To begin with,moral values in America are like those in any culture.In fact,many aspects ofmorality are universal.But the stories and traditions that teach them are unique to eachculture.Not only that,but culture influences how people show these virtues.
One of the most basic moral values for Americans is honesty.The well-known legend about GeorgeWashington and the cherry tree teaches this value clearly.Little George cut down his father'sfavorite cherry tree while trying out his new hatchet.When his father asked him about it,Georgesaid,"I cannot tell a lie.I did it with my hatchet."Instead of punishment,George received praise fortelling the truth.Sometimes American honesty-being open and direct-can offend people.ButAmericans still believe that "honesty is the best policy."
Another virtue Americans respect is perseverance.Remember Aesop's fable about the turtle andthe rabbit that had a race?The rabbit thought he could win easily,so he took a nap.But the turtlefinally won because he did not give up.Another story tells of a little train that had to climb a steephill.The hill was so steep that the little train had a hard time trying to get over it.But the train justkept pulling,all the while saying,"I think I can,I think I can."At last,the train was over the top of thehill."I thought I could,I thought I could,"chugged the happy little train.
Compassion may be the queen of American virtues.The story of "The Good Samaritan"from theBible describes a man who showed compassion.On his way to a certain city,a Samaritan man founda poor traveler lying on the road.The traveler had been beaten and robbed.The kindSamaritan,instead of just passing by,stopped to help this person in need.Compassion can eventurn into a positive cycle.In fall 1992,people in Iowa sent truckloads of water to help Floridians hitby a hurricane.The next summer,during the Midwest flooding,Florida returned the favor.In lessdramatic ways,millions of Americans are quietly passing along the kindnesses shown to them.
In no way can this brief description cover all the moral values honored byAmericans.Courage,responsibility,loyalty,gratitude and many others could be discussed.Infact,Bennett's bestseller-over 800pages-highlights just 10virtues.Even Bennett admits that he hasonly scratched the surface.But no matter how long or short the list,moral values areinvaluable.They are the foundation of American culture-and any culture.