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李陽瘋狂英語脫口而出 MP3(實戰(zhàn)篇)第三部;
第一節(jié):新生的自我介紹 -- 給新同學留個好印象!;
[1] Hello everybody. My name is Stone. I come from Guangdong province in China.;[1] 嗨,大家好。 我的名字叫石頭,我來自 中國廣東。
I am very happy to come here to study with you.;我很高興來這里和你們一 起念書。
[2] When I arrived at this school three days ago, I fell in love with it.;[2] 當我三天前來到這個 學校時,我就喜歡上它了
It is so beautiful and exciting here, and everyone is kind to me especially Kim.;這里是那么美麗,那么振 奮人心,這里的每個人都 對我很親切,特別是Kim 老師。
This class feels just like one big family to me.;而這個班集體對我來說就 像一個大家庭。
[3] I'm interested in sports, music and mountain climbing.;[3] 我對運動、音樂和爬 山很有興趣。
I also enjoy[享受: 喜愛] playing soccer. I would love to play with you sometime.;我也喜歡踢足球。我非常 想和你們一起踢球。
[4] I hope I can become your friend soon. Thank you very much.;[4] 最后,我希望我能很 快成為你們的朋友,謝謝。
[1] Hello everybody. My name is Stone. I come from Guangdong province in China.;[1] 嗨,大家好。 我的名字叫石頭, 我來自中國廣東。
I am very happy to come here to study with you.;我很高興來這里和你們一 起念書。
[2] When I arrived at this school three days ago, I fell in love with it.;[2] 當我三天前來到這個 學校時,我就喜歡上它了
It is so beautiful and exciting here, and everyone is kind to me especially Kim.;這里是那么美麗,那么振 奮人心,這里的每個人都 對我很親切,特別是Kim 老師。
This class feels just like one big family to me.;而這個班集體對我來說就 像一個大家庭。
[3] I'm interested in sports, music and mountain climbing.;[3] 我對運動、音樂和爬 山很有興趣。
I also enjoy[享受: 喜愛] playing soccer. I would love to play with you sometime.;我也喜歡踢足球。我非常 想和你們一起踢球。
[4] I hope I can become your friend soon. Thank you very much.;[4] 最后,我希望我能很 快成為你們的朋友,謝謝。
第二節(jié):魅力來自于幽默 A Clever dog;聰 明 狗
[1] A dog owner claimed that his pet, when given money,;[1] 一只狗的主人聲稱如 果給他的狗一些錢的話,
would go to the news stall『售報亭』 to buy a paper.;它就會跑到售報亭去買一 份報紙回來。
His friend insisted on [堅持]a demonstration [演示]and handed the dog some money.;他的朋友堅持要試驗一下 于是就給了那只狗一些錢
The dog trotted off [小步跑開],but an hour later he had still not returnedwith the paper;狗叼著錢一溜煙兒地跑掉 了。可是過了一個小時, 狗還沒有把報紙買回來。
[2] "How much did you give him?" asked the owner.;[2]"你給了他多少錢?" 狗的主人問。
[3] "Five dollars.";[3]"五塊。"
[4] "Well, that explains it. When you give him five dollars, he goes to a movie.";[4]"這就有問題了。你給 它五塊錢,它就去看電影 了。"主人解釋道。
第三節(jié):神奇的中文成語 -- 讓外國人崇拜你的最 佳資本!;
(1)藏龍臥虎;藏龍臥虎(cang long wo hu):比喻潛藏著各種人才
【Kim's Note】 This idiom was also a title of an Oscar winning movie.;
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was an international hit!;
This exciting movie not only won several awards,;
it also inspired the United States to learn more about Chinese culture.;
The stars from this movie are now world-wide celebrities;
Where Dragons Hide And Tigers Crouch;
【瘋狂實戰(zhàn)】 A: I hear that many Hong Kong companies recently held a job fair in Guangdong.;我聽說最近很多香港公司 到廣東來舉行招聘會。
B: You know there are a lot of talented people in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.;你知道在廣州和深圳有好 多人才
It's really where dragons hide and tigers crouch!;真可以說是藏龍臥虎??!
The companies in Hong Kong know this secret now.;現(xiàn)在香港的那些公司都 知道了。
(2)九死一生 A Narrow Escape From Death;九死一生 (jiu si yi sheng):形容經(jīng)歷極大 的危險,僥幸活下來。
A: I can't believe that your car was hit by a bus and you don't have any injuries!;我真不敢相信你的車被公 共汽車撞了,你居然一點 都沒受傷。
B: I really am lucky. Not many people survive such a narrow escape from death.;我的確很幸運。并不是很 多人可以像我這樣九死一 生。
(3)落井下石 To Hit A Person When He Is Down;落井下石:比喻乘人危難 的時候,加以打擊或陷害
【瘋狂實戰(zhàn)】 A: You know I just lost my job yesterday,;你知道嗎?我昨天丟了 工作
my girlfriend is breaking up with me and I have to find a new place to live.;現(xiàn)在女朋友又和我分手, 我不得不另外找地方住。
I am having the worst week of my life!;這是我一生中最倒霉的 一周。
B: I know, and I kind of hate to bring this up now,;你知道其實我打心眼里不 想在這時候提起這事
but I really need that one hundred dollars you borrowed from me last month.;但是我現(xiàn)在真的很需要你 上個月從我這里借的那一 百美金。
A: Wow, you really know how to hit a person when he is down;喔!你真是會落井下石啊
(4)捷足先登 The Swift-Footed Arrive First;捷足先登 (jie zu xian deng):行動迅速的人先 得到所求的東西,或先達 到目的。
A: I heard you had great seats for the Three Tenors concert in Beijing.;我聽說你買到了世界三大 男高音北京演唱會的好票
B: That's true. I bought them as soon as I heard the concert announcement.;是的。我一聽到演唱會的 消息就去買票了 .
The swift footed arrive first you know.;這就叫做捷足先登.
A: You're a lucky dog! Even if I was the most swift-footed,;你可真幸運!盡管我比誰 都先到,
I didn't have enough money to go!;但是我沒有那么多錢買票
I guess the swift-footed and the richest get the best tickets!;我看不但要腳最快還要票 子最多才能拿到最好的票
(5)如魚得水 Feel like A Fish In Water;如魚得水 (ru yu de shui):比喻得到跟自己 志同道合的人或適合于自 己發(fā)展的環(huán)境。
A: You don't seem to be having any trouble adjusting to life in Beijing.;你好象很容易適應(yīng)北京的 生活。
B: I've wanted to study at Beijing University my whole life.;去北京大學學習是我一生 的夢想。
I also love the culture and the weather in Beijing.;我還喜歡北京的文化氣氛 和天氣。
I feel just like a fish in water.; 我在北京簡直就是如魚 得水。
A: But as long as you are in Beijing, you may be more like a fish in ice!;只要你在北京呆久了,你 就不是如魚得水,而是如 魚得"冰"了!
第四節(jié):形容詞大戰(zhàn) -- 學會批評與抱怨的形 容詞!;
1.a(chǎn)ngry:;filled with anger 發(fā)怒的;憤怒的
* There is nothing worse than having to face an angry wife.;沒有什么比不得不面對一 個憤怒的妻子更糟糕了。
* I was angry with him for keeping me waiting so long.;他讓我等了這么久,我真 的生他的氣了。
2.a(chǎn)wful:;very bad; dreadful 很壞的;糟透的
* I'm sorry to be so short-tempered but I have an awful headache;我很抱歉脾氣這么壞, 但是我頭疼得要命。
* The film was awful.; 那部電影真是糟透了。
3.boring:;not interesting in any way 無趣的;無聊的
* There is no way I am sitting through another boring meeting;要我再次坐著開這種無聊 的會議絕不可能。
* He is about the most boring person I've ever met.;他可能是我見過的最無趣 的人了.
4.careless:;not taking care; inattentive 粗心的;疏忽的
* My son could get better grades if he wasn't so careless.;如果我兒子不是粗心的話 他可以得更高的分數(shù)。
* He's a very careless driver: he never thinks about what he's doing.;他是一個粗心大意的駕駛 員,從來也不考慮自己在 做什么。
5.cunning:;clever at deceiving people 狡猾的;狡詐的; 善于欺騙的
* I don't trust your new secretary, she's just too cunning.;我不信任你的新秘書, 她太狡猾了。
* He's a cunning old fox.;他是詭計多端的老狐貍。
6.depressing:;make one feel depressed 令人憂愁的;令人沮喪的
* I hated that movie. It was too depressing.;我討厭那部電影, 太令人沮喪了。
* It's a totally depressing thought.;這完全是個令人沮喪的 主意。
7.gloomy:;sad; depressed 陰沉的;陰暗的; 憂愁的;沮喪的
I don't know;我不明白
why you stay in such a gloomy room all day when the weather is so beautiful.;天氣這么好為什么你還呆 在一個陰沉沉的房間里。
* What are you so gloomy about? Cheer up;你為什么情緒這么低落? 振作起來吧!
8.hopeless:;showing or giving no hope; 沒有希望的;令人絕望的
* I just have to give up on you. You're just hopeless.;我不得不放棄你了,你真 是令人絕望。
* It's hopeless trying to convince her.;要說服她是沒有希望的。
9.impatient:;not patient; unable to wait for something 不耐煩的;無耐性的
* My teacher is too impatient. She yells at me every time I make a mistake.;我的老師太沒耐心了。 每次我犯了錯她都要對我 大喊大叫。
* Don't be impatient! The bus will be here soon.;別那么不耐煩!公共汽車 馬上就來了。
10.inconsiderate:;not considerate; thou- ghtless; not thinking of other people 不體貼人的,考慮不周的
* I don't know why I married such an inconsiderate man.;我不明白為什么我嫁給了 這么一個不體貼的男人。
* He's often inconsiderate to his family.;他常常不體諒他的家人.
11.indifferent:;not interested in; not caring about or noticing不感興趣的;不 關(guān)心的;冷淡的
* I don't have any feelings toward him. I'm completely indifferent.;我對他沒有任何感覺, 我完全不感興趣。
* How can you be indifferent to the sufferings of starving people?;你怎能對饑民的疾苦無動 于衷呢?
12.jealous:;want to get what someone else has; envious 嫉羨的;嫉妒的
* You'd better not talk to her. Her husband is an extremely jealous man.;你最好不要和她說話。 她丈夫是個醋罐子。
* He is jealous of our success.;他嫉妒我們的成功。
13.miserable:;poor in quality or quantity; too small 低劣的;貧乏的; 少得可憐的
* How can I keep a family on such a miserable wage?;我怎么能靠這么可憐的工 資養(yǎng)家?
* My father was a miserable man. He was always complaining.;我父親是個可憐的人, 他總是抱怨。
14.nasty:;unpleasant; disgusting 令人不愉快的; 令人討厭的
* Who's that nasty old woman?;那個令人討厭的老婆子是 誰?
* This room has such a nasty smell.;這個房間有一種惡心的氣 味。
15.ridiculous:;silly; absurd 荒謬的;可笑的
* What a ridiculous idea!;多么荒謬的念頭!
* You look completely ridiculous in that outfit.;你穿著那套服裝看上去真 是滑稽。
16.selfish:;thinking first of one's own needs witho- ut concern for others 自私的;不顧他人的
* He's too selfish to think of lending me his car.;他很自私,不想把汽車借 給我。
* You're the most selfish person I ever met.;你是我見過的最自私的人
17.stubborn:;determined not to give way; strong-willed; obstinate 倔強的;固執(zhí)的;頑固的
* I knew you'd be too stubborn to listen!;我就知道你這個固執(zhí)的家 伙是不會聽的。
* You are as stubborn as a donkey!;你倔得像一頭驢。
18.unfortunate:;not fortunate; unlucky 不幸的;倒霉的
* I was unfortunate enough to lose my keys;我把鑰匙丟了,真倒霉。
* I'm sorry to hear such unfortunate news.;聽到這么不幸的消息, 我感到很難過。

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