X--Xiaosong, D--David
X: Are you looking forward to your holiday in Beihai this summer?
D: Yes and no. I think it will be great to spend three months in the south, but the fact that South China is often hit by typhoons worries me.
X: Are you serious?
D: Yes. I even thought of cancelling my trip when I heard about it.
X: Oh. You don't need to worry about that. Most typhoons aren't much stronger than a storm, just like we sometimes have here. And in case of stronger typhoons, you can be prepared for them.
D: You don't know what you are talking about. Typhoons can destroy houses and carry cars or even people over miles before they are dropped to the ground.
X: True, but you should not make yourself afraid by thinking about the worst. When you know a typhoon is going to hit, all it takes is a few simple safety measures and some common sense. You will be fine. Don't worry.
D: Well, thanks. I feel a bit better now.