So, knowing the WHY is of utmost importance, and when you do, write it on your heart, visit what you have written every day, ensure that your decisions and actions daily are aligned with these intentions. You must be intentional in your doing.
Now in pursuing your intentions you would learn daily. There's nothing like a self-made mountain. In your journey through life, you would learn and unlearn, and to do this you'll need the help of those who have gone before you, those who are living their lives with purpose. Find them, and attach yourself to them, because if you walk down the right path, eventually you'll make progress.
On this journey of life, it's not going to be all rosy and smooth sailing. There are times when things will get a little bit confusing. There are times when you will fail. If and when that time comes, I'm going to need you to remember, falling down is an accident, but staying down is a choice.
Be intentional. It was Abraham Lincoln who said I'm not concerned that you have fallen, I am concerned that you arise. If and when you fail, get back up. Failure is part of the growing process. The really successful people fail their way to success.
What am I trying to say? Well, the thing you see, is that many people have a negative relationship with failure. When you fail, ask yourself, what is this trying to teach me? Don't wallow in despair. That's not going to help you. Don't quit either, because that is when you have indeed failed. What you should do is take the lessons and do it again. Failure is not a death sentence. It is a growth process. As a matter of fact, the earlier you fail, the better. Now is the best time to fail, so fail early, fail often, fail forward.
You can achieve anything in your life, so long as you set a goal and work towards it. And importantly you must believe in yourself and never quit. But I must warn you, there will come a time when you make cry and feel like you're failing at it. Those days when you struggle, want to give up, and don't want to face the world, remember this, these are the days that define you. Don't quit. Life will throw stones at you. It will get hard sometimes because of the world we have created. But if you stay strong and keep going, then you get to a point where you find out that was worth it.
There's a common saying that when life throws lemons at you, what do you do, you make lemonade from it. If you feel you've failed at life, you must develop the courage, the strength, and the wherewithal to rise above this failure, and you can only do this when you're intentional in your actions to rise again. What is it that you want out of life? Where is it? We all want something. What's yours? Visualize that thing that you deeply want and now ask yourself how can I get it? When you visualize success against your fears, your mind starts subconsciously building the will and the skills you'll need to achieve the results.
Your intentions will guide your actions. When you know and can visualize what it is you want, you have to prepare for it. You have to think long term and then educate yourself, but most importantly you have to practice. Practice and prepare for the steps that are to come in achieving your goals. Don't just be docile and be comfortable watching from the sidelines saying to yourself, oh someday in the future my time will come. No, no, no. Don't do that to yourself.
Get involved in every growing process. I beg of you. As Mark Twain said, 20 years from now, you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did. Never forget, cowards never start, the week never finish, and winners never quit.