還幫你撫養(yǎng)小孩
[08:10.48]They deliver it and assemble it, and help raise the child.
[08:12.68]-You don't have a crib yet? -No, l have a job instead. -你還沒有嬰兒床? -對,夏綠蒂,我有的是工作
[08:17.56]l'm sorry, but when am l supposed to find time to prepare for this baby? 我什么時候才有時間 做好迎接小孩的準備工作?
[08:21.32]l don't have a vague idea how l'm going to do any of it. -我完全沒有頭緒 -我則沒有“時尚”概念
[08:23.92]l don't have a Vogue idea, so hello.
[08:25.80]-Why don't you let One-Ball help you? -l tried that. -何不找史蒂夫? -我試過了
[08:27.72]He starts acting all father figure, and l get territorial... 他開始表現(xiàn)得像個父親 然后我要保護地盤…
[08:30.76]the salespeople get confused. 這對“嬰兒床世界”太復雜了
[08:32.24]Trust me, it's too complicated for Crib World.
[08:36.08]Let me help you. 讓我?guī)湍?,現(xiàn)在舉辦 新生兒派對還不算太晚
[08:37.92]You said you didn't want a baby shower, but you can change your mind.
[08:39.40]-l hate baby showers. -Who doesn't? -我討厭新生兒派對 -誰會不討厭
[08:41.80]The games, the finger sandwiches, all that enforced oohing and ahing. 那些游戲、手指三明治 一堆人拼命鬼叫
[08:44.20]l don't know, and l don't care who's having a baby. -我不會鬼叫 -想一想禮物
[08:47.80]Think of the gifts. lt'd be a great way to get all the stuff you need. 這是個好方法 可以得到所有你需要的東西
[08:52.68]-Without going to Crib World. -Who would l invite besides you? 不用去嬰兒用品店了
[08:52.56]-我要邀請誰? -任何以前邀請過你的人
[08:55.84]All the bitches that made you go to theirs.
[08:56.32]lt's your shower. You can invite or not invite whoever you choose. 這是你的派對 你可以選擇你要邀請的人
[08:60.72]You really want to throw me a baby shower... 在你經(jīng)歷這一切之后 你還想幫我舉辦新生兒派對?
[09:03.00]after all you've been through this year?
[09:04.44]Yeah, l think it would be good for me. 我想這對我可能是件好事
[09:10.12]Okay, but no cutesy, storky shit. 好吧,但不能有矯揉造作 以鸛為造型的廢物
[09:14.20]Just an adult, dignified lunch with presents... 這只是一頓優(yōu)雅午餐 而且大家離開后我才要拆禮物
[09:16.92]-which l will open after everyone leaves. -You have to open the presents.
[09:19.08]-你必須當場拆禮物 -不拆禮物
[09:19.88]No opening of presents, no games, no crustless bread.
[09:23.56]不玩游戲、面包不能沒有外皮 我還要吃炸雞
[09:25.68]-And l want fried chicken. -Fried chicken!
[09:26.32]But it's not Super Bowl Sunday. 這又不是超級杯的星期天
[09:29.84]lt's my shower, and l'll fry if l want to. 這是我的新生兒派對 就算我想發(fā)脾氣也行
[09:31.84]-What should we do for our gift? -Let's just stick to the registry three-way. -我們應該送什么禮物? -照著單子就對了
[09:36.36]The next day, CharIotte decided if she was going to host a baby shower... 夏綠蒂決定如果她要主辦 一個新生兒派對
[09:41.68]she shouId hide the evidence that she had wanted one of her own. 她應該掩飾自己曾經(jīng) 也想舉行的證據(jù)
[09:50.60]Later that week, I had a meaI with the perfect dinner accessory, JuIian. 過了幾天,我和最理想的 晚餐配件一起吃飯:朱利安
[09:54.28]My wife is a former dancer. She was with the Martha Graham Company. 我太太以前是舞蹈家 我第一次在舞臺上看到她
[09:59.68]And the first time l saw her on stage, l fell in love with her.
[09:60.36]就愛上她了 她屈膝而我便興奮不已
[10:03.72]She pliéd and l plotzed.
[10:08.08]lt'll be 24 years next September. -明年九月就二十四周年了 -那你高中畢業(yè)就結(jié)婚了
[10:10.60]So you got married right out of grade school.
[10:10.40]l knew there was something about you that l liked. 我就知道你有讓我喜歡的特質(zhì)
[10:14.72]What about your life? 你有沒有男朋友? 是很棒的愛情嗎?
[10:17.04]ls there a man in your life? ls it a great love?
[10:22.32]l just broke up with somebody.
[10:24.12]And yes... 是的,那是很棒的愛情
[10:28.08]it was a great love.
[10:30.68]But he went there. 但他往那邊走,而我往這邊走
[10:34.64]-l went there. -And there you have it. 世事就是如此
[10:39.84]So, the reason that l asked you to dinner tonight-- 朱利安,今晚我邀你吃晚餐 是因為…
[10:43.20]-Was because you knew l would pay? -Besides that. -你知道我會付帳? -除了那一點之外
[10:46.56]l wanted to tell you that l really appreciate your interest in my article... 我真的很感激 你對我的文章有興趣
[10:50.04]but l've decided not to finish it. 但我已經(jīng)決定不寫完它了
[10:52.40]So you're just going to quit? 你要辭職? 我不讓我的孩子辭職
[10:53.04]l don't let my kids quit.
[10:55.60]Technically, l'm not one of your kids. l'm just a girl you get drunk sometimes. 我不是你的孩子 我是偶爾被你灌醉的女孩
[10:59.20]All right, forget about me. 先別管我 你父親對你放棄會怎么說?
[11:01.24]What would your father say about you quitting?
[11:04.68]He wouldn't have a lot to say about quitting. He quit my mother and me when l was little. 他沒什么好說的
[11:08.44]他在我小的時候 就離開我媽和我
[11:10.00]-Sorry. -Thanks. l mean a long time ago. 抱歉
[11:11.68]-l was 5. -Why did he leave? 那是很久以前的事了 我才五歲
[11:13.20]-他為什么離開? -不知道,從來沒說
[11:14.16]No idea, never said.
[11:17.68]And that's the name of that tune. 故事就是這樣
[11:24.60]-What? -No, it's interesting. -怎么了? -很有意思
[11:28.08]Your father leaves without any answers... 你父親沒留下任何答案就離開 而你不停問關于男人的問題
[11:32.80]and you spend your life asking questions about men.
[11:35.60]lt's 20 years of analysis. Forgive me? 這是二十年的分析 不介意吧?
[11:39.68]-Yes. -Okay, Vogue. 關于“時尚”,若我能做主 你只要跟我打交道
[11:40.56]What if l could fix it so that you only deal with me, and...
[11:43.20]Enid spends less time hating your writing and more time hating Tom Ford's line? 讓伊妮德少花一點時間 批評你的文章?
[11:49.08]-Julian-- -Come on, cookie, you're no quitter. 親愛的,你不是輕易放棄的人 我們得一起努力
[11:51.36]And we get to work on this together. What do you say?
[11:54.08]Why are you being so sweet? -你為什么這么體貼 -馬丁尼的罪惡感
[11:56.24]Martini guilt.
[11:60.20]Later that night, I got to thinking about fathers... 當晚,我不得不思考父親 或是沒有父親
[12:04.92]or the Iack of them.
[12:05.20]Some say a daughter's reIationship with her father is the modeI... 據(jù)說一個女兒和父親的關系
[12:07.08]for aII her subsequent reIationships with men. 是她和所有男人關系的模型
[12:12.04]Is that just pop psychoIogy, or is there some truth to it? 那是通俗心理學 還是真的有幾分道理?
[12:13.92]And if you were given a Iess-than-perfect modeI... 一個有瑕疵的模型 是否意味終生不完美的感情?
[12:18.72]does it mean a Iife of Iess-than-perfect reIationships?
[12:21.20]I couIdn't heIp but wonder. 我不禁納悶 父親角色究竟占多大重要性?
[12:22.52]How much does a father figure figure?
[12:25.48]Gentlemen, l understand your concern, but l'm looking at the contract right now. 我明白你在擔心什么
[12:30.96]l'm sorry, could you hold for a moment? 可以請你等一下嗎?
[12:33.44]l'm on a conference call here. 我正在進行電話會議
[12:37.92]CharIotte York says it's an emergency. 夏綠蒂約克說有急事
[12:42.96]-What's wrong, you okay? -l'm fine. -怎么了?你還好吧? -我很好
[12:43.96]l'm looking at your registry. There are some things you forgot. 你忘了在單子上寫 曼哈頓胡茲娃娃了
[12:47.36]-Like a Manhattan Whoozit. -A what? 那是一種學習玩具 會動的玩具讓孩子比較乖
[12:48.84]lt's a learning toy. Active toys make for passive children.
[12:51.44]-There's a philosophy on it. -l don't have the time. 我沒時間說這些 我正在進行電話會議
[12:53.00]-l'm on a conference call with London. -What about a Peek-A-Ball?
[12:56.20]-那驚喜玩偶呢? -我必須掛了
[12:59.08]-Jesus, l have to get back. -One more quick thing.
[13:03.64]You said no storks, but l saw the most gorgeous centerpiece, in the shape-- 我看到一個很漂亮的餐桌擺飾 是鸛的形狀
[13:06.44]-l'm at work. -We have to order it by noon. -我正在工作 -我們得在中午之前訂購
[13:07.04]lts feathers are white Fiji mum. 它的羽毛是白色的斐濟菊花
[13:12.80]-What did l say? -No storks. -我是怎么交代的? -不準有鸛
[13:13.76]But these people are giving expensive gifts, and will want to see a little baby. 但送上貴重禮物的賓客 會想看到寶寶
[13:17.48]No storks, no present opening, no cutesy baby stuff. We agreed. 不準有鸛、不拆禮物 沒有做作的東西,我們說好的
[13:21.12]What about a marzipan baby carriage? 那杏仁糖嬰兒車呢?
[13:22.40]lt has a white chocolate, peanut butter baby inside, and you can eat the baby. 里面有個巧克力寶寶 你可以把寶寶吃掉
[13:31.56]The next day, Samantha made a conference caII of her own. 隔天,莎曼珊親自登門拜訪
[13:36.16]Ms. Jones, welcome. Will Mr. Wright be joining you for lunch? 萊特先生會和你共進午餐嗎?
[13:39.100]No, actually, it's Richard's birthday this weekend... 不,這個周末是理查的生日 我正在安排一個慶生會
[13:44.88]and l'm trying to put together a little celebration for him.
[13:46.88]Would you like to reserve one of our banquet rooms-- 你想預定我們的宴會包廂嗎?
[13:51.44]That won't be necessary. lt's a very small party. 沒那個必要,這是個小派對
[13:53.72]A very small private party of three. 非常小型、私密的三人派對
[13:57.04]Just Richard, myself, and a third... 只有理查、我和第三者
[14:02.68]if you have any openings. -如果你有空的話 -我非常樂意
[14:04.20]-l'm wide open. -Lucky me. 我運氣真好
[14:09.08]And now that CharIotte's house was ready for the baby shower... 現(xiàn)在夏綠蒂的房子 已經(jīng)準備好舉行派對
[14:12.64]she wanted to make sure Miranda's house was ready for the baby. 她想確定米蘭達的家 也準備好迎接寶寶
[14:13.44]The bassinet can go over here by the bed. 搖籃可以放在床旁邊 這樣方便喂食
[14:19.00]So that when you get up for feedings, he's right there.
[14:20.96]Unless you're planning to have him sleep in bed with you. 除非你跟他一起睡
[14:23.28]-Can't l go to jail for that? -No. 我會因此而坐牢嗎?
[14:26.76]ln fact many cultures believe it's safer for the baby's breathing. 很多人相信 這對寶寶呼吸比較安全
[14:29.20]Except for the risk of rolling over and smushing him while asleep. 雖然會有在睡夢中 壓到他的危險
[14:33.28]But that almost never happens. But if you want to err on the side of safety-- 但那幾乎不曾發(fā)生過…
[14:37.56]l'll just put him in the thing. -他還是睡在那東西里面好了 -搖籃?太棒了
[14:40.24]The bassinet? Great.
[14:43.08]And then when he's big enough, you can put the crib here. 等他長得夠大 你可以把嬰兒床放在這里
[14:47.00]-ls that what you were thinking? -l hadn't thought about that yet. -你是這么想的嗎? -我還沒想過這一點
[14:48.20]You need to start thinking about these things. 你必須在寶寶出生以前 開始考慮這些事
[14:50.72]There are a million questions to answer before the baby gets here.
[14:55.20]Do you have a birthing plan? What kind of mother do you want to be? 你有教育計劃嗎? 你想當個什么樣的媽媽?
[14:59.84]l plan to be a good mother. 我計劃當個好媽媽
[15:00.52]But a marsupial mom or a stroller mom? 上街時你會背著寶寶 或放在嬰兒車里推?
[15:03.24]Will you be breastfeeding or bottle-feeding? And what about babyproofing? 你要喂母奶還是牛奶?
[15:07.12]房里到處充滿了尖銳棱角 這地方簡直是個死亡陷阱
[15:07.92]'Cause with all the sharp edges around here...
[15:11.68]l mean, this place is a deathtrap!
[15:12.28]-Okay, you need to back off. -l'm just trying to help. -你必須收斂一點 -我只是想幫忙
[15:17.16]This is your idea of helping? Pointing out all the things l do badly? 你所謂的幫忙就是 指出每個我做得不好的地方?
[15:20.92]-l'm not pointing out-- -You are. -我沒有… -你有
[15:25.48]You need to try to let other people in a little... 你得接受其他人的好意
[15:29.16]because once you have that baby, it's not just you anymore. 一旦孩子出生 你便無法控制一切
[15:32.16]You're not gonna be able to control everything.
[15:33.84]Look, l just want to enjoy the fried chicken and be done with it. 我只想好好享用炸雞 趕快了結(jié)這件事
[15:39.80]l had to rethink the fried chicken... 我得重新考慮是否要準備炸雞
[15:42.28]because only you wanted all that breading. 你是唯一想吃的人 我們會有梅斯卡靈蔬菜
[15:45.36]So instead we're having mesclun greens and a lovely puttanesca...
[15:46.84]豐盛的意大利面 加上斐濟菊花餐桌擺飾
[15:49.36]-with a Fiji mum centerpiece. -A Fiji mum stork centerpiece?
[15:51.60]-One stork. l think you can deal with one-- -Two storks. l saw the invitation! -你可以忍受一只鸛吧 -有兩只
[15:57.72]That's not a stork! That is a duck. -邀請卡上也有一只鸛 -那是鴨子
[15:58.36]That duck is smoking an ''lt's A Boy'' cigar. That's not for children. 它正抽著一根雪茄 那鴨子兒童不宜
[16:02.76]That duck is fucked! This whole shower is fucked! 去他的鴨子,去他的派對
[16:06.76]You can't have a shower without baby stuff! -沒有嬰兒用品不能辦 -要不然媽咪干脆缺席
[16:09.16]You continue, you'll have a shower without a mommy!
[16:09.64]-Fine! -Fine! -隨便 -隨便
[16:13.12]Miranda, you better show up. 你最好出現(xiàn) 我才不要跟一大群…
[16:16.88]l am not getting stuck with some lawyers, who, if they're like you...
[16:21.36]won't even appreciate a beautiful puttanesca! 不懂得欣賞華麗意大利面的 律師在一起
[16:23.96]Watch out for the sharp edges! 小心那些尖銳的棱角
[16:29.44]Thanks for coming down and talking. 謝謝你下來聊天
[16:31.48]l really didn't have a choice. You couldn't make it up the stairs. 我別無選擇,你沒辦法上樓
[16:36.00]There, you feel better? 這里,感覺好點了嗎?
[16:38.68]The back, yes. The other stuff, no. l'm gonna be a terrible mother. 背部是好了,其他的不好 我會是個很差勁的媽咪
[16:43.56]l am! 是真的,我沒有母親的天性 我對夏綠蒂大呼小叫
[16:42.80]l have no maternal instincts, no patience. The way l yelled at Charlotte....
[16:47.08]She was just trying to point out what needed to be childproofed. 她只是指出哪些地方需要改善
[16:51.88]-Oh, my God. -What? 我的天,我自己都需要改善
[16:54.04]l'm what needs to be childproofed.
[16:56.16]You wanna quit? 你想放棄嗎? 我打算辭職,你不生小孩
[16:58.64]Come on, l'll quit the magazine. You quit the baby. We'll be two quitters.
[17:01.08]We'll live happily ever after. 兩個放棄的人,從此我們 便過著幸??鞓返娜兆?/p>
[17:04.28]-Can l tell you a secret? -You're not pregnant? lt's water weight? -我可以告訴你一個秘密嗎? -你不是真的懷孕?
[17:09.56]l dropped my niece on her head. 我曾讓侄女頭著地摔下去
[17:09.64]l was babysitting when l was 13, and l got bored. 當時我13歲,幫忙照顧她 后來我覺得很無聊
[17:13.56]l was doing my homework, she slid down the couch.
[17:14.12]我正在做功課 她就從沙發(fā)上滑下來
[17:17.12]-Two stitches. -Get off my stoop! -縫了兩針 -少來了
[17:23.56]How is this kid ever gonna make it? 這孩子怎么可能平安長大?
[17:25.08]A type-A mother, who works 50 hours a week, and no father figure. 有個一周工作50小時的 A型媽媽,沒有爸爸
[17:28.84]-He has a father figure. -Steve. -他有爸爸 -史蒂夫
[17:31.100]l meant you. 我說的是你
[17:34.24]-Really? -Yeah. 是嗎?我倒真的喜歡洋基隊
[17:35.32]l do like those Yankees!
[17:45.64]-Second date, dinner and a movie. -l hate them. -第二次約會,吃飯加電影 -我恨他們
[17:52.84]Do you think it's as simple as, ''My father walked out... 你認為有可能是 “我爸離開了家”
[17:54.92]''therefore l'll always be messed up about men?'' “因此我一輩子搞不定男人” 這么簡單嗎?
[17:57.96]My father came home every night at 7:00 on the dot... 我爸每天晚上都回家
[17:59.64]-and l have no clue about men, either. -So it's a crapshoot. -我也一樣不了解男人 -所以這根本是胡說八道
[18:05.76]Do l have to go to my own baby shower? 我一定要參加 我的新生兒派對嗎?
[18:05.72]-l R.S.V.P.'d to a duck with a cigar. -All right. 我回覆了抽雪茄鴨子的請?zhí)?你非去不可
[18:10.20]-You're going. -lt's late. l've got to catch a cab.
[18:14.56]Wait, let me get you a forklift. -很晚了,我要叫計程車 -讓我拉你起來
[18:17.88]-When you're ready. -Okay. 準備好了嗎?
[18:18.64]Go. 來吧
[18:24.32]-Thank you. -You did good. -好女孩… -你也是
[18:24.72]You, too.
[18:27.32]The next day, Miranda decided not to duck her own shower. 隔天,米蘭達決定 不逃避她自己的派對
[18:29.08]You showed up. 你來了
[18:31.16]Bring on the ladies in hats, and let's get this over with. 把那些戴帽子的貴夫人搬出來 我們趕快了結(jié)這件事吧
[18:37.52]-Where'd you put all the storks? -You said you didn't want any storks. -那些鸛呢? -你說你不喜歡
[18:39.52]l know, but.... 我知道,可是…
[18:44.12]-你做了什么? -這是你的新生兒派對
[18:46.12]-What did you do? -lt's your shower.
[18:49.44]Can you get that? 你去開門好嗎? 我得去拿有面包外皮的三明治
[18:50.84]l have to get the sandwiches, which have all of their crusts.
[18:54.92]Nothing cute. No ridiculous, over-the-top baby stuff allowed. 沒有可愛的東西 沒有可笑的嬰兒用品
[18:60.52]-Hey, Momma! -Why are you opening the door? 媽媽你好
[19:03.20]Shouldn't you be sitting on a lily pad being worshipped? 你不是應該坐在睡蓮的葉子上 受人崇拜嗎?
[19:06.08]What is that? 那是什么?
[19:06.76]lt's a four-tiered baby cake made entirely of diapers. 這是全部用尿布做成的 四層寶寶蛋糕
[19:11.36]-l baked it myself. -We ordered it online. 我自己弄的
[19:12.40]What am l supposed to do with it? -我們在網(wǎng)路上訂購的 -我要這個干嘛?
[19:15.80]-How would we know? Didn't you want one? -No. -我們怎知道,你不想要嗎? -不想
[19:18.00]We're not taking it back. We've already been seen carrying it down Park Avenue. 我們才不要收回 別人看到我們拿著它了
[19:22.40]Definitely not Vogue. 肯定不合“時尚”
[19:23.24]Charlotte said it was the shower gift. -夏綠蒂說這是派對禮物 -應該幫我們按摩一下
[19:26.04]l told you we should've gotten the massage certificate.
[19:28.04]One hour, two pIatters of chicken, and 13 Iawyers Iater... 一小時,吃完兩大盤雞肉 來了十三個律師之后
[19:32.80]aII taIk had turned to babies. AImost aII. 所有話題都繞著寶寶打轉(zhuǎn) 幾乎所有
[19:36.88]She may be 21, but l have 21 years of experience. 我有21年經(jīng)驗 我可以偷偷整她
[19:39.76]-l could fuck her under the table. -Good to know.
[19:40.88]Because in a three-way situation, it could come to that. 在三人行的情況下 有這個可能
[19:42.72]-l have tricks she hasn't even seen. -Those Trix aren't for kids. -我有她沒見識過的花招 -而那些花招兒童不宜
[19:48.40]And whatever happens, she's just renting him. l own. -她只是租用他,我則是擁有 -沒錯
[19:49.32]-Exactly. -Although, l don't really own.
[19:52.88]-雖然不是真的擁有 -這算非法分租嗎?
[19:54.76]-So it's more of an illegal-sublet type thing? -Yeah.
[20:02.92]lt's a breast pump. 這是吸奶器
[20:04.00]l didn't want you coming to my office to borrow mine. 我不希望你來我辦公室跟我借
[20:09.36]You know what? l have to pee. 我要去上廁所
[20:11.96]Wait. Here. 來,查爾斯給你抱 玩得開心,媽咪
[20:13.28]You take Charles.
[20:15.32]Have fun, Mom.
[20:18.20]All right. Keep it coming, ladies. Let's keep the presents-- 各位,繼續(xù)送上來 禮物繼續(xù)送上來
[20:22.32]-Miranda! -Yeah? -怎么了? -沒事
[20:27.68]Something tells me this one's Tiffany. 直覺告訴我這是蒂芬妮名牌貨
[20:30.24]That's from me. 那是我送的
[20:35.24]-That is elegant. -Oh, my God. 好精致
[20:38.40]That's exactly like the rattle Trey gave me when we first.... 這跟崔送我的響鈴一模一樣…
[20:44.00]-You okay? -l'm fine. Sorry, everybody. -你還好吧? -我沒事,對不起
[20:48.88]Excuse me. 抱歉失陪
[20:52.64]What happened?
[20:55.84]What did l do? 我做了什么?
[21:03.80]l just need to be alone right now. 我現(xiàn)在需要一個人靜一靜
[21:06.64]Except, you know, you've got 20 people in the other room. 可是有二十個人在隔壁
[21:25.12]-l'm sorry l ruined your shower. -You didn't. -我很抱歉破壞了你的派對 -你并沒有
[21:26.100]And there wouldn't even be a shower to ruin if it weren't for you. 要不是你 也不會有派對可以破壞
[21:32.16]Look, l know this is hard. 我知道這很不容易
[21:36.48]And l really appreciate you trying to be okay with me having this baby... 我真的很感激 你努力不在意我生這個孩子…
[21:43.32]because l need you. 因為我需要你
[21:46.44]l mean, let's face it. You're the only person in my life... 面對現(xiàn)實吧,你是我生命中…
[21:51.00]who knows how important it is to have a cake made entirely out of diapers. 唯一知道有個尿布做的蛋糕 是多么重要的人
[21:56.04]-There's lotion in there, too. -Oh, yeah? 里面也有乳液
[22:03.32]And baby bottles... 還有奶瓶
[22:07.96]and a receiving blanket. -以及一條毯子 -看到?jīng)]?
[22:13.04]l would never have known that. -本來我永遠不會知道這種事 -你會慢慢明白的
[22:15.92]You would've figured it out.
[22:18.60]And just Iike that, Miranda reaIized... 就這樣,米蘭達發(fā)現(xiàn) 或許她也能當個好媽媽
[22:20.52]she might be a good mother figure, as weII.
[22:29.36]Somebody better go check on Mommy in the guest bath... 最好有人去洗手間找媽媽 因為小家伙尿濕了自己
[22:32.24]'cause little bits here has wet himself.
[22:35.12]And myself, l might add. 恕我再加一句,還有我
[22:36.12]-l happen to have four tiers of diapers. -Good. 我剛好有四層尿布
[22:41.80]Ladies, can we cut the cake and get out of here? 可以切蛋糕了嗎? 我還得去參加三人行
[22:42.56]l have a three-way to go to.
[22:45.84]That's my earring. 那是我的耳環(huán)
[22:48.56]That night, at the birthday three-way, Samantha made sure it happened her way. 當晚在三人行活動中
[22:48.40]莎曼珊要確定 一切照著她的方式進行
[22:51.32]Just so we're clear... 我們都心知肚明,今晚只有性
[22:54.28]tonight is just about sex, not love.
[22:58.00]So there will be no kissing on the mouth.
[22:60.48]Richard's lips are off-limits to anyone but me. 理查的嘴唇除了我之外 沒人能靠近
[23:04.84]What if he kisses me? 萬一他親我呢?
[23:07.80]-Who's up for champagne? -l'm up for anything. -誰要喝香檳? -我已經(jīng)一切就緒
[23:25.52]Easy, Sam. 別急,莎曼珊 我一個人應付你們綽綽有余
[23:29.72]There's more than enough of me to go around.
[23:30.20]You tell her, Daddy. 你跟她說清楚,爹地
[23:33.20]The one thing Richard didn't want for his birthday... 理查不想要的生日禮物 就是覺得自己變老
[23:35.16]was to feeI oIder.
[23:35.32]-Get rid of her. -l'm on it. -把她趕走 -遵命
[23:41.60]It was time for the fIedgIing to Ieave the Iove nest. 該是羽翼漸豐的小鳥 離開愛巢的時候了
[23:48.28]Anything else you want for your birthday? 你還想要什么生日禮物嗎?
[23:53.28]No, this is great. 不,這就很棒了,只有你和我
[23:54.44]Just you and me.
[23:59.12]What about my three-way? 那我的三人行呢? 有個餐廳小弟半夜會來
[24:01.80]l have a busboy arriving at midnight.
[24:07.36]Seriously, let's try this. 說真的,試試這個吧
[24:08.28]Just you and me. 只有你和我,沒有別人
[24:11.52]Nobody else.
[24:15.88]Okay. 好
[24:17.72]By giving Richard what he thought he wanted... 藉著滿足理查的心愿
[24:22.00]Samantha finaIIy got what she needed. 莎曼珊終于得到她需要的東西 一夫一妻制
[24:26.36]The foIIowing night, with a IittIe after-hours heIp from my favorite editor... 隔天晚上 靠著我最喜歡的編輯幫忙
[24:29.84]I finished the impossibIe. 我完成了不可能的任務 我的第一篇“時尚”文章
[24:30.40]My first Vogue piece.
[24:34.32]And now, my favorite part of the writing process... 現(xiàn)在是寫作過程中 我最喜歡的部分:列印
[24:38.08]Congratulations, cookie. Five hundred beautifully written words... 恭喜,親愛的 五百個優(yōu)美的文字
[24:41.44]and some of them even include the Carrie Bradshaw agenda. 有些還包含凱莉布雷蕭的風格 隱藏得很高明
[24:46.92]-Cleverly hidden, of course. -lt's a literary Where's WaIdo?
[24:48.100]When l finish a piece, l usually celebrate... 我寫完一篇文章時 都會開一瓶紅酒
[24:51.68]by opening a bottle of Chateau La Tour. How do you celebrate?
[24:54.48]By buying shoes and purses. -你怎么慶祝? -我會去買鞋和皮包
[24:59.44]ln that case, have you ever heard of the Vogue accessories closet? 既然如此,你聽說過 “時尚”雜志的樣品室嗎?
[25:06.00]Oh, my God! 我的天啊
[25:09.88]lt's too good! 這太棒了 我很抱歉,但這…這太棒了
[25:12.16]l'm sorry, but it's....
[25:13.68]lt's too good!
[25:15.56]You're just like a kid in a couture candy store. 就像小孩來到時裝糖果屋
[25:19.56]This is too much! 這太夸張了,怎么可能?
[25:20.44]How can this be?
[25:24.52]Designers send these things, and we photograph them. 設計師把東西送來讓我們拍照
[25:29.68]Oh, my God! 我的天,你知道這是什么嗎?
[25:31.76]-Do you know what these are? -We're not even supposed to be in here.
[25:32.04]-我們不該進來的 -曼諾羅布雷尼克的瑪莉珍鞋
[25:33.12]Manolo Blahnik Mary Janes.
[25:37.72]l thought these were an urban shoe myth. 我認為這雙是都市鞋子神話
[25:41.72]Now if you'll excuse me, l'll be pillaging the men's side. 恕我告退 我要去挖掘男性專區(qū)了
[25:45.48]Okay. Oh, my God! 我的天 這雙是用真正的漆皮制成
[25:47.44]These are authentic patent leather.
[25:51.92]And if they don't fit, so help me, l'm gonna wear them anyway. 就算不合腳,我也一定要穿
[25:59.00]They almost fit. 幾乎合腳
[26:02.20]-Tell me what you think of these Versaces. -Okay. All right! 告訴我你的想法 這是凡賽斯的設計
[26:14.48]-What do you think? -Oh, my.... -你覺得怎么樣? -你在干嘛?
[26:17.48]-What are you doing? -l'm just showing you these briefs. -我只是試穿這件內(nèi)褲給你看 -快別這樣
[26:19.00]Well, don't.
[26:20.44]Julian, pull your pants up. -朱利安,把褲子穿上 -瞧你穿著那雙瑪莉珍鞋
[26:25.12]-Look at you in those Mary Janes! -Stop.
[26:28.44]What happened to your wife, the dancer? 你的舞蹈家太太呢?
[26:31.08]She's having an affair with her friend, the chiropractor. 她和她的脊椎按摩師搞外遇
[26:35.60]-What? -l find you adorable. -我覺得你很可愛 -你老得可以當我爸了
[26:36.24]-You're old enough to be my father. -Hardly. Would your father wear Versaces?
[26:39.84]-你爸會穿凡賽斯嗎? -把褲子穿上
[26:43.32]-Pull your pants up, now. -All right. But, cookie...
[26:44.64]好吧,不過站在一個 關心你的人的角度來看
[26:44.64]as someone who cares about you, let me say, l think you have some issues with men.
[26:46.68]-你對男人有嚴重的恐懼感 -沒錯,現(xiàn)在確實有了
[26:49.36]l do right now.
[26:50.16]An older man can help you work through some of those father issues, cookie. 年紀大一點的男人可以幫你 揮去失去父親的陰影,甜心
[26:54.28]Okay, don't ''cookie'' me, Freud. Pants up! 別再叫我甜心,把褲子穿上
[26:60.92]Show some respect. This is Vogue! 放尊重一點 這里是“時尚”雜志
[27:03.40]It turns out JuIian had an agenda, as weII. 原來朱利安也有不愉快的經(jīng)歷
[27:06.68]But it was cIeverIy hidden, of course. 當然,隱藏得很高明
[27:09.36]From then on, once a month, when I went to Vogue... 從那時起 我一個月去一次“時尚”雜志
[27:11.68]I thought it best to work excIusiveIy with Enid. 我認為還是只和伊妮德 一起工作最好
[27:13.36]This new piece shows improvement, but still positively reeks of you. 有進步,但依然充滿你的風格
[27:17.24]This magazine doesn't care what Carrie Bradshaw says about shoes. 這本雜志關心的不是 你對鞋子的意見
[27:21.48]What does Carrie Bradshaw know about shoes? 你懂什么鞋子?
[27:24.40]With all due respect... 伊妮德,恕我冒昧
[27:28.24]men, l may not know... 我也許不了解男人 但是鞋子…我可是專家
[27:30.36]but shoes...
[27:32.92]shoes, l know.
[27:38.92]-l'm walking. -l'm walking, too. -我走了 -我也在走
[27:40.20]I admit it's tempting to wish for the perfect boss... 有個完美的上司 完美的父母或完美的外表
[27:44.44]or the perfect parent, or the perfect outfit. 是很吸引人的愿望
[27:46.76]But maybe the best any of us can do is not quit. 但也許我們所能做的 只有不放棄
[27:50.72]PIay the hand we've been given, and accessorize the outfit we've got. 以手中的牌繼續(xù)玩下去 用配件裝飾我們原本的外表
[27:59.68]Subtitles provided by SOFTlTLER
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