LESSON 59 Through the snow
第五十九課 在雪中穿行
"Oh, mother!" said Maggie Brown, "look at pussy making her way through the snow, and putting down her little paws as if she were afraid of sinking over head, shoulders and all!"
“哦,媽媽!”Maggie Brown說“看貓雪中穿行,它把它的小爪子放下似乎是害怕它的頭,肩甚至全身都陷進雪里。”
Mrs. Brown had just come home. She had had a long, weary walk for miles through the snow. She had been heavily laden, and wearily her basket had hung on her arm, with several big parcels in it.
Maggie should have run to relieve her mother of that heavy basket, and taken care to have a nice cup of tea ready to warm her after so chilling a walk.
She loved her mother dearly, but she was rather a thoughtless girl; so she did not even help Mrs. Brown to pull off her boots, which were quite wet with melted snow.
"My feet are like ice," said Mrs. Brown; "and no wonder, for my very stockings are wet."
"Poor little pussy! she has neither stockings nor boots," laughed Maggie; "and these velvet paws of hers will be half frozen with cold!
"I wonder why she goes struggling on through the snow and the wet, when she might have such a warm place by our fire."
"You forget that pussy has kittens in the loft of the stable," replied Mrs. Brown. "She cares more for them than she does for her own comfort. She comes here for a little food; but nothing would tempt her to remain.
"When the stable-door was locked last night, the poor cat waited outside in the bitter cold, mewing and whining, till Joe got up and let her in, that she might get to her kittens again."
"Ah, pussy is a mother!" cried Maggie. "I wonder if those kittens will ever repay her for the trouble which they give her, and the love which she shows them."
Mrs. Brown shook her head as she replied, "Pussy is like many a mother, who must look for little return for all that she does for her children, except the comfort of knowing that they never want for anything."
Maggie turned quickly round. The gentle words had touched her heart. She looked at her tired parent, cold, hungry, and wet; then on the table, heaped with food for a little girl's eating, and with clothes for a little girl's wear.
"Oh, mother," cried Maggie, "how thoughtless I have been!"
In a minute she was down on her knees rubbing her mother's ice-cold feet, to bring back to them warmth and comfort.
Then she ran for dry shoes, and for her own warm little shawl to wrap round her mother.
Then she filled the kettle, and set it upon the fire, put the loaves on the shelf, the tea in the box, and the sugar into the brown jar.
Maggie never forgot the lesson; and never again had Mrs. Brown cause to think that her daughter could neglect her best earthly friend, or forget what a deep debt of love is due from a child to a tender mother.
What did Maggie say to her mother? In what state was Mrs. Brown? What should Maggie have done? What kind of girl was she? Why were Mrs. Brown's feet like ice? What did Maggie say about pussy? What did Mrs. Brown say? At what did Maggie wonder? How is pussy like many a mother? What effect had Mrs. Brown's words on her daughter? What did Maggie do? What had Mrs. Brown never again cause to think?