Here's two things the brave don't.
They don't take over and become the hero, like it's a battle and the moves are so obvious: you just pick up a weapon with your ripped pecs and ropey veins and start slaying. Bravery is mostly just sitting there, with a posture that communicates, "I can hear anything you want to tell me," and a nice warm face of love.
The second thing the brave don't do: leave or hide, inside work or hobbies or some other socially acceptable busyness. The brave hang around. They are available and ready to bear witness. The final act, then, of the truly brave is leaning back and letting them go. The reward for all this bravery? Not gold medals, not hero shots for Strava, not ringing the bell at the New York Stock Exchange, or owning the dinner party with Burning Man stories.
I think you know who you are. The reward is a full human experience, complete with all the emotions at maximum dosage, where we have been put to great use and found another centric love that is complete in its expression and its transmission.