Recent research about fiber has brought healthy complex carbs back into the news. It seems that in addition to being heart healthy and helping to keep cholesterol in check, it's really good for your brain. Here's a look at what the new research says plus some other surprising health benefits of eating a diet rich in fiber.
Foods that are high in fiber have many health benefits. (Photo: marilyn barbone/Shutterstock)
It can help prevent chronic diseases
People who eat a high-fiber diet everyday are less likely to suffer from a range of chronic diseases (coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer) compared to people who eat a diet low in fiber, according to a January 2019 study.
A half cup of cooked lentils provides 8 grams of fiber. (Photo: Gayvoronskaya_Yana/Shutterstock)
The only two caveats are that the studies and clinical trials analyzed for this research mainly focused on healthy individuals in western societies. The team couldn't definitively say if a high-fiber diet would have similar results in less-developed nations.
It delays brain aging
Raspberries have a surprisingly high amount of fiber in them. (Photo: GrashAlex/Shutterstock)
Based on research that showed older mice that consumed high-fiber diets had reduced rates of inflammation in their guts, scientists did a "genetic analysis of inflammatory markers" on humans and looked at the immune cell in the brain known as microglia. Researchers have found that "a high-fiber diet reduced inflammation in the brain's microglia," according to Medical News Today. Inflammation in microglia can cause a decline in memory and cognitive abilities as we age. Human diets rich in fiber can keep microglia inflammation down and may be helpful in combating dementia or Alzheimer's.
It decreases your risk of diverticulitis
Photo: mama_mia/Shutterstock
Diverticulitis occurs when pouches in the lining of the intestine, known as diverticula, become inflamed. Diverticula often develop as people get older. When the diverticula are inflamed, it can cause abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. According to WebMD, a diet rich in fiber may both soften and add bulk to the stool, making it easier to pass through the colon, decreasing the risk of the diverticula becoming inflamed.
It promotes healthy bones
Go ahead, enjoy that avocado toast. Those healthy fats and vitamins are helping to nourish your skin. (Photo: zi3000/Shutterstock.com)
Here's another benefit that we don't automatically associate with a high-fiber diet: healthier joints and bones. Care2 reports that "eating more fiber may help prevent rheumatoid arthritis and build stronger bones." But, it's not the fiber that directly affects the joints and the bones; it's the healthy gut bacteria fed by the fiber that can keep us from developing health problems with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoporosis.