A significant association was detected betweenhaving a higher purpose in life and reduced mortality from all causes and specifically fromcardiovascular disease. The participants were 67 years old, on average, at the beginning of thestudies, and they were followed for seven years. During that time, more than 14,500 of themdied and more than 4,000 suffered cardiovascular events such as strokes or heart attacks.
Analysis of the data, which includes adjustments for other known factors (like did theparticipants smoke?) showed that a higher sense of purpose was linked to a reduction of about20 percent inmortality from all causes, as well as a lower risk of cardiovascular problems. This isa significant difference, and this knowledge should encourage us to help people find theirpurpose. It’s not just nice to have one — it can actually save lives.
So in the meantime, keep looking for your purpose!