Ring of fire' solar eclipse to occur Sunday, May 20
A partial solar eclipse photographed by the joint Japanese-American Hinode satellite. (Hinode/XRT)
(Space.com) Skywatchers in East Asia and the western United States should circle Sunday (May 20) on their calendars. That's when a solar eclipse will block out most of the sun, leaving a spectacular "ring of fire" shining in the sky for observers located along the eclipse's path.
The event is what's known as an annular solar eclipse -- from the Latin "annulus," meaning "little ring" -- and its full glory should be visible from much of Asia, the Pacific region and some of western North America, weather permitting. At its peak, the eclipse will block about 94 percent of the sun's light.
Other parts of the United States and Canada will still see a partial solar eclipse, without being treated to the ring of fire effect, though the East Coast will miss the event since the sun will have set before it begins. The eclipse will occur in the late afternoon or early evening of May 20 throughout North America, and May 21 for observers in Asia.
Solar eclipses occur when the moon comes between Earth and the sun, casting a shadow on our planet. When the moon lines up perfectly with the sun and blots out all of its light, the result is a total eclipse. Partial eclipses cover only part of the sun's face.
Annular eclipses are similar to total eclipses in that the moon lines up with the sun dead-on. But in this case, the moon is close to apogee -- the farthest point from Earth in its elliptical orbit around our planet -- so it's a smidge too small in the sky to cover the solar disk completely. As a result, a ring of bright sunlight will still blaze around the moon's circumference.
Like other types of solar eclipses, annular eclipses are spectacular but potentially dangerous skywatching events. Care must be taken to observe them properly, or serious and permanent eye damage -- including blindness -- could result.
Warning: Never look directly at the sun, either with telescopes or binoculars without the proper filters.
To safely observe the May 20 annular eclipse, you can buy special solar filters to fit over your equipment, or No. 14 welder's glass to wear over your eyes. Do NOT use standard sunglasses or any kind of homemade sun-shading contraption.
安全起見,為觀測(cè)5月20日出現(xiàn)的日環(huán)食,你可以購(gòu)買特殊的太陽(yáng)濾鏡并將其安裝在觀測(cè)設(shè)備上或者佩戴No. 14 welder's眼鏡。不要使用普通太陽(yáng)鏡或者任何自制的遮陽(yáng)裝置。
The safest and simplest technique is perhaps to watch the eclipse indirectly with the solar projection method. Use your telescope, or one side of your binoculars, to project a magnified image of the sun's disk onto a shaded white piece of cardboard.
The image on the cardboard will be safe to view and photograph. Be sure to cover the telescope's finder scope or the unused half of the binoculars, however, and don't let anybody look through them.