The next morning, Tang Priest and his disciples woke up and found the 800-kilometer-wide river frozen. San Zang urged his disciples to cross the river over the ice. When they reached the middle of the river, the ice cracked and the river swallowed Tang Priest who was then captured by the spirit. The three disciples ran after the spirit who knew he was no match for them and did not come out. Monkey King had to seek help from Guanyin (a Bodhis-attva)。 It turned out that the spirit was a big goldfish in the South Sea lotus pond. The fish escaped from the Buddha to hurt people. So the Buddha was asked to retrieve the fish spirit. Later, the four were worrying about how to cross the river. Suddenly, there came an old turtle, who said, “Iused to live in the river. Now that you have chased away the spirit, I am back. Let me help you get across the river.” So the four jumped over the turtle’s back and the turtle took them to the other side of the river.