You're bragging. If I really did you'd be overwhelmed with remorse.
Try it, and we'll see, I retorted.
A smile flickered in his eyes, and he stirred his absinthe in silence.
Would you like to play chess? I asked.
I don't mind.
We set up the pieces, and when the board was ready he considered it with a comfortable eye. There is a sense of satisfaction in looking at your men all ready for the fray.
Did you really think I'd lend you money? I asked.
I didn't see why you shouldn't.
You surprise me.
It's disappointing to find that at heart you are sentimental. I should have liked you better if you hadn't made that ingenuous appeal to my sympathies.
I should have despised you if you'd been moved by it, he answered.
That's better, I laughed.
We began to play. We were both absorbed in the game. When it was finished I said to him:
Look here, if you're hard up, let me see your pictures. If there's anything I like I'll buy it.
Go to hell, he answered.
He got up and was about to go away. I stopped him.
You haven't paid for your absinthe, I said, smiling.
He cursed me, flung down the money and left.
I did not see him for several days after that, but one evening, when I was sitting in the cafe, reading a paper, he came up and sat beside me.
You haven't hanged yourself after all, I remarked.
No. I've got a commission. I'm painting the portrait of a retired plumber for two hundred francs.