The invasion has begun. Around the world, plants, animals, fungi, and other life forms are moving into places where they don't belong. These attacks can mean major headaches for both wildlife and people.
For example, American white moths are damaging 1.5 million hectares of forests every year. And imported water hyacinth plants are choking some parts of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River.
However, sometimes it's not an accident. There was the boy from Hawaii who brought some snails to his grandmother in Miami. He thought she would love them but, unfortunately, she didn't and threw them away. Scientists discovered the snails a year and a half later, after they had already pushed some native species close to extinction. It took seven years and a great deal of money to finally get rid of the invaders.
Humans have been moving species around for thousands of years. It started as people began migrating to new areas, bringing plants and animals with them. At that time, it was easy to control the danger of this as travel was still quite slow.