To prevent this, antibiotics should be taken
before dental work, colonoscopies and other procedures
that tend to allow bacteria to enter the bloodstream.
But in nature, experiencing too much natural silence
will not drive you mad - in fact, it might make you sane.
Recent studies have shown that nature experience
can be as effective as medication
in the treatment of autism, for example.
The GEAC, which is under the environment ministry,
is tasked to regulate research,
testing and commercial release of GM crops,
foods and organisms.
It offers a wide range of services,
including five GP practices, a minor injuries centre,
X-ray facilities, nine dental chairs,
audiology services, rooms for minor operations
and a pharmacy.
Diseases that no longer pose a serious threat
to children in wealthy nations, such as pneumonia ,
diarrhea-viral illnesses, measles and hepatitis B
still ravage millions of children in Africa and Asia.
German researchers have come up with a form of music
therapy that may help quiet the noise of tinnitus,
a constant ringing or other sound in the ear.
To be sure, this is a real point
but it is not adverse selection.
Adverse selection requires asymmetric information,
namely that I know more about my brain tumor
than does my potential insurance company.
To those who are unaware that animal research
was needed to produce these treatments,
as well as new treatments and vaccines,
animal research seems wasteful at best
and cruel at worst.
A: Smallpox is a horrible kind of disease
that has taken many lives.
B: Yes. It is said that it has been brought
under control by the use of vaccine.