I'd like scrambled eggs. 我要炒雞蛋。
Place two egg yolks in a bowl, add a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt, and beat the mixture until it is thick. 在碗中放兩個蛋黃,加一茶匙糖、一撮鹽,攪拌成黏稠的糊狀。
Slice the turkey,add the chopped garlic and serve with the gravy. 把火雞切成片,加上蒜末,和肉汁一起上桌。
Let the beef simmer about four hours. 讓牛肉燉4個鐘頭。
Simmer the ham over low heat for two hours. 用文火把火腿煨兩個小時。