The U.S. State Department said late Tuesday that itsembassy staff had been moved out of the Yemenicapital, Sana'a, while Britain announced earlyWednesday that its staff had been withdrawn.France will close its embassy on Friday.
"Recent unilateral actions disrupted the political transition process in Yemen, creating the riskthat renewed violence would threaten Yemenis and the diplomatic community in Sana’a,"State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement. "The United States remainsfirmly committed to supporting all Yemenis who continue to work toward a peaceful,prosperous, and unified Yemen. We will explore options for a return to Sana’a when thesituation on the ground improves."
The U.S., Britain and France all advised citizens not to travel to Yemen, and for those already inthe country to leave.
Yemen has been mired in political turmoil for months. Last month, Houthi Shi'ite rebels tookover the residence of President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, prompting him and his Cabinet toresign. The rebels finalized their takeover of the country last Friday, announcing they havedissolved parliament and are establishing a new presidential council to run Yemeni affairs.