(食油)較快變質 turn rancid more quickly
(食品)過期 was past its sell-by date
「此日期前食用」日期 "sell by" date
「此日期前最佳」日期 "best before" date
一種禁用的代糖 a banned sweetener
一種豬只用的哮喘藥 clenbuterol
二十五件過期食品 25 outdated items of food
二惡莢 dioxin
二惡莢含量合乎安全標準/沒有超標 showed no excessive levels of dioxin
人造香料 artificial flavourings/artificial flavours
下令回收兩款瘦身產(chǎn)品 ordered the recall of two slimming products
大頭娃娃 "big-headed" babies
化學色素 chemical dyes
天然香料 natural flavourings/natural flavours
孔雀石綠 malachite green
水楊酸 salicylic acid
加強管制聲稱為健康食品的產(chǎn)品 tighten regulations on products marketed as "health food"
尼古丁 nicotine
未能證明其食品安全 failed to guarantee the safety of its product
未煮熟的肉類 undercooked meat
含過量水銀,對健康有害 contained dangerously high levels of mercury
含過量防腐劑或食品添加劑 contained excessive amounts of preservatives or additives
沒有需要禁止入口 There was no need to ban imports.
防腐劑 preservative
咖啡因 caffeine
長期食用有損肝腎 Long-time exposure can lead to kidney and liver damage.
The Government has carried out 16,500 checks on supermarkets in the past three years. Only 65 prosecutions were made over labelling with an average fine of $5,000.
could be back on the shelves today after a ban on their sale was lifted yesterday
毒奶粉 substandard milk powder
毒菜 pesticide-tainted/contaminated vegetable
看來對人體無害 did not seem to be harmful to humans
致癌化學物 cancer-causing chemical
致癌物質 cancer-causing toxins
苯甲酸 benzoic acid
能令人體致癌物質 a human carcinogen
高溫煮食 high-temperature cooking