Little lily asked him: "the little snail, why are you crying at night?" "I don't like the dark, I like the day, look at that time we here good busy. There are birds singing for us, there are small butterfly dance for us. A lot of lovely child will also come to play with us. But you see, one in the evening, the sun is lost, they are all gone." With these words, the little snail was sad to cry.
"Ha, ha, ha." Standing beside the tree father-in-law suddenly laughed. "The little snail, don't cry. In fact, in the evening there are a lot of friends with you. You see there." Tree father-in-law to heaven with his fingers. The little snail raised his little head, to look carefully with eyes wide open. "Ah, the sky was beautiful, curved moon, like a white boat." "You look at the moon, who is that?" "And the stars, so many stars, flashing, like a child's eyes." The little snail watch, just laughed.
"The little snail, you listen to!" Lily is small in call him? "You close your eyes don't speak, quietly listen to." Ah, the little snail suddenly heard a lot of bugs, that gentle voice, like a mother singing a lullaby. "That's nice, how I've never heard?" Tree grandfather said with a smile: "ha ha, the little snail, you always cry before, the voice are you crying covered." The little snail heard these words, shy bowed his head.
"The tree father-in-law, little sister, lily, I want to see or the sun, why lost as soon as the sun in the evening?" Hear the little snail, tree grandfather smiled again. "The little snail, do you know why the moon is so beautiful? It is because the sun according to his working. During the day, the sun together with us, in the evening, he had the rest, is the light to the moon, let the moon to accompany us?" "Know, know." Little lily patted said: "the sun never left us, he just closse your eyes and go to bed. The little snail, you don't have to worry about, the sun will never be lost."
After this, the little snail never afraid of the dark and the moon came out, to hear his crying anymore.