There's an ongoing controversy over whether electric vehicles (EVs) should emit sounds to let the blind and other pedestrians know they're on the scene. Some think those sounds should be standardized — like the "beep, beep, beep" of heavy machinery backing up, so you'll think "something heavy this way comes" when you hear it.
Several car companies have created their own sounds, especially for cars marketed outside the United States.
If an electric car goes down the road and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? (Photo: Scharfsinn/Shutterstock)
This is a serious subject, though. Plug-in hybrid cars and battery EVs are super-quiet, and a study at the University of California, Riverside concludes that people listening to recordings on headphones can hear a regular gas car coming from 28 feet away, but a hybrid in battery mode only when it's seven feet away.
In response, the European Union has put new rules into play: As of July 1, all new electric vehicle models must have a noise-emitting device, which sounds like a traditional engine. Starting in 2021, all new electric vehicles of any model will need the acoustic vehicle alert system or AVAS. That sound will come into play when the car is reversing or when it's traveling at less than 12 miles an hour.
That's a nice start, say representatives for the blind, but more is needed.
This action followed in the steps of Japan, which was an early adopter, passing its rules in 2010. Meanwhile, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration passed its final ruling in February 2018, requiring vehicles to emit sound if they're traveling slower than 18.6 mph.
Drivers in most instances have the ability to shut off the device when needed.
My guess is that they will eventually be standardized so your mind will automatically register "electric car" when you hear it. And that's probably a good thing to reduce the mayhem on the roads.