Hi, I'm Vincent, the creator of these comics and I have always had a passion for making people laugh. Since I was often doodling during lessons, comics seemed to be the perfect medium to share my ideas with the internet. So in 2013, I started the webcomic LOLNEIN.
Most of them are about inanimate objects which come to life. That's because I have always, especially as a child, personified things around me. And since a lot of my comics are about everyday objects, many people can strongly relate to them. Some comics might even change how you look at all the everyday objects around you. For instance, what do mugs think about? Do electronic devices brag about their abilities? And how does your food feel?
For this post, I put together a little selection of my latest comics I thought you might enjoy. Have fun!
More info: lolnein.com | Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com | patreon.com