a cloud-kissing building 高聳入云的建筑,摩天大樓
a comely building 漂亮的樓房
a commercial building 商業(yè)大樓
a giant building 龐大的建筑
a handsome five-story building 漂亮的5層建筑
a historical building 歷史上有名的建筑
a magnificent building 富麗堂皇的大樓
a marble-faced brick building 大理石面的磚結構建筑
a multi-story building 多層建筑
a neglected-looking building 不起眼的建筑
a ramshackle building 要倒塌的房屋
a red brick building 紅磚房屋
a reinforced concrete building 鋼筋混凝土建筑
a spacious apartment of three floors 寬敞的三層公寓大樓
a steel skeleton building 鋼骨建筑
a stone building 石建筑
a television tower 電視塔
a towering building 高樓
a well-appointed building 設備完善的建筑
an ancient building 古建筑
an enlargement to/on a building 大樓的擴建部分
an imposing building 宏偉的建筑
an office building 辦公大樓
an old castle 古堡
adjoining buildings 毗鄰的建筑
airport ['e?p??t] 機場,航空港
alter the building into a hotel 把這幢建筑改成旅館
apartment house 公寓
architectural complex 建筑群
art gallery ['ɡ?l?r?] 美術館
art museum 藝術博物館
assembly-hall 大會堂
bank [b?nk] 銀行
bar [bɑ?] 酒吧間
baza (a)r [b?'zɑ?] 市場
broadcasting station 廣播電臺
business in building 建筑業(yè)
children's park 兒童公園
children's playground 兒童游樂場
church [t???t?] 教堂
cinema ['s?n?m?] 電影院
city hall 市政廳
city-to-city bus station 跨城汽車站
concert hall 音樂廳
cover more than 30,000 square meters 占地3萬多平方米
cultural palace 文化宮
demolish/pull down/tear down an old house 拆掉一幢舊房子
display window/show-window 櫥窗
enlarge a building by adding two wings 給大樓擴建兩個側廳
exhibition centre 會展中心
exhibition hall 展覽廳
For Litter Please 請將垃圾倒在此處
forest zoo 森林動物園
fumble down 倒塌
history museum 歷史博物館
hotel [h??'tel] 旅館,大飯店
international exhibition centre 國際展覽中心
level illegal buildings to the ground 拆除違章建筑
library ['la?br?r?] 圖書館
memorial hall 紀念館
military museum 軍事博物院
museum [mju?'z??m] 博物館
museum of natural history 自然歷史博物館
office building 辦公樓
overhaul all the school buildings 翻修全部校舍
park [pɑ?k] 公園
post office 郵局
railway station 火車站
renew/renovate a building 翻修房屋
skyscraper ['ska?skre?p?] 摩天大樓
spring up/go up 拔地而起
subway station 地鐵站
telecommunication building 電信大樓
the art of building 建筑藝術
the Palace Museum 故宮博物院
theater ['θ??t?] 劇場,戲院
workers' cultural palace 工人文化宮