The lamb said, "I'm thin now, please come to eat me next time."
The wolf asked, "What your name ? How can I find you next time?"
The lamb said, "I'm Clever. When you came next time, call out 'Clever, Clever, come to me! I'm coming to eat you' and you can find me.”
The wolf said, "OK, Don't forget to come. I'm going to eat you next time."
"See you," the lamb said and ran away.
A few days later, the wolf came, "Clever, where are you? Clever, Clever, come to me! I'm coming to eat you." The lamb said from the sheep-pen, "I'm in the sheep-pen, how can you eat me? I'm 'Clever'. Last time if I was not clever, I couldn't run away from you, you might have eaten me. but now you can only go home hungry. Bye-bye."