Billy: Mmm. Nice and crunchy. And they leave a space uncovered for you to hold...
Jennifer: They're so much fun to eat. You can suck all the coating off first...
Billy: Or just stuff the whole thing in your mouth at once!
Jennifer: But that way you're not savoring it.
Billy: Whatever. Give me another pack.
Jennifer: Hey! The movie hasn't even started and they're almost gone!
★ crunchy (a.) 東西很脆的
★ suck (v.) 含在嘴里吸吮
★ stuff (v.) 填塞
★ savor (v.) 品嘗味道
比 利︰嗯。酥脆爽口。而且草莓還保留了一部分沒沾,方便你拿……
比 利︰或是一口氣全塞進(jìn)嘴里!
比 利︰管它呢。再給我一包。
★ crunchy (a.) 東西很脆的
★ suck (v.) 含在嘴里吸吮
★ stuff (v.) 填塞
★ savor (v.) 品嘗味道