Plenty of us turn to takeout when we're feeling toosick to cook. But a Belfast woman's order has goneviral after she asked for a side order of medicine with her food.
Feeley's Fish & Chip Shop received the unusual request from Fiona Cuffe on December30. In the "'additional comments" section, she'd written, "Will you please stop in Spar on theway and get me Benylin cold & flu tablets and I'll give you the money, only ordering foodso I can get the tablets I'm dying sick xx."
Feeley's shared a photo of the receipt on Facebook with the caption "Words absolutely failme." Despite being taken aback, the restaurant fulfilled the order -- and posted a picture of themuch-needed flu pills before delivering them.
The original photo has been shared nearly 3,000 times on Facebook, with many commentersfrom around the world praising Feeley's customer service. Even Fiona's father John posted histhanks.
The restaurant's social media manager, Daniel Casey, told CNN they were "shocked to see sucha strange request -- but I admired her skill to get what she needed!"
"And she stated she was dying, so of course we were happy to help.
"We operate in a small community and the customer in question has used us several timesbefore," he said. "She was delighted at receiving the medicine and we wish her a speedyrecovery -- our customers are the lifeblood of our business, and we will always do what we canfor them."
And just in case Fiona's medicine didn't perk her up, Feeley's even offered to send her a freemeal when she's feeling better.