replica 的意思是復制品,仿制品。 With considerable ceremony and fanfare, the Mayflower II, the replica of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth 400 years ago, headed out to sea and began her long voyage home after three years of reconstruction. 在重大的儀式和喧鬧聲中,作為400多年前將清教徒們帶到普利茅斯的那艘輪船的復制品, 五月花II號經過三年重建后駛向大海,開始了漫長的返航。
The Abraham Lincoln Association is raising money to buy land near the historic site of downtown Springfield and build a replica of the six-room home that Lincoln bought in 1844. 亞伯拉罕·林肯協會正在籌集資金,購買斯普林菲爾德市中心歷史遺址附近的土地,來復制重建林肯1844年購買的一個有6個房間的房子。
好的,我們今天學習的詞是 replica, replica, replica ...