The only thing is, this time, look.It's all just covered in this grease and grime. 這次要注意的是 到處遍布的油脂污垢
It's a tough and dirty climb,but I'm up to the first level and closer to my prey. 這次攀爬很費勁還很臟 我已經爬上第一層了 離目標近點了
You see broken windows on the top.That's gonna be where they're coming in and out of. 頂上有破碎的窗戶 估計那兒就是鴿子進出的通道
It's also probably where they're nesting, then.Gonna try and get up there. 鴿子在那兒筑巢的可能性很大 試試從這里上去
Getting to the top of this building is like trying to reach the heights of the jungle canopy. 爬上這廠房頂端 就像是爬上雨林高冠一樣
It requires a mix of strength, technique,and a serious head for heights. 力量 技術缺一不可 還需要在高處仍清醒的頭腦
I'm at the top,but there's still a difficult beam to negotiate. 我已經到頂端了 但是還需通過一根困難的橫梁
I'm 100 foot up,and this steel rail is only inches wide. 這兒有30米高 但是這個鋼梁只有十幾厘米寬
Need to really keep,keep my balance on the edge of this.For long way down onto steel. 需要保持 在邊緣更需要保持自身平衡 要在鋼梁上走很長一段距離