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欲望都市第四季 舊情人新朋友 Defining Moments





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:43:20



[00:35.84](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:55.64]Someone once said that when one door shuts, a window opens. 曾經(jīng)有人說過當一扇門關上時 必定有另一扇窗會打開

[00:59.28]Big and I had shut our door... 大人物和我關上了那一扇門 但我們的窗正吹進涼爽微風

[01:01.16]but our window was open and bIowing a great breeze.

[01:08.52]-People don't dress up anymore. -Like with waistcoats. -人們不再費心打扮了 -像是穿背心

[01:13.88]And watch fobs. 還有懷表 我要重新引領佩帶懷表的風潮

[01:14.28]-l'm gonna bring back the watch fob. -A man with a plan.

[01:17.40]真有雄心壯志, 請給我一支煙

[01:19.44]Smoke, please.

[01:20.36]Now that Big and I weren't pIaying the dating game, we were free to just pIay... 既然大人物和我不再玩 愛情游戲, 我們可以盡情享樂

[01:24.12]and it had never been better. 這樣再好不過了

[01:33.28]Where is it? 在哪里?

[01:37.28]Wow. 真叫人刮目相看


[01:42.56]The ladies enjoy sleight of hand. 女人喜歡這些小花招

[01:45.72]And the watch fob. 還有懷表

[01:49.68]MeanwhiIe, 35 bIocks north... 同時, 在往北35條街 楊氏夫婦的雞尾酒會上

[01:52.24]at Dr. and Mrs. Young's cocktaiI party...

[01:56.36]another set of ex's were enjoying the view. 另一對舊情人正在欣賞美景

[01:56.96]Look at all the shades of green in the hillside. lt's so beautiful. 你看見那山坡上整片草坪嗎? 真是美極了

[02:00.32]What's beautiful is your ass in that skirt. 你裙底下的小屁股才美

[02:03.52]-Trey. -lt is. 的確如此

[02:06.36]Now that Trey and CharIotte had opened the door of communication... 既然他們已經(jīng)打開了溝通之門

[02:10.44]Trey wanted to get in... 崔很想進去…每個地方

[02:10.96]everywhere. 我現(xiàn)在可以 對你做一些下流的事

[02:12.36]l'd like to do some very dirty things to you right now.

[02:15.00]We're at Winky and Bob's cocktail party, and l'm your estranged wife. 我們正在一個雞尾酒會上 而且我是你分居的妻子

[02:17.68]My estranged wife has a damn fine ass. 我分居的妻子有個漂亮的屁股

[02:22.40]l think it's really great how up for things you've been lately. 最近你如此性致勃勃是件好事 但這里是公共場合

[02:24.44]But we are in public.

[02:27.76]So why don't we get our coats and go back to your place... 我們不如去拿外套回你家

[02:31.72]because my ass will be damn fine there, too. 因為我的屁股在那里 也會很漂亮

[02:38.08]For a radiologist, he's awfully full of himself. -她的放射科醫(yī)生很目中無人 -他太太更糟

[02:41.80]His wife is even worse.

[02:42.24]They were passed over for three Park Avenue co-ops because of that yippie dog. 先前他們因為帶狗 而被三家商店拒絕

[02:45.44]That's what you get for over-breeding the Pekingese. 養(yǎng)北京狗就會有這種待遇

[02:47.24]Certain behavior wiII keep you from getting into a co-op. 某些行為會使你無法進入商店

[02:51.72]And certain behavior is aImost assured to get you kicked out of one. 而某些行為則保證 讓你被踢出社交界

[02:56.00]The entire surgical staff of Lennox Hill Hospital is in the next room. 隔壁滿屋都是外科醫(yī)生

[02:59.16]-They'll understand, this is an emergency. -At least close the door. -這是緊急情況 -至少把門關上

[03:08.100]WhiIe CharIotte waIked through her door... 當夏綠蒂走進她的門 我卻把我那扇關得緊緊地

[03:12.08]I reached mine and kept it firmIy cIosed.

[03:16.56]Okay then, Houdini. 好了, 胡迪尼大師

[03:17.76]-l'll walk you up. -l think l got it from here. -我陪你上樓 -到這里就行了

[03:23.72]Then l'll watch from down here in case you trip. 那我在下面看著, 免得你跌倒

[03:27.60]What's with the.... 什么是…我們之間沒有…

[03:27.68]There will be no....

[03:31.56]Okay, you're the boss. 你說了算 但我永遠有空陪你…

[03:35.88]But l'm always available for the....

[03:44.88]Nighty night. 晚安

[03:51.84]Nighty night. 晚安

[03:51.12]Have you guys ever done it in a restaurant bathroom? 你們曾在餐廳廁所里做過嗎?

[03:55.80]-Lotus. -Sparks. -蓮花飯店 -火花餐廳

[03:55.80]Somewhere over Chicago. -在芝加哥某個地方 -她說的是餐廳廁所

[03:58.40]She said restaurant bathroom.

[03:60.00]There were warm nuts involved. -反正睪丸都是熱的 -那衣帽間呢?

[04:01.20]-Classy. -How about a coatroom?

[04:03.36]-Lotus. -My last birthday party. -蓮花飯店 -我上一次生日派對

[04:06.84]-l'm out. -Syrup? 我沒這個經(jīng)驗, 給我糖漿

[04:09.48]Are these theoretical questions, or are you getting busy, missy? 這是個假設 還是你們熟絡起來了?

[04:10.04]Trey and l... 崔和我, 衣帽間, 星期五 昨晚在小酒館的廁所

[04:12.12]coatroom, Friday. Bistro bathroom last night.

[04:16.08]-But l thought he couldn't-- -Apparently he can, all over Manhattan. -但他不能… -他能, 曼哈頓到處都行

[04:20.68]This is a very happy development. 這是個令人欣喜的發(fā)展

[04:21.84]-No, we're not even together anymore. -Doesn't sound that way to me. -不, 我們已經(jīng)不在一起了 -聽起來也不像

[04:26.64]We're supposed to be getting to know each other again, not-- 我們應該重新了解對方 而非…

[04:30.72]Fucking against a hand dryer? -背抵著烘手機做愛? -這真是讓人困惑

[04:32.52]lt is so confusing.

[04:32.92]Are we dating or are we back together? 我們是在交往或是復合了? 他是我的男友還是情人?

[04:36.40]ls he my boyfriend or my lover?

[04:39.60]Or my ex-husband... 或是偶爾跟我在衣帽間 發(fā)生關系的前夫?

[04:40.76]whom l have sex with occasionally in coatrooms?

[04:42.04]-And bathrooms. -l'm going with ''D,'' all of the above. -還有廁所 -以上皆是

[04:47.00]-Who cares what you are? Just enjoy it. -No, l need to know where we're going. -誰在乎? 好好享受就對了 -我要知道我們會往哪里去

[04:49.60]We'd like to know, too, since you'll be having sex there. 我們也想知道 因為你們會在那里做愛

[04:53.96]Why define it? 為什么非要定義不可?

[04:55.88]He's my husband, we were defined by law. Now it's all blurry, it's so hard. 他是我的丈夫, 經(jīng)由法律認定 現(xiàn)在一切都曖昧而難以區(qū)別了

[04:59.72]-Thank your lucky stars. -Enough about me. -真是謝天謝地 -別說我了, 你周末在干嘛?

[05:01.52]What did you do this weekend?

[05:05.20]-Monkey Bar. -Fun! 我去猴子酒吧

[05:06.32]-With whom? -Big. -真好玩, 跟誰一起去? -大人物

[05:13.48]The bar, not the bathroom. 是酒吧, 不是廁所

[05:17.24]So you and Big are really friends or something? 這么說你和大人物 確實是朋友之類的?

[05:20.40]-Yeah. -Friends or something. -朋友…之類的 -寬容的檢察官

[05:21.40]-Easy, prosecutor. -Shouldn't you define your relationship? 難道你不該界定一下 你和他的關系嗎?

[05:26.56]-Charlotte didn't have to. -Charlotte married the guy. -夏綠蒂就不用 -夏綠蒂嫁給那個男人了

[05:29.48]We're undefinable. -我們是無法界定的 -她跟他上床了

[05:31.68]-She's sleeping with him. -l am not sleeping with him. 我沒有跟他上床 我們只是…一塊出去

[05:32.36]We're just...

[05:34.92]hanging out.

[05:38.00]lt's fun, in fact... 說來有趣, 現(xiàn)在壓力消失了 我們便相處得很愉快, 真好

[05:40.72]now that the pressure's off, we're finally enjoying each other. lt's good.

[05:43.40]lt's a slippery slope. Without boundaries, you won't know what'll happen. 這是個滑坡, 你必須有個界限 否則你不知道會發(fā)生什么事

[05:46.36]We might actually... 是, 我們可能會…玩得很開心

[05:47.96]have fun. -玩得開心, 不是得健忘癥 -一點也沒錯

[05:49.64]Have fun, just don't have amnesia.

[05:51.64]Exactly. 關于界限的話題 可以輕松一點嗎?

[05:54.72]Can we lighten up on the boundary talk?

[05:56.32]l'm fine. 我好得很

[06:03.64]Are you thinking about sleeping with him? 你有考慮跟他上床嗎?

[06:07.16]-No. -You hesitated. -沒有 -你遲疑了

[06:11.64]l was swallowing. 我在吞咽食物

[06:17.20]The Eskimo have hundreds of words for ''snow. '' 愛斯基摩人發(fā)明了上百個字 來形容 “雪”

[06:18.76]And we've invented three times that many words for ''reIationship. '' 我們有比他們多三倍的字 來形容 “感情”

[06:22.52]But the more words we invent, the harder it becomes to define things. 我們造出越多字 就越難去定義事物

[06:27.20]In a worId where you can date without sex... 當你可以單純交往不上床 直接上床不交往

[06:30.92]screw without dating...

[06:30.92]and in the end keep most of your sex partners as friends... 并在性行為結(jié)束很久之后 還和性伴侶保持朋友關系

[06:33.96]Iong after the screwing is over...

[06:35.68]what reaIIy defines a reIationship? 到底什么才是感情的定義?

[06:38.96]That night, Miranda Iet her boundaries down with Doug... 當晚, 米蘭達降低了 她與道格之間的界限

[06:43.32]a cartoonist for The New Yorker. 他是紐約一位漫畫家

[06:45.20]They had been dating for about a month. 他們已經(jīng)約會一個月了

[06:47.28]Miranda didn't know what they were, but she knew it feIt good. 米蘭達不知道他們的關系為何 但是感覺很好

[06:53.48]It was a morning of firsts. 這是個很多第一次的早晨

[06:53.68]It was the first time Doug had spent the night... 道格第一次在這里過夜…

[06:59.44]and the first time a man had peed in front of her. 也是第一次男人在她面前小便

[07:11.24]That night, we went to CharIotte's gaIIery... 當晚, 我們?nèi)ハ木G蒂的畫廊

[07:12.36]for the opening of an exhibit by Maria Diega Reyes, the BraziIian artist. 參觀巴西藝術家 瑪莉亞狄雅各雷伊的畫展

[07:16.40]He just whipped it out. 他直接掏出命根子, 我在刷牙 我轉(zhuǎn)過頭去, 他就開始尿了

[07:20.88]l'm brushing. l look over, he's peeing.

[07:21.00]You can probably say he's your boyfriend. Only a boyfriend would do that. 起碼他是你男朋友 只有男朋友會做這種事

[07:26.68]l don't want a boyfriend who does that. lt's never okay to do that. 我不要會做這種事的男朋友 這樣很不恰當

[07:29.76]Wait your turn, shut the door, do your business. 應該等輪到自己、 關上門 再盡情宣泄

[07:35.52]This is perfect. 真是登對

[07:37.28]Ms. Boundaries has found Mr. No Boundaries. 界限小姐找到了不設限先生

[07:43.16]Do you like it? -你喜歡這幅畫嗎? -是的

[07:44.64]l do. -這是作者的最愛 -你認識她嗎?

[07:46.84]lt's the artist's favorite.

[07:49.80]-You know her? -l am her.

[07:52.40]l'm sorry, l should have.... -我就是她 -抱歉, 我應該…

[07:53.72]-Samantha. -Maria. -我叫莎曼珊 -瑪莉亞

[07:56.56]l have a bone to pick with you. 我有一件事要跟你抱怨 我準備來買畫, 卻一幅也不剩

[07:57.48]l came ready to buy, and look...

[07:58.68]all these red dots, there's nothing left.

[08:01.48]That's never bad news for the artist. 對畫家來說, 這絕不是壞消息

[08:05.64]But l have many more in my loft. 不過我的工作室還有更多 如果你想看的話…

[08:06.24]lf you ever want to come down, take a look....

[08:10.72]l will, and soon, before those get sold out from underneath me, as well. 我會去, 而且很快 在那些畫也賣出去以前

[08:13.56]-lt's a deal. -Now... 一言為定


[08:17.64]a non-art-related question.

[08:18.92]Where are all the hot guys? 性感的男人都到哪去了?


[08:23.64]-Hi. -Hi.

[08:25.80]lt is stunning, all of it. 每一幅畫都非常出色 我真為你驕傲

[08:30.20]l'm so proud of you, chica.

[08:33.48]Enjoy! 慢慢欣賞

[08:35.96]lt's my ex. 她是我的舊情人

[08:37.56]And about the hot guys. 至于性感的男人…一個也沒有

[08:42.92]No hot guys.

[08:43.32]That's good for you, but what's in it for me? 那對你是好事 但我怎么辦呢?

[08:52.04]The next night, my ex introduced me... 隔天晚上, 我的前男友帶我去 東村一家很小的爵士樂俱樂部

[08:55.24]to a tiny jazz cIub in the East ViIIage.

[09:07.08]Aren't these cats amazing? -這些貓兒很棒吧? -貓兒?


[09:10.92]Loosen up, baby, we're below 1 4th Street. 放輕松, 寶貝 這里是14街以下呢

[09:12.04]Okay, baby. 好了, 寶貝

[09:16.12]There I was, inches away from my ex-boyfriend... 瞧, 跟前男友…朋友, 隨便了 相距數(shù)英尺之遙的我

[09:19.20]friend, whatever...

[09:22.00]Iusting after a bass pIayer. 正和一個貝斯樂手眉來眼去

[09:24.12]You want another drink? 想再來一杯嗎?

[09:30.44]-Do you want another drink? -Yeah. 你想再來一杯嗎?

[09:35.36]Thank you very much. We're gonna take a short break. 謝謝大家, 我們將休息片刻

[09:37.68]When we come back, if you're nice... 如果你們繼續(xù)捧場 我們會再演奏一、 兩組曲子

[09:40.48]we'II pIay another set or two.

[09:52.60](那是你男友嗎? )

[09:54.20]ApparentIy, everyone in the universe wanted me to define my reIationship with Big. 全世界都要我定義 和大人物的關系

[10:02.96]-What do you think? -l like it, baby. -你覺得怎么樣? -我喜歡, 寶貝

[10:04.40]Didn't think l had that groovy jazz club in me, did you? 你本來不認為 我愛聽爵士樂吧?


[10:09.28]Hey, man, you were really great. 你彈得太棒了

[10:11.56]Not great, l'm just trying to keep up. -我只是努力跟上節(jié)拍 -你真的很棒

[10:14.64]-You were great. -You know jazz?

[10:16.96]No. -你懂爵士樂嗎? -不懂

[10:21.52]Can l buy you a drink? -我可以請你喝杯酒嗎? -不用了, 這家店是我的

[10:20.32]No, l own the place. lt's the only way they'll let me play. l can't keep a beat.

[10:24.28]唯有如此他們才肯讓我表演 我叫雷金恩

[10:26.96]At least l can drink for free. Ray King.

[10:27.40]Hi, l'm Carrie Bradshaw. 我叫凱莉, 凱莉布雷蕭 爵士樂的新信徒

[10:30.08]Jazz neophyte.

[10:36.16]-Sorry, this is-- -You're running low. -抱歉, 這位是… -你杯子空了, 拿瓶威士忌來

[10:38.72]Joey, Glenlivet.

[10:38.60]Coming right up.

[10:39.92]-So you own this place? -l do. -你是這家店的老板? -是的, 上城還有一家

[10:44.88]l own this, one uptown.

[10:45.16]Hell of a lot of mortgages. 扛了一大筆貸款

[10:46.04]Cointreau on ice, white wine....


[10:54.20]Jeez, l gotta go.

[10:55.40]-Heading uptown? -l am. You need a ride? -往上城的方向? -對, 你要搭便車嗎?

[10:60.28]-That'd be great. -l'll call my car. -那太好了 -我去叫我的車來

[11:02.68]This time? Cabs are lined up outside. -外面有計程車 -那我們搭計程車吧

[11:04.96]So then we'll take a cab.

[11:06.28]Okay, we'll take a cab. 好, 就搭計程車


[11:14.72]You sure your bass is gonna be okay? -你的貝斯這樣放著無所謂? -它一向都在俱樂部過夜

[11:16.76]Yeah, sleeps at the club all the time.

[11:20.36]Sometimes it even hooks up with the snare drum. 有時它甚至和小鼓搞七拈三

[11:24.24]Cabs are bullshit. 計程車真是爛到極點

[11:28.52]Listen, can l get your number? 我可以跟你要電話嗎?

[11:28.48]Yeah. 當然

[11:34.40]Sure, let me just....

[11:39.92]l'm a writer with no pen. 我是個不帶筆的作家

[11:43.60]-Thank you. -No problem. -謝謝 -不客氣

[11:51.96]-6-7-3-9. -l know. -是6739 -我知道

[11:58.100]This is me. 我家到了, 謝謝

[12:02.88]Thank you.

[12:09.36]Nice to meet you. 很高興認識你

[12:12.16]Nice to meet you. 很高興認識你


[12:21.92]What are you doing? 你干嘛?

[12:22.68]What do you mean? -什么意思? -現(xiàn)在他會以為我們在一起

[12:24.36]You know what l mean. Now he's gonna think we're together.

[12:27.08]What, you like the porkpie hat? -你喜歡紳士帽? -那不是重點

[12:28.16]-That's not the point. -l'll tell you, he had some breath on him. -他有口臭 -還好

[12:32.52]-His breath was fine. -Are you kidding?

[12:35.68]lt was like he had a bad burger with B.B. King in '75. 你在開玩笑嗎? 那簡直就像 他和藍調(diào)之王一起吃過期漢堡

[12:39.48]All right. 好吧, 我們得弄清楚 我們在搞什么

[12:42.68]We gotta figure out what we're doing here.

[12:43.48]-What are we doing? -What are we? -我們在搞什么? -我們是什么關系?

[12:47.92]We're friends, how's that? -我們是朋友, 如何? -哪一種朋友?

[12:49.52]What kind of friends?

[12:51.52]Friends who listen to jazz... 一起聽爵士樂、 吃披薩的朋友 還有…

[12:53.92]friends who eat pizza.

[12:54.20]Friends who....

[12:55.56]There will be no.... 不, 沒有…

[12:60.56]Carrie likes her jazz man. Jazz. 凱莉喜歡爵士樂手, 爵士樂

[13:03.32]All right. That's it, l'm going upstairs. -夠了, 我要上樓了 -隨你便

[13:05.24]-Suit yourself. -l have to go to sleep. -我要睡覺了 -晚安

[13:08.44]Nighty night.

[13:22.84]But I couIdn't sIeep. 但我睡不著 我忘不了計程車上的詭異氣氛

[13:22.84]My bizarre ménage-à-taxi was haunting me.


[13:42.100]You know, when l hear that song, l think of you. 我聽到那首歌就想到你

[13:45.88]l don't even know you, how fucked up is that? -我甚至還不認識你 -那很好

[13:49.64]That's good.

[13:52.52]Can you hang on a second? 你可以等一下嗎?



[13:58.44]-Hello? -What are you doing? -你在做什么? -我現(xiàn)在沒空

[13:59.92]l can't talk right now.

[14:02.92]You're on the other line? -你在講電話? -對

[14:03.48]-l am. -Porkpie?

[14:05.56]Look, l gotta go. -跟紳士帽? -我要掛了

[14:07.64]-Tell him he needs mints. -l'm hanging up. 叫他去買薄荷糖

[14:10.56]Carrie likes a jazz musician. -我要掛了 -凱莉喜歡爵士樂手

[14:16.20]Sorry. -抱歉 -沒關系

[14:19.12]No problem.

[14:21.96]Listen, l'd like to take you out on Saturday night. 星期六晚上我想約你出去

[14:26.44]l promise you won't have to listen to me play. -你不必聽我演奏 -我很樂意

[14:27.44]Okay, l'd like that.

[14:31.72]Great. 太好了

[14:33.88]Don't bring the angry guy. -別帶那暴躁的家伙來 -他沒那么糟了

[14:36.08]He's not so bad.

[14:39.00]-See you. -Okay. -再見 -好

[14:46.76]-What do you want? -What do you see in that guy? -干嘛? -你看上那男的什么?

[14:48.20]He knows when to say good-bye. 他知道何時說再見

[14:50.92]The next morning, Miranda decided I might have been right. 翌晨米蘭達心想我也許說對了 她可能真的是界限小姐

[14:55.16]Maybe she was Ms. Boundaries.

[14:56.68]If she wanted a decent reIationship... 或許她無法把那男人 連同馬桶水一塊丟出去

[14:59.24]she couIdn't throw the boy out with the toiIet water.

[15:00.76]She wouId have to Iet down her boundaries. 她也非得降低界限不可

[15:04.84]And there was no better time than the present. 沒有比此刻更好的時機

[15:18.44]Hi, you scared me. 你嚇倒我了

[15:23.28]You got any bagels? -你有貝果嗎? -在冰箱上面

[15:25.20]-Top of the fridge. -Cool.


[15:36.04]-What about filters? -Above the coffee maker! -那濾紙呢? -在咖啡機上

[15:42.52]WhiIe Miranda tried to do her business... 當米蘭達設法上廁所時 莎曼珊則在幫瑪莉亞的忙

[15:45.68]Samantha heIped Maria with hers.

[15:47.68]-Am l doing this right? -Don't think, just do it. -我這么做對嗎? -別想這些, 盡管做就是了

[15:51.36]You know, painting is like eating, like sex. 繪畫就像吃飯、 像性愛

[15:55.52]l can do that. 這我倒沒問題 我是來買畫, 不是來作畫的

[15:57.08]You know, l came to buy art, not make it.


[16:02.20]This is a Brazilian thing.

[16:04.04]Everyone that crosses my door has to help. 每個來我家的人都要幫忙 但你有所選擇

[16:08.24]But you have a choice, really.

[16:09.44]You can make a painting or you can do my laundry. 你可以畫一幅畫 或是幫我洗衣服

[16:15.92]Not gonna happen. 想得美

[16:18.20]-You're buying one of my paintings, right? -You're buying my next manicure. -你要買我的畫嗎? -你要幫我付下次修指甲的錢

[16:23.16]l'm sorry. 對不起

[16:42.24]Do we.... 我們…

[16:47.48]Do we need to talk about this? 我們需要談談這件事嗎?

[16:51.36]Do we? 需要嗎?

[16:54.76]l've done the girl thing... 我曾有一、 兩次 跟女人的性經(jīng)驗

[16:59.24]once, twice...

[17:01.52]usually involving a guy and a couple of Quaaludes. 通常還有一個男人 以及幾顆鎮(zhèn)定劑

[17:02.100]lt was nice, really. 感覺很好, 真的 對男人而言當然好, 但是…

[17:04.72]And really nice for the guy. But...

[17:08.96]l'm not a relationship person. 我不喜歡談感情

[17:13.12]And you're really something. 而你真的很特別

[17:17.24]Could we be friends? 我們可不可以當朋友就好?

[17:18.68]lt depends. 那要看情況

[17:23.72]ln my language, ''friends''... 在我的語言中, “朋友” 代表 “一個有顆溫暖的心… ”

[17:26.04]translates to a person with a warm heart...

[17:29.64]that buys a lot of my art. “會買下我很多作品的人”

[17:35.08]What's Portuguese for ''working it''? -葡語的 “作畫” 怎么說? -作畫

[17:40.56]Working it.

[17:45.84]The next day, I found the perfect coIor on me. 隔天, 我發(fā)現(xiàn)最適合我的衣服 以及夏綠蒂身上的印記

[17:48.04]And something eIse on CharIotte.

[17:52.80]Excuse me, but... 不好意思, 那是吻痕嗎?

[17:54.12]is that a hickey?

[17:56.88]-Let me see. -Oh, my God, l don't.... 我要看

[17:58.84]That's so retro. 真是復古

[18:00.04]Trey and l made out in the movies. -崔和我在電影院里親熱 -那才叫復古

[18:04.64]No, that is retro.

[18:04.32]That's not all we did. 我們不只如此

[18:07.04]Right in the middle of the movie, l gave him a blow job. 電影看到一半 我在戲院里幫他口交

[18:10.72]ln the theater. 臥蒂藏錘

[18:12.80]-Crouching CharIotte, Hidden Hummer. -You guys were right.

[18:14.76]Once l stopped defining everything, l realized how great we have it. 你說得對, 一旦我不再執(zhí)著于 定義我們的關系, 感覺好極了

[18:20.04]Congratulations, sweetie. lt sounds like you got a nice, healthy relationship. 恭喜, 你擁有美好而健康的 感情生活

[18:25.92]CharIotte reaIized if Samantha defined her reIationship as heaIthy... 夏綠蒂明白 若莎曼珊說她的感情生活健康

[18:28.16]she had one sick reIationship on her hands. 她的感情生活必定有問題

[18:35.76]The next day, as Trey Iooked for action... 隔天, 當崔想要實地演練 夏綠蒂則想要答案

[18:38.12]CharIotte went Iooking for answers.

[18:41.32]Please, not here. -崔, 拜托不要在這里 -那去看電影好嗎?

[18:44.60]-Should we go to a movie? -No! 不, 我們離你家只有五條街遠 我們要躺在以前那張床上

[18:45.60]We're five blocks from your place.

[18:47.60]We'll just wait and we'll get in our old bed...

[18:51.36]and we'll really make love like man and wife. 像夫妻一樣做愛

[18:53.56]l don't want to wait. 我不想等

[18:55.04]Why can't we wait? 為什么? 我們?yōu)槭裁床荒艿? 只有五條街

[18:58.44]lt's five stupid blocks. What is wrong with us? 崔, 我們到底是怎么回事?

[19:01.48]Are you so scared that if we go back to a bed, you'll have the same problems again? 你害怕我們的床 會再次帶來老問題嗎?

[19:05.88]Please. Let's not discuss this in front of the driver. 別在司機面前討論這種事

[19:11.24]You just wanted to have sex in front of him. 你只想在他面前做愛

[19:15.92]And just Iike that... 就這樣, 夏綠蒂砰然關上 她和崔之間的門

[19:18.40]CharIotte sIammed the door on her and Trey.

[19:24.48]-Hello. -It's me. 是我, 假如我們…

[19:25.24]So if we were to, say...

[19:31.60]make Iove in my bed... 真的在我床上做愛了 是否仍可以在計程車上試試?

[19:34.20]could we still do it in a taxi?

[19:35.16]We'll see. -再說吧 -那好吧, 明天再打給你

[19:37.36]AII right then, caII you tomorrow.

[19:40.24]EvidentIy, when CharIotte cIosed the taxi door... 顯然, 當夏綠蒂關上計程車門 她也打開了一扇新的窗

[19:43.96]she opened a whoIe new window.

[19:48.40]The next morning, Miranda got up earIy to pee in peace... 隔天, 米蘭達為了不受打擾地 上廁所并幫道格煮咖啡而早起

[19:50.60]and make Doug coffee.

[19:52.20]Smells great. -好香 -我加了肉桂…

[19:54.16]lt's the cinnamon l add to the--

[20:05.52]ApparentIy, when Miranda Ieft the door open for peeing... 當米蘭達接受了 小便不關門的習慣

[20:08.80]she opened the door for everything eIse. 其他事情的門戶也從此大開

[20:18.36]Sometimes l like to add a pinch of nutmeg to my coffee... 有時候我喜歡在咖啡里 加一點豆蔻粉…

[20:20.40]it takes a lot of the-- 也許這么做很小心眼 但對米蘭達來說…

[20:23.24]Maybe it was narrow-minded. But for Miranda, an open-door dump...

[20:27.00]was definiteIy worth dumping someone over. 開門上大號這個理由 應該足夠把一個男人給甩了

[20:32.24]That's the thing about New York, everyone's aIways going. 紐約的特色就是 人人總是準備出席盛會

[20:36.32]Tonight, it was to the opening of Tao. 今晚是參加 “道” 餐廳的開幕派對

[20:38.20]Ray's and my first date. 這是雷和我的初次約會

[20:42.40]Everyone was there... 每個人都到了, 每一個人


[20:51.36]So, what? 怎么? 這是紐約今晚 唯一開張的餐廳?

[20:54.64]This is the only restaurant in New York opening tonight?

[20:55.08]The Burger King on Ninth Avenue had a line around the block. 附近的漢堡王大排長龍

[20:59.56]You remember.... 你還記得…

[21:02.00]Yeah. Hey, man. 是

[21:04.04]How are you?

[21:04.56]This is Sha. -這是莎 -莎?


[21:08.92]The ''Y'' is silent. “Y” 不發(fā)音

[21:11.40]Thank God you're finally here. l got the last table, let's go. 謝天謝地, 你終于來了 我搶到最后一張桌子


[21:23.12]There we were, me, my ex... 我們的組合是: 我、 前男友

[21:25.60]the jazz guy, the modeI... 爵士樂手、 模特兒、 女同志 和她的朋友莎曼珊

[21:27.44]the Iesbian, and her friend Samantha.

[21:30.08]Sha? 莎?

[21:35.28]She's a supermodel. -她是個超級名模 -對你而言才超級

[21:36.84]Super for you.

[21:39.36]-Think we'll ever get our Mee Krob? -l love Mee Krob. -泰式炒米粉何時才送來? -我喜歡, 這是他們的招牌菜

[21:40.92]lt's their specialty here.

[21:44.84]ls there any more wine in there? 那瓶里面還有酒嗎?

[21:48.28]Thanks. 謝謝

[21:53.08]l'll be back. 我馬上回來


[22:12.56]Look at me, l grabbed some Mee Krob. 你看, 我有一盤泰式炒米粉

[22:23.20]Mee-Krob-a-licious. 泰式美味炒米粉

[22:23.96]How'd you get this? -你怎么弄到的? -主廚在我一家俱樂部工作

[22:25.04]Turns out the chef worked at one of my clubs.

[22:28.16]You know all the right people. -你還真會交朋友 -我在面食方面很有門路

[22:30.56]l got the in on the noodles.

[22:34.04]lf it's okay with you, l'm gonna camp out here for a while. 如果你不反對 我想在這里坐一會兒

[22:37.60]lt's okay by me. -我不反對 -那張桌子真爛

[22:41.28]That table is bad.

[22:42.20]Yeah, man. 是

[22:44.48]Good thing we weren't fucking hungry. 好極了, 我們一點也不餓

[22:48.44]l'm gonna go to the bathroom. -我要去洗手間 -在佛像旁右轉(zhuǎn), 親愛的

[22:50.00]Turn right at the Buddha, honey.

[22:55.92]Just to, you know, get things straight... 我只是想把事情弄清楚

[22:60.88]you and Carrie are just friends now, right? 你和凱莉現(xiàn)在純粹是朋友 對吧?

[23:04.92]You're available? -你恢復單身了? -是的

[23:05.44]Yes, ma'am.

[23:09.60]So if you're just friends... 如果你們只是朋友 你以為自己到底在干嘛?

[23:11.80]what exactly do you think you're doing?

[23:14.80]Because that girl might come off like she's all strong and over it... 她可能表現(xiàn)得很堅強 裝成沒事的樣子

[23:19.44]but she's fragile and she's my best friend. 但她其實很脆弱 而且她是我最好的朋友

[23:25.04]So l suggest you back off. -所以我建議你離她遠一點 -難道我們不能和睦相處嗎?

[23:27.00]Can't we all just get along?

[23:31.16]Excuse me. 失陪了

[23:50.28]-You okay? -l'm fine, l'm sorry. -你還好吧? -我沒事

[23:51.04]對不起, 那男人對她很差勁

[23:54.32]That guy's not good for her.

[23:56.12]Look, l'm gonna go. 我要走了

[23:57.00]Don't go. 不, 別走 我們可以換一張桌子

[23:59.00]We can get another table.

[24:01.28]l lied. 我撒謊, 我無法只跟你做朋友

[24:05.16]l can't just be your friend.

[24:08.64]What l saw back there.... 剛才我看到你那樣…


[24:13.32]You were magnificent.

[24:16.60]And how do you say that.... 你們是怎么說的? 你真了不起

[24:22.96]You kick ass.

[24:22.76]And l see where this is going... 我知道這樣下去會有什么結(jié)果

[24:25.56]and you don't do relationships.

[24:27.44]你不想談感情 而這對我來說很糟糕

[24:31.00]lt would be very bad for me.

[24:34.32]So we can't even be friends? 我們連朋友都做不成?

[24:37.08]l'm gonna go in here... 我要去洗手間 你回餐廳里面吧

[24:37.76]and you go back there.


[24:43.24]you're really something. 你真的很特別

[24:49.32]Right then and there... 就在此時此地 莎曼珊決定不再自我設限

[24:52.48]Samantha decided to Iet down her boundaries...

[24:56.88]and opened herseIf up to the possibiIity of a reIationship... 嘗試和一個女人…

[25:01.36]with a woman. 發(fā)展一段感情

[25:14.24]And in a different bathroom.... 而在另一間廁所…

[25:18.72]-l'm sorry. -lt's okay. Come in. -對不起 -沒關系, 進來吧


[25:29.16]-Want some? -No, all set, thanks. -想試試嗎? -不, 謝了


[25:32.24]You can go, it's okay. -你可以上, 沒關系 -我不用上

[25:36.24]l don't really have to go.

[25:39.72]Thank God.

[25:46.00]He talks about you. 他常常談到你



[25:52.24]Did you two used to date or something?

[25:58.12]Something like that. 差不多

[26:05.04]Okay, l'm gonna.... 我要走了…我的男伴正在等我

[26:05.44]My date's waiting for me.


[26:13.44]Sorry. 抱歉

[26:17.56]I couIdn't avoid it. 我逃不掉, 不管我走到哪里 我都得面對我和大人物的關系

[26:17.00]Everywhere I went, I was confronted by my Big reIationship.

[26:23.16]l just left silent ''Y'' in the bathroom... 我把不發(fā)音的 “Y” 留在廁所 顯然八十年代的流行又回來了

[26:25.92]and P.S., apparently the '80s are back.

[26:29.60]Listen, we're gonna go. 我們要走了

[26:32.32]Okay, Ray and l were gonna go first. 雷和我要先走

[26:41.32]-See you later. -Okay. 再見

[26:47.20]You know what l love about this city? 你知道我愛這城市什么嗎?

[26:49.52]Everything can sound like a jazz riff. 一切聽起來都像爵士樂


[26:54.96]that garbage truck is.... 那垃圾車是…

[27:08.60]Really? 是嗎? 因為我比較常聽到…

[27:08.88]'Cause l get more of a....

[27:14.56]Like a.... 就像…

[27:22.48]l don't know. -我不知道 -你真的不懂爵士樂, 對吧?

[27:24.56]You really don't know jazz, do you?

[27:28.88]l just scatted on my first date, man, give me some credit. 我剛在初次約會上獻丑 給我一點鼓勵吧

[27:31.84]Somewhere between the Mee Krob and the modeI, I was dating again. 在泰式炒米粉和模特兒之間的 某個時刻

[27:32.84]我又墜入情網(wǎng)了, 感覺很不錯

[27:34.20]It was nice.

[27:36.68]This is me. 我家到了

[27:39.28]You know what you are? 你知道你是什么嗎? 你是…


[27:54.48]Do-do-do, right back at you. 我只能這樣回應

[28:03.16]With every second of our kiss it was becoming cIearer... 我們親吻的每一秒 讓我更清楚一件事…

[28:08.84]I reaIIy Iiked this guy. 我真的很喜歡這個家伙

[28:11.60]So maybe that's it. 或許就是這樣吧

[28:15.00]What uItimateIy defines a reIationship... 最終一段感情結(jié)束的定義 是另一段感情的開始

[28:15.64]is another reIationship.

[28:26.68]Subtitles conformed by SOFTlTLER


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