A rich landowner who was well known for his wealth decided to leave his possession to his two sons. As he lay on his deathbed, he called the lads to him;at the break of dawn and even before the cock could crow.He then said,“I will leave all my wealth to the one who can best fill this room.It was in this room that I made plans on how to build up my fortune.Not an inch must be left uncovered.As I am getting weaker by the hour you both must come back by the stroke of midnight, not a minute late.”He handed each son a small piece of silver and an empty gunnysack to put in their purchases.
They both went out and hurriedly came back with their purchases.
The eldest who had brought straw proceeded to spread it about the floor, but far from filling the room, it did not even cover half the space.“This is no use, son,”said the father,“and let us see how your brother fills the room.”
The younger son took from his bag a large candle and, setting it on table in the center of the room, lighted it. A brilliant bright radiance filled up the whole room.The father was delighted and exclaimed,“Son, you're worthy to be my successor and I am sure you will use the wealth well.”