[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:25:05
[00:47.32]They say that the women ln New York are the most beautlful women ln the world. 有人說紐約的女人 是全世界最漂亮的
[00:58.68]Whlch explalns why men ln New York spend all thelr tlme looklng at them. 這解釋了為何紐約的男人 總是對她們目不轉(zhuǎn)睛
[01:02.88]The clty ls a verltable playground for men's rovlng eyes. 這個城市是為男人流轉(zhuǎn)的目光 而設(shè)計的游樂場
[01:06.36]Unfortunately, they need both of them looklng stralght ahead to survlve. 不幸的是,他們需要雙眼 都看前方才能生存
[01:13.12]Thls New York woman was pretty happy. I was seelng Blg agaln. 我是個快樂的紐約女人 我和大人物復(fù)合了
[01:16.20]Unfortunately, my New York guy was stlll seelng other women. 不幸的是,我的紐約男人 仍盯著別的女人看
[01:22.56]If checking out other women is the biggest probIem, you're Iucky. 如果那是他最大的毛病 你很幸運
[01:28.24]-If it's so smaII, he shouId be abIe to stop. -You can't change that about a man. 若這習(xí)慣如此微不足道 他應(yīng)該改得掉
[01:32.68]It's part of their genetic code, Iike farting. -就像放屁 -你會害我吃不下我的脆餅
[01:33.28]-You're gonna put me off my pretzeI. -You must take Big the way he is.
[01:34.24]接受大人物原本的模樣 你不可能改變男人
[01:38.28]Once you try to change a man, it's doomed. They won't budge.
[01:39.36]I know, but you can subtIy manipuIate and cajoIe. 但你能夠巧妙地連哄帶騙
[01:43.32]The things you can work on are hair and wardrobe. 你可以在發(fā)型和穿著上做文章 不過連那也是長期抗?fàn)?/p>
[01:47.32]-Even then, it's a constant battIe. -I Iike the hair and wardrobe.
[01:48.00]-我喜歡他的發(fā)型和穿著 -知足吧,沒有完美的男人
[01:48.56]Then be happy. Honey, no man is perfect.
[01:52.48]I'm not asking for perfection, I'm just Iooking for sIight aIterations. 我并非要求完美 我只是希望他做一點小改變
[01:56.92]Be carefuI with aIterations. 小心點 稍有不慎便會一敗涂地
[01:59.20]If you puII the wrong thread, everything faIIs apart.
[02:03.40]Whlle Samantha and I dlscussed the theory of change... 當(dāng)我們探討改變理論時 米蘭達正親身體驗
[02:05.36]...Mlranda was golng through lt for real.
[02:08.16]She had a new apartment, a new boyfrlend... 她有了新公寓、新男友
[02:10.84]...and a new datlng schedule that was kllllng her. 以及讓她抓狂的新約會時間
[02:20.68]Hey. I'm sorry. I thought we'd be cIosing the bar earIier. 對不起 我本來以為酒吧會早點打烊
[02:25.04]-You were asIeep. -No, I'm up. Hi. -你已經(jīng)睡了 -沒有,我還醒著
[02:29.56]Come on in. 來吧
[02:32.60]Come here. You okay? 過來,你沒事吧?
[02:37.52]Let's see. 我看看
[02:43.28]-Is that better? -That's better. Thank you. -這樣好一點了嗎? -好多了,謝謝
[02:45.72]How was your night? 你今晚過得如何?
[02:48.72]I don't know. I was asIeep. -我不知道,我睡著了 -抱歉我遲到了
[02:51.60]I'm sorry I was Iate.
[02:57.44]We were gonna cIose the bar at 2:00. 我以為我們大約兩點會打烊 結(jié)果來了一群日本銀行家
[02:59.68]Then we got this big group of Japanese bankers came in.
[03:03.64]And aII they want is these big fIaming drinks. 他們喝得爛醉如泥 其中一個還吐了…
[03:07.92]Then one of them got sick and....
[03:16.44]Never mind. 算了
[03:19.04]Everythlng was great about Steve except for one thlng. 史蒂夫什么都好,除了一件事
[03:25.68]Morning. 早安
[03:31.48]Morning. 早
[03:33.36]Come here. 過來
[03:34.56]They had completely opposlte schedules. 他們的作息完全相反
[03:38.04]Steve had all the tlme ln the world ln the mornlng. 史蒂夫整個早上都很空閑 米蘭達卻得七點起床
[03:39.72]Mlranda got rlght up at 7.:00. Unfortunately, Steve dld, too.
[03:43.00]-可惜史蒂夫也在早上升國旗 -我得去上班
[03:45.68]-I have to go to work. -Not yet.
[03:48.00]The only thlng she llked lnslde her ln the mornlng... 還沒
[03:49.56]...was the cup of take-out coffee she drank on the way to the subway. 在去地鐵站途中喝杯咖啡
[03:53.04]That nlght, ln a bed across town... 當(dāng)晚,夏綠蒂跟邁克打得火熱
[03:56.00]...Charlotte was seelng a lot of Mlke, a cute, but feared restaurant crltlc...
[03:58.00]他是一個以五根攪拌棒評等制 聞名的美食評論家
[03:60.28]...famous for hls patented flve-whlsk ratlng system.
[04:02.00]-Mike? -Yeah? 邁克?
[04:07.88]Let's make Iove. 我們做愛吧
[04:09.84]You are a five-whisk woman. 夏綠蒂 你是個五根攪拌棒的女人
[04:11.24]But just when Charlotte had become comfortable wlth the penls... 正當(dāng)夏綠蒂 準(zhǔn)備探索他的命根子時
[04:15.20]...she got a very unexpected surprlse. 卻收到意外驚喜
[04:22.16]You're.... 你的…
[04:23.76]It's.... 它…
[04:25.24]Uncircumcised. Is that okay? 沒割包皮,這沒關(guān)系吧?
[04:27.44]No. Sure. 不…當(dāng)然
[04:33.32]Of course it is. -當(dāng)然沒關(guān)系 -這大有關(guān)系
[04:34.80]It was not okay. 她唯一看過一刀未剪的事物
[04:34.80]The only uncut verslon of anythlng Charlotte had ever seen...
[04:37.84]...was the orlglnal Gone with the Wind. 是原版的“亂世佳人”
[04:40.84]There was so much skin, it was Iike a Shar-Pei! 有好多層皮,簡直就像沙皮狗
[04:43.32]-You've never seen an uncircumcised one? -I'm from Connecticut! -你沒看過未割包皮的陰莖? -我來自康乃迪克州
[04:47.64]Reminder: you're dating the guy, not the penis. -你是跟人交往,不是命根子 -我很重視美感
[04:49.20]Aesthetics are important to me.
[04:51.20]It's not what it Iooks Iike, it's what they can do with it. 重要的是功能
[04:54.64]I don't need one that can make its own carrying case! 我不需要能自制包皮的男人
[04:60.32]PersonaIIy, I Iove an uncircumcised dick. 我個人偏愛沒割包皮的命根子 就像棒棒糖
[05:01.92]It's Iike a Tootsie Pop.
[05:05.04]Hard on the outside, with a deIicious surprise inside. 外面是硬的 里面卻蘊藏美味的驚喜
[05:09.48]I don't Iike surprises. I Iike it aII out there where I can see it. 我不喜歡驚喜 我喜歡一覽無遺
[05:12.04]Same here. I'm sorry, it is not normaI. 我也是,很抱歉,那不正常
[05:14.84]ActuaIIy, it is. Something Iike 85% aren't circumcised. 事實上,85%的男人沒割包皮
[05:18.76]-Great, now they're taking over the worId! -It's a penis, not GodziIIa. -現(xiàn)在他們接管全世界了 -那是陰莖,不是酷斯拉
[05:22.32]If 85% aren't circumcised... 如果85%的男人沒割包皮
[05:23.32]...that means I've onIy sIept with 15% of the popuIation, tops. 我最多只和15%的男人上過床
[05:28.60]You're practicaIIy a virgin. 你幾乎可算是處女
[05:29.84]You know, he's a nice, Waspy guy. What went wrong? 他是個好人,怎么會這樣?
[05:31.76]Maybe his parents were hippies and didn't beIieve in it. -也許他父母不信這一套 -我一定會幫我兒子割包皮
[05:34.12]-I am so circumcising my kids. -I think you can pay peopIe to do that now.
[05:41.60]I don't ever wanna know there's a woman out there caIIing my son a Shar-Pei. 我才不想讓別的女人 在背后叫我兒子沙皮狗
[05:44.20]AII I'm saying is, uncut men are the best. They try harder. 我認為沒割包皮的男人最棒 他們會更努力
[05:49.56]I shouId know. I've sIept with five of them. 我再清楚不過了 我跟其中五個人上過床
[05:53.24]-Out of how many? -Infinity. -總數(shù)是多少? -無限多
[05:56.20]That nlght, Blg and I went out to celebrate absolutely nothlng. 當(dāng)晚,大人物和我 心血來潮外出用餐
[06:00.48]-More grappa? -No, thank ya. -再來一點格拉帕酒? -不,謝了
[06:06.92]Listen, my editor caIIed me today and she's.... 今天我的編輯打電話給我…
[06:13.92]-You were saying? -Yes, I was. -你剛跟我說話? -沒錯
[06:17.96]Excuse me, you can't smoke that in here. 抱歉,這里不能抽煙
[06:19.28]ReaIIy? You're absoIuteIy, positiveIy sure about that? 真的嗎?你百分之百肯定?
[06:23.56]Because I checked the zoning on this particuIar tabIe... 因為我查過這張桌子的位置
[06:28.60]...and I'm pretty sure this tabIe is in a cigar-friendIy zone. 我確信它是在雪茄友善區(qū)內(nèi)
[06:32.68]I don't mind, but it's for the other patrons. 我并不介意 但這是為了其他顧客
[06:36.24]You mean if those five patrons don't mind, it's okay with you? 如果那五位顧客不介意 就沒問題了?
[06:39.32]-Sir, I'm gonna have to-- -Just one second. -先生,我必須… -等一下
[06:44.00]Excuse me, this is my Iast day on earth. 不好意思 今天是我在世的最后一日
[06:47.52]I'm being executed tomorrow morning. That's my paroIe officer there. 明天早上我就要被處死了
[06:50.96]那位是我的假釋官 你們介意我抽雪茄嗎?
[06:51.48]WouId you mind terribIy if I smoked this, Iadies?
[06:55.24]Thank you.
[06:58.04]Excuse me, I'm sorry. WouId it be okay if I smoked this? 抱歉,我可以抽雪茄嗎?
[07:00.20]PIease, Iet me preface this by saying: I'd Iike to buy everybody a round of drinks. 讓我先說一句
[07:10.44]ApparentIy, the other patrons aren't bothered at aII. 顯然其他顧客 一點也不覺得困擾
[07:14.84]I dldn't have the guts to tell Blg that he was actually klnd of botherlng me. 我沒有勇氣告訴大人物 其實他的行為讓我很反感
[07:18.32]They won't teII you the truth. 沒有人會當(dāng)著你的面說 他們討厭你抽雪茄
[07:18.88]No one is gonna say to your face they hate your cigar.
[07:21.48]Good. -那才好 -你真的很傲慢
[07:22.80]You are very arrogant.
[07:27.44]I thought that's what you Iiked about me. 我以為你正喜歡我這一點
[07:31.24]Maybe Blg was rlght. 或許大人物說得對
[07:32.60]Maybe we were at that lnevltable polnt ln the relatlonshlp... 或許我們在這段感情中正處于
[07:35.72]...when the llttle thlngs you loved about the person become huge llabllltles. 對方吸引你的地方
[07:42.68]And just then, a huge llablllty walked by. 就在此時,他的毛病又犯了
[07:50.80]What? -怎么了? -我…
[07:53.32]I hate that cigar. 我…討厭那雪茄
[08:00.68]And you toId me right to my face. 而你當(dāng)著我的面說了
[08:08.04]New York Clty ls all about change. 紐約無時無刻不在改變
[08:11.68]New Yorkers change thelr halrcuts, thelr polltlcs... 一眨眼,紐約人便改變了發(fā)型 政治立場和朋友
[08:13.08]...even thelr frlends ln the bllnk of an eye.
[08:16.44]If change was so easy, why was lt so hard for Blg? 若改變?nèi)绱巳菀?為何對大人物而言這么難?
[08:18.92]Was I banglng my head agalnst the wall, thlnklng he'd stop and notlce me? 難道我要用頭撞墻
[08:25.60]Dld I have to change my expectatlons or was lt posslble.... 我必須改變我的期望嗎? 或者是否可能…
[08:29.56]Can you change a man? 你可以改變一個男人嗎?
[08:31.68]My husband used to be obsessed with watching sports 24 hours a day. 我丈夫以前很迷運動節(jié)目
[08:34.04]Then I started fooIing around with his best friend. 后來我開始 跟他最好的朋友亂搞
[08:39.24]And now he's obsessed with watching me. 現(xiàn)在他一心只想守著我
[08:39.32]Every girIfriend I've had wants me to change something. 每個女友都希望我有所改變 工作、朋友、態(tài)度等等
[08:44.40]Change your job, change your friends, change your attitude.
[08:47.96]The onIy thing I ever change is girIfriends. 結(jié)果我唯一的改變就是換女友
[08:53.24]Meanwhlle, Charlotte was about to dlscover that some men can change. 不可能
[08:53.52]夏綠蒂即將發(fā)現(xiàn) 有些男人的確可以改變
[08:58.12]Thanks for dinner. It was great. 謝謝你的晚餐,棒極了
[09:06.56]Can I come upstairs with you? 明天我得早起 而且我家亂七八糟
[09:08.96]I have to get up reaIIy earIy, and my pIace is just a mess.
[09:12.40]Look, I understand. -沒關(guān)系,我明白 -真的?
[09:15.20]-You do? -Yeah, what happened the other night. 那天晚上發(fā)生的事…
[09:17.72]You're not the first woman to react to it that way. I've gotten it most of my Iife. 你不是第一個 有那種反應(yīng)的女人
[09:23.48]ReaIIy? -真的嗎? -我決定一勞永逸
[09:24.76]Yeah, and I've decided to do something about it.
[09:28.04]I've been uncomfortabIe for too Iong, so I'm getting circumcised. 我已經(jīng)為此困擾太久了 所以…
[09:35.68]Can you do that? -你肯這么做? -是的
[09:38.80]Yeah. I mean, it hurts. It takes a Iong time to heaI. 手術(shù)很痛,而且傷口要很久 才會愈合,但我愿意這么做
[09:41.64]But I'm wiIIing to do that. I want to feeI good about making Iove.
[09:46.72]That is so sweet. 那真是太體貼了
[09:49.40]-Do you mind waiting? -No, not at aII. -你介意等待嗎? -一點也不
[10:02.92]Apparently, Samantha was wrong. 顯然莎曼珊錯了 有些男人會讓步
[10:07.32]Some men could budge an lnch.
[10:07.28]In Mlke's case, lt may have been more llke an lnch and a half. 以邁克為例 他的犧牲還真不少
[10:14.84]The next mornlng, Mlranda was gettlng her usual wake-up call. 隔天早上 米蘭達又被起床號吵醒了
[10:26.16]Where you going? -你上哪兒去? -我要起床
[10:30.08]-I'm getting up. -Come on, it's Saturday. 今天是星期六,躺著吧,過來
[10:33.32]Come on, Iay down, sIow down. Come here.
[10:39.12]How Iong are we gonna do this? 我們要躺多久?
[10:43.08]-You want a time frame for cuddIing? -Yeah. -擁抱也有時間限制? -是的,好比二十分鐘?
[10:46.48]Like 20 minutes?
[10:48.64]Thirty? -還是三十分鐘? -你在開玩笑吧
[10:49.44]You're kidding me.
[10:53.80]It heIps if I have an end point in mind. I respond weII to Iimits. 讓我知道何時結(jié)束比較好 我習(xí)慣有限制
[10:55.48]That's your probIem, you got too many Iimits. You gotta Iet go a IittIe. 這就是你的問題 你給自己太多限制了
[11:02.40]Look. Saturday is my free day, right? 聽著,星期六是我的空閑日 我得洗衣服,再去拿干洗衣物
[11:05.68]I have spinning and then I get my dry cIeaning.
[11:06.72]Then I get my naiIs done and I do my grocery shopping for the week. 修指甲 還得去采購一周的食物
[11:09.12]-Okay? -You're not sounding very free to me. 聽起來不怎么空閑
[11:18.60]Do you want to come with me and get my dry cIeaning? 你要陪我去拿干洗的衣服嗎?
[11:21.48]No, I didn't think so. 我想也是
[11:27.60]An hour and a haIf, tops. 最多再躺一個半小時
[11:33.68]Twelve hours later, Steve went to work. 十二個小時后 史蒂夫去上班了
[11:36.68]About the same tlme, we went out to our favorlte bar... 我們齊聚在最愛的酒吧
[11:39.04]...whlch on Saturdays changes lnto drag queen blngo. 這里星期六會舉行 變裝皇后的賓果游戲
[11:42.24]Come on, N-23. 快點…N23
[11:45.08]I reaIIy Iike him, but this morning thing is kiIIing me. 我真的很喜歡他 但早上做愛這檔事把我整慘了
[11:48.88]It's bad enough we've never done it at night. 不在晚上做已經(jīng)夠糟了
[11:51.96]After we do it in the morning, he wants to Iie there with me. 完事后他還要我陪他一起躺著
[11:55.24]Everyone wants a guy who wants to cuddIe. 每個人都想要可以擁抱的男人
[11:56.24]O-33, Iadies. -各位,O33 -該死
[11:59.04]Shit! 我很嫉妒你 大人物甚至不肯在我家過夜
[11:60.44]I'm jeaIous. Big won't even spend the night at my pIace.
[12:02.32]-What you have is reaI intimacy. -It's bed arrest. -你擁有真實的親密關(guān)系 -我是被軟禁在床上
[12:06.68]I've been horizontaI aII day, and I had errands to do. I missed spinning. 我曾整天躺在床上 但我有事要做,我沒洗衣服
[12:12.04]You don't have to spin if you're having sex. 能做愛就別洗衣服了
[12:13.56]B-12! -B12 -來個N23如何?
[12:16.72]-How about N-23? -I don't know why I pIay this, I never win.
[12:17.20]-我干嘛玩這個?我從沒贏過 -為什么我得調(diào)整作息?
[12:20.72]Why do I have to be the one to change my routine?
[12:23.20]Maybe because you reaIIy Iike him. It wouIdn't kiII you to sIow down a IittIe. 因為你真的很喜歡他 而且放慢生活步調(diào)也無妨
[12:26.56]Miranda's right. 為什么改變的總是女人 永遠不是男人?
[12:28.48]Why is it the woman who aIways has to change and never the guy?
[12:29.56]-Because we are more adaptabIe. -I Iove morning sex. -因為我們適應(yīng)力比較強 -我喜歡在早上做愛
[12:33.12]I haven't done morning sex since coIIege when I didn't have cIass tiII 11:00. 我大學(xué)畢業(yè)以后 就沒在早上做過愛了
[12:37.88]Maybe you shouId come up with a scheduIe. -你應(yīng)該排一個時間表 -做愛時間表?那還真浪漫呢
[12:41.60]A sex scheduIe? Very romantic!
[12:42.48]Surprise him at the bar wearing nothing but a trench coat and a smiIe. 給他一個驚喜 只穿著雨衣,帶著微笑去找他
[12:48.04]That wouId be a happy hour. 那將是酒吧的快樂時光
[12:50.92]I think that if you reaIIy beIieve in the reIationship you shouId work at it. 如果你對這段感情認真 你應(yīng)該想辦法維持下去
[12:55.60]This from a woman who dumped a guy over foreskin. 為了包皮把男友甩了的女人 居然說這種話
[12:57.00]ActuaIIy, we're stiII dating. -事實上,我們還在交往 -那個沙皮狗?
[12:59.28]-The Shar-Pei? -He's getting circumcised. 他要去割包皮
[13:05.52]PIease teII me that we're not invited to the Bris. 拜托告訴我,我們不必去觀禮
[13:07.72]Can I get another board, pIease? 再給我一塊板子好嗎?
[13:13.96]-Samantha? -Yes. -莎曼珊? -我就是
[13:14.56]It's me, Brad. 是我,布萊德
[13:19.84]Brad McCoIskey? 布萊德麥考斯基?
[13:19.72]Brad was a seml-professlonal hockey player... 布萊德是莎曼珊幾年前 交往過的曲棍球員
[13:23.44]...Samantha had dated a few years back.
[13:25.84]The only thlng he was checklng these days were hls pants at the door. 最近他唯一阻擋的東西 在他的褲襠
[13:27.28]Look at you, Miss Thing. You Iook fabuIous. 看看你,大美女,你好漂亮
[13:32.96]So do you. 你也是,你從什么時候開始…
[13:34.44]-When did you start doing.... -About five years ago, right after you.
[13:43.92]Maybe Samantha was wrong. Apparently, she could change a man. 也許莎曼珊錯了 顯然她可以改變一個男人
[13:46.36]-How are the kids? -Good. Jake is in second grade. -孩子們好嗎 -很好,杰克上二年級了
[13:49.76]Jake has two mommies. 杰克有兩個媽媽了
[13:51.08]There are other peopIe here who need boards, Samantha. 別的客人也需要板子,莎曼珊
[13:54.92]Take a chiII piII, Miss Saigon! -吃顆感冒藥吧,西貢小姐 -莎曼珊?
[13:60.32]Imitation is the sincerest form of fIattery. 模仿是最真誠的奉承 我要走了,玩得愉快
[14:03.76]Gotta go. Enjoy the game.
[14:07.44]N-23. N23
[14:08.76]Bingo! -賓果 -我比他漂亮多了
[14:10.16]I am so much prettier than him.
[14:16.64]Two hours later, I was supposed to meet Blg at hls place. 兩個小時后 我和大人物約在他家見面
[14:21.68]Two and a half hours later, he showed up. 兩個半小時后,他終于現(xiàn)身了
[14:28.56]Sorry. -對不起 -你遲到了半小時
[14:28.44]You're a haIf hour Iate. Your doorman thinks I'm a hooker.
[14:32.20]-Did you make any money? -Not funny. -有生意上門嗎? -不好笑,我討厭等人
[14:34.60]I hate waiting here for you. 在這里,等你
[14:38.76]There's a coffee shop around the corner you couId have waited in. 轉(zhuǎn)角有一家咖啡廳
[14:41.68]-你可以進去等 -我要走了
[14:44.92]-You know what? I'm gonna go. -Don't be pissed.
[14:46.20]I'm pissed. -別生氣 -我快氣死了
[14:47.60]Come upstairs. 上樓吧
[14:50.48]You know, if you gave me a key, I couId wait upstairs next time. 如果你給我一把鑰匙 下次我就能在樓上等
[14:55.20]A key? 鑰匙?
[14:56.48]Or you can stay at my pIace sometimes. It's easy to pick my Iocks. 或者偶爾你可以在我家過夜 我的鎖很容易撬開
[15:01.92]Yeah, but then I Iike my bed. 可是我喜歡我的床
[15:06.12]Look at that service. 還有電梯服務(wù)
[15:09.00]Come on. 來吧
[15:12.16]That nlght, somethlng else changed. Nelther of us wanted to make love. 當(dāng)晚,氣氛不太一樣 我們兩個都不想做愛
[15:17.56]If thls was all I was ever gonna get out of Blg, was lt enough for me? 如果大人物只能付出這么多 這對我來說夠嗎?
[15:23.08]Then at 3.:00 a.m., somewhere between sleep and waklng... 然后,凌晨三點
[15:23.48]在半夢半醒之際 我得到了答案
[15:26.40]...I got my answer.
[15:28.08]-Dammit! -What? -該死 -怎么了?
[15:30.48]-凱莉,你沒事吧? -才怪
[15:33.92]-Are you aII right? -No!
[15:35.92]-What the fuck? -My God! -搞什么鬼? -我的天
[15:39.40]-What the heII was that? -You knocked me out of bed! 你干嘛?
[15:39.00]你把我推下床 你根本不知道我在這里
[15:43.08]-You didn't even know I was here! -I do now.
[15:45.56]Why don't you break my arm the next time? 我現(xiàn)在知道了 下次何不打斷我的手臂?
[15:46.96]-I'm sorry. -Jesus! -對不起 -老天
[15:51.56]AII right, Sugar Ray, the bed's aII yours. 好吧,整張床都讓給你
[15:53.100]-Where you going? -To sIeep on the couch. -你要去哪里? -我去睡沙發(fā)
[15:57.48]-Wait, wouId you just Iet me expIain? -Don't taIk now. Bad to taIk now. -聽我解釋 -現(xiàn)在不要談
[16:02.88]But I couldn't sleep. 但我睡不著
[16:05.32]And at 4.:00 a.m., I declded he couldn't sleep elther. 凌晨四點,我知道他也睡不著
[16:17.56]It's ice for your face. 這是給你敷臉的冰塊
[16:20.84]Yes, I can feeI that. 我感覺得到
[16:25.64]Okay, I know I've Iost a IittIe of my power. 我知道是我亂發(fā)脾氣
[16:29.92]I'm pretty sure that most women's magazines... 我也肯定大部分的女性雜志
[16:30.72]...wouId say that what I just did was a very bad idea. 會說我不該那么做
[16:34.60]But the thing is, the other night wasn't just about the cigar. 但那晚我生氣不只是因為雪茄
[16:42.04]It never is. 從來都不是
[16:45.60]I hate that you Iook at other women. 我討厭你看別的女人
[16:47.60]I hate that I don't have a key to your pIace. You've never spent the night at my pIace. 我討厭沒有你家的鑰匙 你從不在我家過夜
[16:49.96]You can't even make space for me in your bed. 你的床甚至容不下我
[16:53.44]And it's not your fauIt because I never say it. 這不是你的錯 因為是我沒跟你說
[16:59.36]So now I punched you. So now I have to say it. 而現(xiàn)在我揍了你一拳 所以我非說不可
[17:03.40]So now I'm gonna say it. 所以現(xiàn)在我要說了
[17:08.88]I feeI Iike I'm back in your Iife and nothing has reaIIy changed. 我覺得雖然我們復(fù)合了…
[17:13.96]但卻沒什么改變 我知道你不可能改變一個男人
[17:16.64]I know you can't change a man, and you definiteIy can't change a man Iike you.
[17:17.20]像你這樣的男人更不可能改變 可是…
[17:24.88]...I stiII want... 我仍然希望有一點改變
[17:26.04]...something to change a IittIe bit...
[17:30.84]...for me. 為了我
[17:32.96]PhysicaI vioIence is never the answer. 肢體暴力絕非解決之道
[17:38.28]I'm gonna go. 我走了
[17:43.68]-Does it hurt? -Yes. -會痛嗎? -會
[17:48.16]Look, I'm sure there are things you don't Iike about me. 聽著,我相信我一定有 讓你不滿意的地方
[17:52.40]I'm not faIIing for that one. 少來這套
[17:57.56]That was one thlng I llked about Blg. He deflnltely knew when to shut up. 這是我喜歡大人物的一點 他很清楚何時該閉嘴
[18:04.16]The next nlght, Charlotte took Mlke out for a post-operatlve scotch. 隔天晚上,夏綠蒂和邁克 出去喝一杯手術(shù)后的威士忌
[18:08.100]Did it hurt? 那會痛嗎?
[18:13.80]On a scaIe of one to five, I'd give it a 72. 以一到五的等級來說 我想是…
[18:17.28]-You poor thing. -That's aII right. -好可憐
[18:18.84]The worst is over. Now I just accept sympathy and heaI. 沒關(guān)系,最壞的已經(jīng)過去了 現(xiàn)在我只接受同情,等待復(fù)原
[18:23.92]-For how Iong? -About another week or so. -需要多久? -再過一個禮拜左右
[18:25.44]-I can't wait. -Me either. -我等不及了 -我也是
[18:28.80]God, you reaIIy turn me on. 天啊,夏綠蒂 你真是讓我性致勃勃
[18:41.40]You shouId go. 你走吧
[18:49.40]Much later that nlght, bolstered by coffee... 當(dāng)晚,藉著咖啡提神
[18:50.76]...Mlranda declded to perform a 2.:00 a.m. seductlon. 米蘭達決定施展午夜誘惑
[19:02.88]HeIIo. 你看你,美極了 有什么大事?
[19:01.56]Look at you! You Iook great. What's the occasion?
[19:05.16]It's 2:00 a.m. and I am stiII awake. 現(xiàn)在兩點了但我還不想睡 我想我們應(yīng)該慶祝一下
[19:09.16]I thought we couId ceIebrate. I've had five cups of coffee.
[19:09.84]-我已經(jīng)喝了五杯咖啡 -那倒值得開個派對
[19:13.60]That's worth a party.
[19:18.12]Meet me in the bedroom. I'II get the wine. 在房間等我,我去拿酒
[19:30.12]-Get up. -What? -起來 -怎么了?
[19:33.60]I think you shouId spend the night at your pIace tonight. 今晚你該回家睡覺
[19:36.48]-Why? -Because I'd Iike to catch up on my sIeep. 為什么?
[19:41.64]I reaIIy don't want to worry about having sex with you in the morning...
[19:41.28]早上還得跟你做愛 之后躺著休息,導(dǎo)致上班遲到
[19:44.32]...and then just Iying there and being Iate.
[19:47.20]-You don't Iike having sex with me. -No, I do. I Iove it. -你不喜歡跟我做愛? -我很喜歡
[19:51.40]But once I wouId Iike to do it at night, Iike other normaI Homo sapiens. 但我希望至少有一次在晚上做 像其他正常人一樣
[19:54.36]-ReIax, we can have sex now. -We can't have sex now! -放輕松,我們可以現(xiàn)在做 -不行
[19:58.76]I had a window, and it happened haIf an hour ago! 本來有個很好的時機 但那是半小時前的事了
[20:02.20]-You had a window for sex? -I'm sorry, I'm a Iawyer. I get tired. -做愛還有時機? -抱歉,我是個律師,我會累
[20:05.40]I'm a bartender and I get awfuIIy tired of deaIing with other peopIe's neuroses. 我是個酒保,早已厭煩別人 情緒失控、大呼小叫
[20:12.36]When you get, you know... 當(dāng)你…
[20:16.64]...a picture window, or a whoIe doorway of time...
[20:21.40]...caII me. 再打電話給我
[20:25.100]Mlranda had never felt less llke a successful lawyer ln her llfe. 米蘭達從未覺得自己 是個如此失敗的律師
[20:32.48]Even though she'd won her case, she'd also been left wlth all the damages. 即使她打贏了官司 卻也受到傷害
[20:37.20]A week later, Charlotte flnally got her chance to break ln the new merchandlse. 一個星期后 夏綠蒂終于有機會
[20:43.80]What do you think? -你認為怎么樣? -太完美了
[20:47.84]It's perfect. 這感覺好像是 同時收到生日和圣誕禮物
[20:47.16]It was llke her blrthday and Chrlstmas rolled lnto one.
[20:52.16]You reaIize this makes me a virgin. 你知道這將是我的初體驗?
[20:57.80]I'II be gentIe. 我會很溫柔的
[21:05.12]That was reaIIy wonderfuI. -那真是太美妙了 -沒錯,是五根攪拌棒
[21:07.12]It was. A five.
[21:14.20]So what do you want to do Saturday night? 你禮拜六晚上要做什么?
[21:17.16]Saturday? Did we have pIans? 禮拜六?我們有計劃了嗎?
[21:19.24]No, but I thought maybe we couId go to this drama Ieague benefit... 沒有,但我想我們可以去參加 戲劇聯(lián)展的義演
[21:23.12]...or we couId, you know, go Iow-key and stay in and rent videos. 或是低調(diào)一點 待在家里看錄影帶
[21:30.08]Hang on, Iisten.
[21:31.32]I don't think I'm ready for this to be, you know, Iike a big thing. 我認為我還沒準(zhǔn)備好定下來
[21:38.04]A big thing? 定下來?
[21:42.32]I just feeI Iike I can't be tied down right now. 我只是覺得我現(xiàn)在不能被綁住
[21:43.92]There's a whoIe new me happening. I shouId get out there and share it. 我已經(jīng)煥然一新 我應(yīng)該出去外面和大家分享
[21:49.80]You want to share your penis? 你想分享你的命根子?
[21:54.08]WeII... 我…沒錯
[21:56.44]I feeI Iike I owe it to myseIf to take the doggie out for a waIk around the bIock... 我應(yīng)該帶它出去見識一下
[22:02.08]...you know? 夏綠蒂再也沒見過邁克
[22:04.28]Charlotte never saw Mlke agaln.
[22:07.36]She reallzed you can take the Shar-Pel out of the penls... 她明白你可以讓命根子 脫離沙皮狗的模樣
[22:10.64]...but you could never take the dog out of the man. 卻永遠無法去除男人的狗性
[22:14.52]A few days later, I reallzed you could change a man. 幾天后 我發(fā)現(xiàn)你的確可以改變男人
[22:18.84]You could change hlm lnto not calllng you. 你可以讓他不再打電話給你
[22:29.36]Look at that. -瞧瞧那黑眼圈 -你才看清楚,我已經(jīng)看過了
[22:31.24]No, you Iook at it. I've seen it aIready.
[22:35.04]Sorry. 對不起
[22:38.48]Easy, no hands near the face. 別輕舉妄動,手不能靠近臉部
[22:43.36]Come in. 進來吧
[22:44.88]I just came over to teII you something. 我只是來跟你說一件事
[22:49.72]You're suing me, right? 你要告我對不對?
[22:56.72]Look, maybe you need a key to know that I'm crazy about you. 聽著…
[22:55.96]也許你需要一把鑰匙 才能相信我為你瘋狂
[22:60.24]But the thing is, I've given out, Iike, five keys... 但事實上我曾給過五把鑰匙
[23:05.24]...and you never get 'em back. 卻從沒拿回來過
[23:07.04]And maybe I hog my bed. 也許我霸占了整張床 但那是我的床,而且…
[23:11.88]But it's my bed and I Iike you in it.
[23:17.16]-I shouId hit you more often. -And the oranges. -我應(yīng)該更常打你 -還有柳橙
[23:20.16]-What? -The oranges have to go. 床上不能吃柳橙 這是我不喜歡你的地方
[23:23.80]This is something I don't Iike about you.
[23:25.20]-I hate that you eat oranges in my bed. -You do? 我討厭你在我床上吃柳橙
[23:29.60]They're sticky and they make the sheets stink. 它們粘粘的 還會把我的床單弄臭
[23:33.60]-That's it? -I Iike my sheets. -就這樣? -我喜歡我的床單
[23:37.24]What are you gonna give me for the oranges? 你拿什么跟我交換柳橙?
[23:37.96]-A negotiation? -Yep. -你要討價還價? -是的
[23:40.72]-This couId take a whiIe. -It couId. -這可能要一段時間 -有可能
[23:47.60]It Iooks Iike I may have to spend the night. 看來我得在這里過夜了
[23:52.64]That nlght, for the flrst tlme, Blg spent the nlght at my place. 當(dāng)晚,大人物第一次 在我家過夜
[23:57.24]I reallzed that nelther of us would ever fundamentally change... 我明白我們兩個 都無法徹底改變
[24:01.60]...but we were talklng about lt. 但我們愿意面對這件事
[24:02.68]And maybe that was the blggest change of all. 也許那就是最大的改變
[24:06.84]The next day my sheets stunk of clgars. I changed them lmmedlately. 隔天,我的床單都是雪茄味
[24:12.60]Across town, lt was 2.:00 a.m. and Mlranda was no closer to sleeplng. 凌晨兩點,在城的另一頭
[24:25.24]-HeIIo. -HeyI -喂? -嗨
[24:29.52]Hi. 嗨
[24:33.84]Sorry to wake you. -抱歉吵醒你了 -不要緊,我還沒睡
[24:34.40]It's okay, I was awake.
[24:37.76]Look, I don't wanna bug you. 我不想煩你
[24:40.36]Do me a favor. Go to the window. 幫我一個忙,到窗邊來
[24:49.92]Now look up. 抬頭望
[24:52.92]My God. -我的天 -很美吧?
[24:53.68]It's amazlng, lsn't lt?
[24:57.84]It's a bIue moon. It's reaIIy rare. 藍色的月亮,很少見的
[25:01.32]I just wanted you to see lt. 我只是想讓你看看
[25:03.96]It was rlght then, that Mlranda flnally slowed down... 就在此刻,米蘭達終于 放慢步調(diào),向史蒂夫投降
[25:05.04]...and gave lnto Steve.
[25:09.32]Come over when you're done, okay? 下班后過來,好嗎?
[25:11.60]Yeah. 好
[25:14.36]Night. 再見
[25:17.32]That nlght, Mlranda and Steve made love. 當(dāng)晚,米蘭達和史蒂夫做愛
[25:22.40]And they dld lt agaln ln the mornlng. 他們在早上又做了一次
[25:23.92]Mlranda was an hour late for work and dldn't even notlce. 米蘭達遲到了一小時 她卻完全沒注意
[25:26.36]So maybe you can't change a man... 也許你無法改變男人
[25:29.44]...but once ln a blue moon, you can change a woman. 但在千載難逢的機會下 你可以改變一個女人