Carlos Ghosn, one of the best-known leaders in the automotive industry, has announced that he will step down as Nissan Motor's president and CEO, effective April 1. The hugely successful Mr Ghosn will remain with the company as chairman to oversee a wider group of carmakers that, in addition to Nissan, includes France's Renault and Japan's Mitsubishi Motors. Ghosn told reporters: "I'm stepping down as the CEO because it's the right moment and I have the right team. I think after 16 years as CEO and 18 years taking care of Nissan, I can say today that what I can bring to Nissan, I have already brought." He added: "Nissan is profitable, financially healthy, with a clear strategy."
汽車行業(yè)最有名的領袖卡洛斯·戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)宣布辭去日產(chǎn)汽車總裁和CEO一職,4月1日起生效。取得了巨大成功的戈恩將留在公司擔任主席,掌管更多汽車制造商,除了日產(chǎn)之外,還有法國雷諾和日本的三菱汽車。戈恩告訴記者:“我辭去CEO的職務是因為這是正確的時機,我有著正確的團隊。我認為,擔任CEO16年,服務日產(chǎn)18年的時間之后,我今天可以說,能夠給日產(chǎn)帶來的一切,我都帶來了。”他補充說:“日產(chǎn)是盈利的,財務方面是健康的,戰(zhàn)略也是明確的。”
Carlos Ghosn joined Nissan as Chief Operating Officer (COO) in 1999, after Renault purchased a stake in the Japanese automaker. He became president in 2000 and was named CEO the following year. He is credited with turning around Nissan by producing attractive new cars and models and cutting costs. His cost-cutting strategies earned him the nickname "The Cost Killer". Following the turnaround of Nissan, Fortune magazine awarded him Asia Businessman of the Year in 2002. A year later, the magazine named him as one of the 10 most powerful people in business outside the USA. He became a celebrity in Japan, where his life story has been depicted in a manga comic book.
1999年,雷諾收購了日產(chǎn)部分股權(quán)之后,卡洛斯·戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)加入日產(chǎn)擔任常務總經(jīng)理。2000年,戈恩升任總裁,第二年被任命為CEO。他通過生產(chǎn)吸引人的新車型,模型,削減成本扭轉(zhuǎn)了日產(chǎn)的局面。他削減成本的策略為他贏得了“成本殺手”的昵稱。日產(chǎn)好轉(zhuǎn)后,《財富》雜志于2002年授予他“年度亞洲商人”的稱號。一年后,該雜志提名他為美國以外最有影響力的商界十大人物。他在日本成為家喻戶曉的明星,他的故事被改編成了動漫。